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I Can Not Respect A God who Allows Children to Suffer


Well-Known Member
Why not accept that suffering is an inevitable random part of living with nature, and that there is no god that figures into the equation FOR bad or good.:confused:

Why not accept that suffering is an inevitable random part of living with nature, and that there is a God that figures into the equation. A humans actions are what matters to that God.:D


Why not accept that suffering is an inevitable random part of living with nature, and that there is a God that figures into the equation. A humans actions are what matters to that God.:D

Because an omnicient omnipotent omnibenevolent god would be responsible for such suffering. Therefore, he would be immoral. Either he is non-existent and purely the result of the imaginations of poor logicians, or he doesn't have the traits attributed to him.


Well-Known Member
Because an omnicient omnipotent omnibenevolent god would be responsible for such suffering. Therefore, he would be immoral. Either he is non-existent and purely the result of the imaginations of poor logicians, or he doesn't have the traits attributed to him.

So I am responsible for the actions of my children? I mean I created them in a way? No God set the world in motion he does not control man.


Well-Known Member
No because you're not omnicient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. God allegedly is.

Exactly, which is why he is responsible for the suffering of babies in earthquakes.

Well I think it is your lack of faith and those like you that has caused all of the problem of the world. If all those who don believe just convert or die then we wont have you here to complain and ***** about it. It will just stop being a bad place.


Well I think it is your lack of faith and those like you that has caused all of the problem of the world. If all those who don believe just convert or die then we wont have you here to complain and ***** about it. It will just stop being a bad place.

Well I'll take the high road and reserve my opinion. Thanks for rendering futile my attempt at an enlightening discussion.


Well-Known Member
Well I'll take the high road and reserve my opinion. Thanks for rendering futile my attempt at an enlightening discussion.

I can not help the fact that I believe. There is nothing I can do about it. Nothing can really be proved either way.


I can not help the fact that I believe. There is nothing I can do about it...

You admit yourself that your belief is involuntary, yet you blame non-believers for the bad in the world. So what, belief is involuntary, yet non-belief is voluntary? You want it both ways apparently. It doesn't work that way. You're wrong.


Well-Known Member
Because an omnicient omnipotent omnibenevolent god would be responsible for such suffering. Therefore, he would be immoral. Either he is non-existent and purely the result of the imaginations of poor logicians, or he doesn't have the traits attributed to him.
Let me say this. What we call moral is simply what we can find a seemingly universal acceptance for, ie. no one like to be hurt.

This assertion indeed makes God immoral, but only according to our valuations, likes and dislikes.

The more and more I read Neitzsche, the more and more I find it interesting that what we consider moral is based on Christian or similar backgrounds whether we are athiestic or not. He asserts we habitually approach the world from the defacto that morals are a baseline. When in fact I can't be certain that is the way it should be, but rather it is the way we imagine it to be. Thus creating a false reality dependent on false valuations.

In either case, judging God to be moral or immoral I find impossible in light of this understanding.


Well-Known Member
You admit yourself that your belief is involuntary, yet you blame non-believers for the bad in the world. So what, belief is involuntary, yet non-belief is voluntary? You want it both ways apparently. It doesn't work that way. You're wrong.

No I was simply making the point (in a way) of saying that it was just as much your fault as the fault of God. Noe if you say it was no fault of your then it was not the fault of God.


No I was simply making the point (in a way) of saying that it was just as much your fault as the fault of God. Noe if you say it was no fault of your then it was not the fault of God.

No, that doesn't follow. There is no reason to apply "if <> p then <> a". That's simply not logically sound.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Well I think it is your lack of faith and those like you that has caused all of the problem of the world. If all those who don believe just convert or die then we wont have you here to complain and ***** about it. It will just stop being a bad place.
Burn the Atheist!... they cause earthquakes!! If everyone believed exactly as I do, the world would be so much better! :facepalm:


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Hey it is one explanation.
A very vile one IMHO.

One that makes God look like an immature bully and a tyrant.

Killing innocents because a minority of the population don't happen to believe in him.

Let's not forget the idea that one can justify killing a segment of the population because you don't like them... "and it would make the world a better place". :slap:



Well-Known Member
A very vile one IMHO.

One that makes God look like an immature bully and a tyrant.

Killing innocents because a minority of the population don't happen to believe in him.

Let's not forget the idea that one can justify killing a segment of the population because you don't like them... "and it would make the world a better place". :slap:


Perhaps:) The world would be a better place if we all could accept the beliefs of one another without demeaning each other.The topic of this thread is a very vile one.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The world would be a better place if we all could accept the beliefs of one another without demeaning each other.The topic of this thread is a very vile one.
The question of suffering is one of the oldest man has.



Well-Known Member
The question of suffering is one of the oldest man has.


And the topic of this thread actually proves the mass belief in a higher power, call it God or whatever, it proves it. Why would one even argue the existence of something if the believe it is not real?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
And the topic of this thread actually proves the mass belief in a higher power, call it God or whatever, it proves it.
irrelevant to the discussion. Just because people believe in something doesn't make it right. Nor does it make the higher power "nice".

Why would one even srgue the existence of something if the believe it is not real?
Why does anyone discuss philosophy? It's a fun subject.



Premium Member
As a father of 2 I do let my children suffer at times. It is a learning experience for them. Also at times I tell them that they are not suffering that much and to calm down.

Is suffering necessary for life. I have not been able to think of away to stop all my childrens sufferings and allow them to live.

I have thought of putting them in a box and providing everything they need but relize that this would be impossible too.

Can you live without suffering?


Well-Known Member
irrelevant to the discussion. Just because people believe in something doesn't make it right. Nor does it make the higher power "nice".

Why does anyone discuss philosophy? It's a fun subject.


I would not argue pink elephants. I would not argue many things. How is God supposed to be nice? We are but a spec of creation.

Some seem to think that God created everything for man and then stopped. Man was the last thing.

Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Gen 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

We are the care takers of this world and have not done a good job of it. Does the Bible not tell of bad times to come. This is nothing new and in the end God or none we will be removed from existence. That is the way of things.

People have been putting things off on god's for a long time. Ya know if we did not abuse the earth as we do and controlled ourselves then most of these issues would not be issues. All of us would live in safer regions.

God provided the earth and we know how it works. If the earth had a cold core the magnetic field would be such that man could not have made it. Blame God for not protecting people? Blame man for not living up to God's expectations.

If you feel that there are issues with where people live then take in a family as you should don't blame God. For every issue you present I can present a counter argument throwing it back on man not doing as he should.