I know that the TS is trying to create a negative image or definition of Islam being a totalitarian ideology but the reality is, it is. Islam isn't just a religion where we have rituals, special days, celebrations, prayers etc etc etc. It is far more than that. It gave the world the modern justice system, it gave the world the modern university and the modern hospital, throughout the Quran and the Sunnah (sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) we are told to be the complete person, so one who practices his faith spiritually but also physically, one who takes part in politics, in society, in work, in environmentalism, in philosophy, in art, in science, Allah in the Quran tells us to go and see the world, to study the stars, the plants, the oceans, the forces of nature, to use ALL that to form our world view and way of life.
Ultimately, that's what Islam is, a complete way of life. Other religions will tell us that to be close to God we have to cut ourselves off from society, from reality, from life, love and work. Islam says indulge in all these things, they are all forms of getting closer to Allah if done right. Islam covers everything criminal, civil, social, scientific and political. If it is done right and to the best of our abilities, what is wrong with that?