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I have issues with Islam


Hammer of Reason
Muslims have drawn a line in the sand.
Yes. On one side you keep your mouth shut and live, on the other you draw a cartoon and get gunned down like a dog by a pack of cowards. Not the place I would have chosen to draw a line between acceptable and unacceptable. I find this 'line in the sand' rather mock worthy.


Hammer of Reason
Muslims need to grow up and realise that their superstitious taboos do not apply to others. Non-muslims are under no obligation to respect anything muslim. Mockery is a rather gentle way of pointing that out.
That would imply thinking for themselves. Most do I'm sure. But the ones in question are raised to never questions authority or religion. Thinking, questioning, anything other than the spooned dogma, is apostate. And that is punishable by death. I.e. to think for one's self or ask questions is a death sentence.


Veteran Member
Take care not to oversimplify a complex reality. Humans will always be doing things that other humans disagree with. The causes of human behaviors, as well as our responses to them, are complex. Beware of attempting to place blame, and ask yourself what this accomplishes. What does blaming an entire group, instead of individuals who are more directly responsible, accomplish?
Okay fine...I wont blame the entire group. I will condemn the behavior not the group. Is cutting off someone's hand, stoning a person to death for adultery, whipping or caning someone for gambling or drinking, having sex with children, or forcing one's religion on others moral or humane behavior?

So to say such behavior is inhumane, violent, and bigoted is not a complex statement, it is just obvious. To say that such behavior is compassionate and humane would be falsehood! That much is clear. Correct?


Hammer of Reason
For instance;

Point being, how can you expect a culture with penalty of death for arguing with islam, the quran, sharia, etc., to actually consider anything critically? And how can you expect a culture that believes killing their own for questioning islam, to not think killing non-muslims for mocking islam is anything but just?


Veteran Member
the ones in question are raised to never questions authority or religion. Thinking, questioning, anything other than the spooned dogma, is apostate. And that is punishable by death. I.e. to think for one's self or ask questions is a death sentence.
Could you provide textual evidence for that? I would like to have that information and source. Thanks in advance.


Hammer of Reason
Could you provide textual evidence for that? I would like to have that information and source. Thanks in advance.

Apostasy in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Apostasy in Islam includes in its scope not only former Muslims who have renounced Islam to join another religion or become an atheist, but Muslims who have questioned or denied any "fundamental tenet or creed" of Islam such as Sharia law (unbelief), or who have mocked God,"

"Under traditional Islamic law an apostate may be given a waiting period while in incarceration to repent and accept Islam again and if not the apostate is to be killed without any reservations.[3] This traditional view of Sunni and Shia Islamic fiqhs, or schools of jurisprudence each with their own interpretation of Sharia, varies as follows:[15][59][16]

Hanafi - recommends three days of imprisonment before execution, although the delay before killing the Muslim apostate is not mandatory. Apostates who are men must be killed, states the Hanafi Sunni fiqh, while women must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every three days till they recant and return to Islam.[3]
Maliki - allows up to ten days for recantation, after which the apostate must be killed. Both men and women apostates deserve death penalty according to the traditional view of Sunni Maliki fiqh.[59]
Shafi'i - waiting period of three days is required to allow the Muslim apostate to repent and return to Islam. After the wait, execution is the traditional recommended punishment for both men and women apostates.[59]
Hanbali - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted. Execution is traditional recommended punishment for both genders of Muslim apostates.[59]
Ja'fari - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted according to this Shia fiqh. Male apostate must be executed, states the Jafari fiqh, while a female apostate must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every day at the hours of the ṣalāh, till she repents and returns to Islam.[3]"

Apostasy in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Quran says very clearly, that there is a difference between Muslims and Pagan Muslims. so: when u say u have an issue with Islam, remember never to make Muslims and Pagan muslims equal examples of the religion.

Therefor I argue u have no valid complaint against Islam.


Hammer of Reason
Could you provide textual evidence for that? I would like to have that information and source. Thanks in advance.
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Sahih International
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."8:13
to top

Sahih International
That is because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
You are a **** poor debater, rather boring in-fact - you have dodged every point I have made. Regardless, to keep this short and sweet - if ridicule of a religion is ceritifiably illegal under British law as you clearly claim - then how the hell did Private eye get away with ridiculing Christianity just 2 weeks ago on its front cover - just for an example? Hell, how did Life of Brian ever get made? Square that with your claims pal. Oh - maybe it is because critique of belief systems is allowed perhaps? And so is examination of Islam - Islam must be subjected to the same forensic examination all faiths, ideas and values absolutely must be - otherwise we open the door to tyranny. In any case, too much time has been wasted on your demented and utterly purile point of view. Congratulations on giving a full endorsement to the ushering in of a new, pre-enlightened, dark age. Well done you.

And for everyone else - this man claims that satirical commentary on a religion is equal to discrimination and harassment - anyone else agree with this loon?

