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if God is all love where does evil come from?


Just me
Premium Member
God created the earth, He created it to work and take care of itself. God doesn't directly cause storms and other natural disasters.
Aren't they its work? Can we claim that the thing that causes the thing that causes the thing doesn't have some responsibility for it?


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that for an all-powerful being it would be just as easy to reach a goal without suffering as it would be to destroy all the stars in the sky and recreate them. The question of efficiency becomes a moot point with an all-powerful being.

But Jeremiah God is sovereign over His creation, He already have created that kingdom that He promised to those that obey Him, that kingdom is at hand (been established as we speak) God is calling Humans to be part of this Kingdom, this kingdom is nothing like the one we are living on now, God will cleanse all that offend and those left are going to populate His Kingdom and that is the purpose of our earthly life, the kingdom is at hand, repent and you will be part of it, God is in control and executing His plan, it seem that you have a different one, you want God to zap out all those that are causing troubles, sinner, and according to my beliefs we are all sinner, there is none righteous, none, so who is going to populated this wonderful kingdom? So God would have created a Kingdom for no one, unless offcourse you are nominating yourself. I bet that at this very moment you are contributing to atmospheric pollution that causes the climatic disaster that that you blame the creator for. Should He strike you right there where you stand and start an Almighty solution? If God where to take your advise and “destroy all the stars in the sky and recreate them” anew would you be an inhabitant of this world?
The original state of the world? Civilization is older than your god and we are far better off with it then without in my opinion.
From the first moment that man started to think, there was the idea of God. I am sorry but your opinion has been rejected from the beginning of civilization and for good reasons.
No, it’s impossible for a human not to be human. Besides this world is far better then the world that forged that commandment.
Then the only solution is to rid the world of them. Right? Fortunately for us God is merciful and does not share your ideas.
The flood was one solution, but thanks to God’s Mercy we are still in the planet and with a change at a better Kingdom after this earthly passage.
Depending on the location and the stage of the cancer it may or may not be treatable and cancer is not completely preventable you can only lessen the chance you’ll get cancer. It is estimated that 70% of deaths from cancer were preventable. So if that is the case and in the USA expected people to die this year from cancer is 559,650 * .3 = 167,895 in the USA alone will die from an incurable and unpreventable cancer. Beside the treatments alone can and does kill people. Not exactly what I would call a battle won. But as I said it’s not the fact that cancer kills people it the way in which cancer kills people.
Jeremiah for someone that believe that we would be better off without God, you are ignorant of the progress that science has made, what you are going on about is that this preventive measures are available to those that have the wealth to buy it. It is possible to eliminate the genes that pre-dispose some families to cancer and other diseases, they call it designer babes , if you have enough wealth you can buy one, so again the problem are humans not God that created them. And scientist promise us that if we let them experiment we genetic materials and finance them, all diseases will be curable, they are not making great inroad in this and blame it on religion, I think that God created humans with the capacity to do all this thinga and that is why He make them responsible, the earth, polluted as it is produces more than enough food for a population five times bigger than the present one, yet there are still people starving. Whose fault is it?


Well-Known Member
But Jeremiah God is sovereign over His creation, He already have created that kingdom that He promised to those that obey Him, that kingdom is at hand (been established as we speak) God is calling Humans to be part of this Kingdom, this kingdom is nothing like the one we are living on now, God will cleanse all that offend and those left are going to populate His Kingdom and that is the purpose of our earthly life, the kingdom is at hand, repent and you will be part of it, God is in control and executing His plan, it seem that you have a different one, you want God to zap out all those that are causing troubles, sinner, and according to my beliefs we are all sinner, there is none righteous, none, so who is going to populated this wonderful kingdom? So God would have created a Kingdom for no one, unless offcourse you are nominating yourself. I bet that at this very moment you are contributing to atmospheric pollution that causes the climatic disaster that that you blame the creator for. Should He strike you right there where you stand and start an Almighty solution? If God where to take your advise and “destroy all the stars in the sky and recreate them” anew would you be an inhabitant of this world?

