Who is Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, and why does his interpretation of colorblind trump mine, yours, or anybody else’s? If your view aligns with his, say so and describe what it is. He is not a part of this conversation so I couldn’t care less what he says on the subject, I’m talking to you.
He is wrong. For him to claim he knows what I or anybody else mean when we say “colorblind” and how we use the term is the ultimate of arrogance. If he wants to know what someone means, he needs to ask them; instead of assuming he knows.
Are you kidding me??? Does this woman actually believe when someone claims to be colorblind when it comes to racial issues, that they are claiming to have visual problems and are unable to distinguish the difference between black people and white people? C’mon; she can’t be that obtuse.
To not “see” race has to do with how you treat others; it has nothing to do with your vision.
That sounds like the question of a bigot. Only a bigot would look at black skin and suggest it means A, B, or C; before you even say a word or commit an act. Only a bigot would judge you based on a perceived collective, rather than your individual actions and merits
On post #170, I made a point about racists who become a part of academia to spread their poison. This woman sounds like something I was talking about.
I see a larger percentage of professional black people in the media than I see anywhere in real life. Even TV shows and movies; there are more Black Presidents, military generals, doctors, CEO’s, God’s, super hero’s and people in position of authority than I see in the real world. If you’re looking for a bad-guy to pin some racist stuff on, I don’t think Hollywood or the media is the place to look.