...................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Snore .............. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Veteran Member
Apostasy in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Apostasy in Islam includes in its scope not only former Muslims who have renounced Islam to join another religion or become an atheist, but Muslims who have questioned or denied any "fundamental tenet or creed" of Islam such as Sharia law (unbelief), or who have mocked God,"

"Under traditional Islamic law an apostate may be given a waiting period while in incarceration to repent and accept Islam again and if not the apostate is to be killed without any reservations.[3] This traditional view of Sunni and Shia Islamic fiqhs, or schools of jurisprudence each with their own interpretation of Sharia, varies as follows:[15][59][16]

Hanafi - recommends three days of imprisonment before execution, although the delay before killing the Muslim apostate is not mandatory. Apostates who are men must be killed, states the Hanafi Sunni fiqh, while women must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every three days till they recant and return to Islam.[3]
Maliki - allows up to ten days for recantation, after which the apostate must be killed. Both men and women apostates deserve death penalty according to the traditional view of Sunni Maliki fiqh.[59]
Shafi'i - waiting period of three days is required to allow the Muslim apostate to repent and return to Islam. After the wait, execution is the traditional recommended punishment for both men and women apostates.[59]
Hanbali - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted. Execution is traditional recommended punishment for both genders of Muslim apostates.[59]
Ja'fari - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted according to this Shia fiqh. Male apostate must be executed, states the Jafari fiqh, while a female apostate must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every day at the hours of the ṣalāh, till she repents and returns to Islam.[3]"

Apostasy in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't believe it. Thank you so much for that!


Veteran Member
The Quran says very clearly, that there is a difference between Muslims and Pagan Muslims. so: when u say u have an issue with Islam, remember never to make Muslims and Pagan muslims equal examples of the religion.

Therefor I argue u have no valid complaint against Islam.
Im not following you. What? The Prophet Muhammad commanded the atrocities to be done and instituted harsh policies and punishments against those who violated the laws that he founded.


Hammer of Reason

I can't believe it. Thank you so much for that!
Well I have to say that I've been learning a lot. Only a month ago I was firmly in the islam/christianity all about the same amount of idiocy/hypocysy/horrific camp. Maybe only a week or two ago I started looking at what makes islam more dangerous. And then I find this.

I am under penalty of death in these countries
The seven countries where the state can execute you for being atheist - The Washington Post

Atheists face death in 13 countries, global discrimination: study| Reuters


The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

The Punishment of the Apostate According to Islamic Law


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay fine...I wont blame the entire group. I will condemn the behavior not the group.

That's better.

Condemnation of behavior is tied to our personal (or cultural) values. I would keep in mind that while the particular conclusions you draw in the rest of this post may be obvious to you, they are not to others. Different individuals and cultures have different values, whether or not your or I agree with them. And, we're all quite entitled to these differences of opinion. Such differences intersect in many ways, for good and for ill.


Hammer of Reason
Could you provide textual evidence for that? I would like to have that information and source. Thanks in advance.
I posted what really set me off in a a thread here.

kafir | ReligiousForums.com

The point is that I, as an atheist, am under penalty of death by any ol muslim that wants to carry it out. This of course is sharia law, not quran. But as such it is held by muslims to be 'above' the law of the land. So my murderer, if he was muslim, would need NO REASON WHATSOEVER to justify his actions before god.

No, I ain't scared. And I do not for a minute think that most muslims take this seriously. But I will never show respect for a belief system under which my life is forfeit at the whim of any one of 1.6 billion people.

Mohummed; fo F yourself!


Active Member
I posted what really set me off in a a thread here.

kafir | ReligiousForums.com

The point is that I, as an atheist, am under penalty of death by any ol muslim that wants to carry it out. This of course is sharia law, not quran. But as such it is held by muslims to be 'above' the law of the land. So my murderer, if he was muslim, would need NO REASON WHATSOEVER to justify his actions before god.

No, I ain't scared. And I do not for a minute think that most muslims take this seriously. But I will never show respect for a belief system under which my life is forfeit at the whim of any one of 1.6 billion people.

Mohummed; fo F yourself!
There are 164 jihad verses in the Quran to deal with infidels like you. But has any Muslim threaten your life? No, because Islam is also a religion of peace.


Hammer of Reason
There are 164 jihad verses in the Quran to deal with infidels like you. But has any Muslim threaten your life? No, because Islam is also a religion of peace.
Haha, if it were a religion of peace, then why does it have 164 verses to deal with me?

And if you are peaceful, how is it you have counted the ways the quran justifies dealing with me?

I have noting against any muslim. I hate this despicable religion that counts the ways to justify killing someone because they do not kiss muhams butt.


Active Member
Haha, if it were a religion of peace, then why does it have 164 verses to deal with me?

And if you are peaceful, how is it you have counted the ways the quran justifies dealing with me?

I have noting against any muslim. I hate this despicable religion that counts the ways to justify killing someone because they do not kiss muhams butt.
The punishment should always fit the crime. In your case your tongue is too long for your mouth. Therefore it wags out of control. Shortening your tongue is one possible solution. There are many more practical solutions to deal with infidels. That is why Islam is a religion of peace.


Hammer of Reason
The punishment should always fit the crime. In your case your tongue is too long for your mouth. Therefore it wags out of control. Shortening your tongue is one possible solution. There are many more practical solutions to deal with infidels. That is why Islam is a religion of peace.
Haha. "Islam is a religion of peace! If you disagree I'll cut out your tongue!" I have to admit I'm starting to like you.

Do you believe that sharia law should rule in every country on earth?


Active Member
Haha. "Islam is a religion of peace! If you disagree I'll cut out your tongue!" I have to admit I'm starting to like you.

Do you believe that sharia law should rule in every country on earth?
Sharia should be applied to Muslims first and with its success others will welcome it.
Why do you thing Islam commands 1.6 billion Muslims and is the fastest growing religion in the world.