From the first moment that man started to think, there was the idea of God. I am sorry but your opinion has been rejected from the beginning of civilization and for good reasons.

Then the only solution is to rid the world of them. Right? Fortunately for us God is merciful and does not share your ideas.
The flood was one solution, but thanks to God’s Mercy we are still in the planet and with a change at a better Kingdom after this earthly passage.

Jeremiah for someone that believe that we would be better off without God, you are ignorant of the progress that science has made, what you are going on about is that this preventive measures are available to those that have the wealth to buy it. It is possible to eliminate the genes that pre-dispose some families to cancer and other diseases, they call it designer babes , if you have enough wealth you can buy one, so again the problem are humans not God that created them. And scientist promise us that if we let them experiment we genetic materials and finance them, all diseases will be curable, they are not making great inroad in this and blame it on religion, I think that God created humans with the capacity to do all this thinga and that is why He make them responsible, the earth, polluted as it is produces more than enough food for a population five times bigger than the present one, yet there are still people starving. Whose fault is it?

“you want God to zap out all those that are causing troubles, sinner”

I said no such thing.

“I bet that at this very moment you are contributing to atmospheric pollution”

I was taking a walk.

“the climatic disaster that that you blame the creator for.”

I never said anything about air pollution.

“Fortunately for us God is merciful and does not share your ideas.”

I never said or thought people should be “zapped”.

“If God where to take your advise and”

I never suggested that God destroy all the stars go back and read it again.

“Jeremiah for someone that believe that we would be better off without God”

I never said we would be better off without God and it is not one of my beliefs.

Thanks for the conversation.
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Sorry but the bible says God created everything which would mean evil also I can see why Christians refuse to see that.

I am not a Christian but let me try to defend THIER point of view.

God created both Angels and Humans with free will. So we could make a choice between Good and evil. How could we choose to be good when we have no free will ? How could we really love God with out having our options open not to love Him.

My problem with this world view is that the world is not an equal playing field. We all dont have the same amount of free will.Some of us are born smart and in a good family so we will most often turn out to be moral beings. Other folks are born in a family of devils (I use the term devil in a mythic manor) They are beaten down from day one. People raised in this type of hell has a much lower chance of turning out in a good way.

People born in america will most likely be a christian. Folks born in Iraq will become a Muslim. If we are put on this earth one time to get it right. Clearly God has his favorites.

Any philosophical belief system you throw together will have some trouble spots. This is a big one for the christians. We Hindu's also have our philosophical holes as well.


Miss Independent
I dont know why your post (want to be a hindu) makes it look like I said that...it was knorwood. :eek:

I believe that god created satan, he did not create evil.
Actually, I believe the traditional teaching is that angels do not have free will.

My I ask a question. If angels do not have free will how did the join the devil and rebel against God and get kick out of heaven?

I like the Muslim myth that Satan got the boot from heaven because he refused to bow to man.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
My I ask a question. If angels do not have free will how did the join the devil and rebel against God and get kick out of heaven?
Ah, now there's the rub. If angels do not have free will, how could Satan rebel? The logical answer is that he couldn't, it was God's will.


The Lost One
Muslims introduced the jinns into the picture.

According to them (Muslims), jinns have free will, and angels and demons don't. According to them, Satan (or whatever his name in Arabic) is a jinn, not an angel-who-later-turn-into-demon.

As for Judaeo-Christian belief, Satan was an angel (archangel) who had fallen (demon). Both have free will, and Satan had taken a number of his fellow-angels with him when he fell.


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way.

If you take out all the humans as a factor, would there be still good and evil on earth?

Is the sun good or evil? Is the sea good or evil? Both (sea and sun) can be good for life, but both can take life away.

Only humans think in term of good and evil? And seeing that God is a thinking being, he can be creator and destroyer, good and evil.

If you believe in God and what it say in the bible, then he created life, but he also caused widespread death (eg. Flood, the killing of Egyptian first-born). God didn't spare an infant or child if he was first-born.

David and Bathsheba had committed adultery and were guilty (and David had arranged that her husband to die), and yet it was their son who pay the price. It was God's choice that the child would die. Tell what sin did their son commit that deserve death?

