I have said again and again and again that people have wrote the truth about what God says and at least some of it can be found in the Bible, but I do not owe the Bible anything, like you seem to think you owe it your devotion. The very book that you seem to be devoted to actually teaches that you are not to be devoted to anything other than GOD.
What I know about God I have seen, heard and read. By your saying that to know God I need to believe the Bible in total is something that is not taught in it. People before the Bible know more than you do about God and it is the same way that I know about God.
You spend a lot of time telling me what I think and say.
* "you seem to think you owe it your devotion"
* "you seem to be devoted to"
* "your saying that to know God I need to believe the Bible in total"
I didn't SAY anything about you, I only asked two questions in an attempt to restart the conversation without a fight.
Your answer would TELL me what you believe rather making me guess and I could then comment on what you believe rather than what I might guess that you might believe.
For example you said:
Does God use the Bible to teach you, or do you talk directly to the resurrected Christ like Paul did?
I could guess, or I could ask:
"How do 'you' know ANYTHING about God?"
"How do 'you' know that whatever you believe about God is true?"
So let's talk about what you had to say:
people have wrote the truth about what God says and at least some of it can be found in the Bible
How can you know which parts are true and which parts are not?
From my perspective, it was all written down true, so I only need to look for manuscript evidence that some word in the bible may not be what was originally written down. I have a clear measure for exactly which parts are suspect. I am unsure what criteria you use to determine whether what you are reading in scripture is a truth God is communicating to you or a lie added by men.
Your earlier statements like
I am convinced God said, "This is My Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him!" and "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.".
I am not aware of anything else God has said.
leave me a bit confused about what value, if any you place on scripture. In some places you claim it contains Truth, and in other places you claim that 'God said' only one Truth in the Bible.
What I know about God I have seen, heard and read.
Would it be fair to ask where?
Have truths of God been seen in his creation, or have you beheld his glory like Moses at the burning bush?
Who has told you about God (Pastors, TV Evangelists, friends) and how do you know whether their opinions are correct or not?
Where have you read about God? The Bible or other books?
... And the critical issue: How do YOU evaluate what is to be believed and what is not?
Now turnabout is fair play and dialogue is two way, so I owe you more than just questions. However, you asked no specific questions for me to answer, but you did make potentially false accusations that I can address:
you seem to think you owe it your devotion. The very book that you seem to be devoted to actually teaches that you are not to be devoted to anything other than GOD.
I am not devoted to the Bible in anything approaching the manner of my devotion to God. For the record, I was converted from atheism to Christianity by the living witness of a Catholic Charismatic Fellowship (lay Catholics, not Priests, meeting on Friday evenings). I was never able to embrace Catholicism because I could not reconcile what the Catechism for Inquirers taught with what I was able to understand of the Gospels (which wasn't much). However I found sufficient evidence in THEIR prayers and faith to accept the remote possibility that a god might exist. It was a 'road to Damascus' type of encounter that convinced me that Jesus Christ was that God and allowed me to exchange the gangs and drug trafficking and arson for a completely different life. So my faith in Jesus far predates any knowledge of scripture beyond an utterly superficial layer.
When I finally got around to really reading and studying the Bible, I discovered threads and precepts that ran throughout it from cover to cover. Far too many and far too tightly linked to be coincidence. The deeper I dig, the stronger the connections seem to become. Thus for me, the evidence of scripture itself is that it is 'God-breathed' and that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. I study and revere scripture, not in place of God, but because in the words I discover a window into the heart of God and the power to transform human souls. I am not devoted TO the Bible, I am devoted to the God who wrote the Bible. It is HIS love letter to me. That makes it more than 'A' book, that makes it 'HIS' book and 'OUR' (His and mine) book. I read it to get to know Him better. So I am not devoted to a book instead of God or alongside God, I am devoted to God through the Word, both written and made Flesh.
If you are going to try and convince me that it is wrong to love his word, you are going to need to quote specific verses that say it is wrong.