Rogue Theologian
If Adam had not sinned, he would have remained in the Garden of Eden for all eternity. For as long as he was in the Garden of Eden, he was able to eat from the Tree of Life. And therefore, there would have been no need for him to go to heaven, for he was already in heaven on earth (paradise). However, God being omniscient, knew that Adam and Eve would sin, and thus heaven was essential, which is why Jesus was chosen to be the sacrificial Lamb before the Creation of the world (1 Peter 1:18-20), and even the Lamb slain from the Creation of the world (Rev. 13:8).
This would be called a Christian rant.
Let's take a somewhat tighter focus on this topic.
Specifically....Genesis. Real is the list in Chapter One.
Day One...Light
Day Two... Heaven
Day Three...everything that is green and bears seed.
Day Four...the seasons are set into order....the sun, moon, and stars
Day Five...everything that swims or flies.
Day Six...everything that walks...including Man
Obviously, there are some discussions to make about which items are out of order...some things need be in position before others.
But, we can do that portion later. For now, the list continues.
Day Seven...all is created...God more will be created.
This isolated living is terminal.
Without a mate, the man is doomed to a solitary life.
A deep sleep is administered.
A rib is removed.
The rib is increased to full stature as a woman.
This is the basic structure of Scripture...Chapter One, and the intro of Chapter Two.
And Jesus is mentioned 'where?' in Genesis?
And sin is mentioned when Cain becomes part of the story....not before.