To me, willfully killing a child is always considered evil to me, regardless if it is human or god who takes a life.

God wasnt worried about that because He knows He will bring everyone back to life. but thats another thread.


Well-Known Member
Or then maybe they can understand the asinine intellect it takes to equivocate the concept of evolution and the like --that life just sprouted out of nothing, without an intelligent being keeping everything within laws and such that cant be broken. That somehow since an almight being is not seen right now doesnt exist, like how mankind could see atoms back in history so atoms didnt exist either.

Then they can dig deeper and realize that the society of scientists like Darwin is maybe on to something where things just mutated and mutated til we are where we at today and somehow everything mutated to the good side and no one and no animal ended up with a eyeball on their foot. Then they can realize that with their science "bibles" they can have an intelligence that can never prove ANYTHING THAT TAKE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION. But it makes them feel they can have an intelligent coversation with someone who knows you cant take GOD OF OUT ANYTHING, but what they dont realize is God doesnt mind this. It was his purpose for them to be this way and thats why He...

Ro 11:8 ....gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so that they could not hear, to this very day."
---ps I am believer so what i say to you, you can dismiss.

It's even worse when people rant about something that has nothing to do with the topic.


Depends Upon My Mood..
hi :)
your post reminded me of a story that i red from a book written by Mevlana. in the story there is a town. people of town have faith in one God. but the king of the land wants people to worship him. he and his soldiers come with horses. they bring poor people of the town to a square. ask them to give up their religion and give in to the king. they refuse over and over again. then soldiers start a big fire and they threaten people to throw them into fire. people still would not give in. the king, with anger, grabs a child and takes him away from his mother's arms. he holds him close to fire and tells woman if she does not change her mind he would throw little boy into fire. she feels so helpless. cos she knows if she gives up her religion she would taste eternal fire. but on the other hand her precious child would burn before her eyes. as she thinks, the king does not wait for her answer and throws the boy into fire. she starts screaming name of her son. then they all hear voice of little boy telling "mom, i am so happy here, so happy i hardly speak with you". when she hears this she throws herself into fire. then all the believers do the same. the king hears their voices, he knows they are so happy, those voices joyful meeting in heaven. he gets jealous right away and throws himself into fire with greed and he burns to death.

you did not see the final curtain yet. only when it is all over, you'd see who's in pain and who's not.

thank you for your time :)


Im not trying to be picky...But it sounds like the mother committed suicide..In order to ease her grief and or see her son again...

How is she any less greedy than anyone else?




Depends Upon My Mood..
Again Im not trying to be picky...

But is suicide O.K with God only if the reason you do it is you let a loved one die in His name ?..And then to escape your own pain because you miss them and want to be with them again?




Well-Known Member
Exactly, see your post that i responded to.


Comparing the the terms bad and evil and the useless confusion people associate those terms with the concepts of supernatural evil, mortal sin, etc. to the debate between natural selection and hands-on creationism..........

It's almost as if you think I'm belittling religious believers rather than those non-theists whose best argument over evil is wondering why God can be posited as good yet there are hurricanes on this planet.


Well-Known Member

Comparing the the terms bad and evil and the useless confusion people associate those terms with the concepts of supernatural evil, mortal sin, etc. to the debate between natural selection and hands-on creationism..........

It's almost as if you think I'm belittling religious believers rather than those non-theists whose best argument over evil is wondering why God can be posited as good yet there are hurricanes on this planet.

i apologise:foot::foot::foot:


Veteran Member
Again Im not trying to be picky...

But is suicide O.K with God only if the reason you do it is you let a loved one die in His name ?..And then to escape your own pain because you miss them and want to be with them again?



hi Dallas :)
according to my knowledge suicide is the most egoist act. no salvation for them. and about the story...mother did not commit suicide. fire did not burn true believers. without command of God fire could not burn anyone. same thing happened to Abraham (PBUH). in Sufism, we try to feel meaning of stories. it was said to share a sense. IMO there are no words, no incidents, no people, if there was significance.
