I am not making things up. I am telling you what I see from a vantage point higher than that of conditioned awareness, which I have already experienced, and from which I know I have awakened, and what I see is not via the senses. As already pointed out, the senses are limited and applicable only to the context within which they operate. They are severely compromised when attempting to understand the true nature of things. Mostly, they are designed for survival within the environment the organism moves about. The Universe gave you (and other organisms) only what they required to live within the context of their environment. We now know that many of the things the senses perceive as real, turn out to be illusory. Science is just an extension of our sensory apparatus, but still cannot tell us what the nature of Reality is. This is the jumping off point for the mystic, who comes to the realization of the limited senses, and seeks a higher view, one without flaw or blemish. That view is before the senses; it is Pure Consciousness, unaltered and unconditioned, which just sees things as they actually are. The Universe DOES support my conclusions; it is Science which does not, because Science is still not in touch with the heart of The Universe, but only with its outward behavior and characteristics. Mystics all over the world and throughout history have also come to the same conclusions independently of one another, simply because That which is awakened in my universe is the same That which is awakened in theirs. IOW, it is a Universal Consciousness, and not a personal, conditioned view which varies from one individual to the next. Even Science has this problem, as there are at least a good 10 or so theories about the origins of The Universe which abound, none of them conclusive. But mystics have nailed the question centuries ago. When looked at beyond the superficial differences, what seem to be differing views turn out to be surprisingly consistent. Why? Because the nature of Reality is the same everywhere. It does not change. As the Hindus put it: 'The saltiness of the sea is the same everywhere'.
"Nothing we see or hear is perfect, and yet there, in the midst of all of the imperfection, lies Perfect Reality!"
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Master