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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Just how badly do you want to embarass yourself by continuously refusing to answer my questions?

It's quite obvious why you want to avoid answering it, but simply repeating your particular interpretation and English translation as if its matter of fact is no substitute.

And writing off every historical commentator as "Attacking God's word" and "Goofy" isn't really debating. It's just ego-stoking. And I imagine that raw, bruised ego of yours must be really sensitive right now.


Well-Known Member
Let me know when you plan on actually attempting to debate instead of just calling anything you agree with "bad doctrine".

How many times are you going to admit I was right before you start acknowledging what I say that you agreed was right? Do you simply have a bad memory or a REALLY resistant ego? The cognitive dissonance must be killing ya!

Again, if you're here to preach, there's the DIRs. I highly recommend those for you since you're obviously not here for honest debate but to feed your badly damaged ego.
It is bad doctrine if you cannot back it up with the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Just how badly do you want to embarass yourself by continuously refusing to answer my questions?

It's quite obvious why you want to avoid answering it, but simply repeating your particular interpretation and English translation as if its matter of fact is no substitute.
What question???


It is bad doctrine if you cannot back it up with the Bible.

I can, the problem is that you just dismiss and deny and handwave and brush off every time I prove it to you.

Perhaps eventually you'll admit I was right like you did the last few times once you actually bother to address anything I said.

Perhaps you can also admit that there are other interpretations than yours, and that virtually none of the commentators agree with you, and they all agree with me, and that you have no ability to even discuss the Greek in the first place, and you're refusing to address any translations that disagree with you just because.


We shall see.

Maybe there's hope.

Maybe not.


What question???

For the third or fourth time:

Why would God even tell him not to eat the Fruit if he had no free will, and why would he send Cherubim to guard the Tree of Life.

Do you have memory problems or are you not even reading what I post in the first place before going off on your rants and raves?


Well-Known Member
I can, the problem is that you just dismiss and deny and handwave and brush off every time I prove it to you.

Perhaps eventually you'll admit I was right like you did the last few times once you actually bother to address anything I said.

Perhaps you can also admit that there are other interpretations than yours, and that virtually none of the commentators agree with you, and they all agree with me, and that you have no ability to even discuss the Greek in the first place, and you're refusing to address any translations that disagree with you just because.


We shall see.

Maybe there's hope.

Maybe not.

How many different religions are there out there in the Christian World.


Nowhere does it say we are supposing let some religious commentators lead and guide us into all truth. You say you have the spirit of truth but you cannot look outside your manmade religious box. I have repeatedly showed you God took FULL claim for the fall of all humanity using God's Word but your religious commentators is all you trust. God is a spirit not a religious commentator

So grow some spiritual wings and start seeking truth instead of defending bad doctrine that does not line up to the Word of God. Ask your religous leaders where Adam had a freewill and they to could not show you in God';sa Word because the Bible teaches the exact opposite.


How many different religions are there out there in the Christian World.


Nowhere does it say we are supposing let some religious commentators lead and guide us into all truth. You say you have the spirit of truth but you cannot look outside your manmade religious box. I have repeatedly showed you God took FULL claim for the fall of all humanity using God's Word but your religious commentators is all you trust. God is a spirit not a religious commentator

So grow some spiritual wings and start seeking truth instead of defending bad doctrine that does not line up to the Word of God. Ask your religous leaders where Adam had a freewill and they to could not show you in God';sa Word because the Bible teaches the exact opposite.

Speak for yourself. You are the one defending bad doctrine, and that's why you have such an abject refusal to accept any interpretations other than your own, and then claiming I can't defend mine when I clearly did, simply because you didn't agree with it.

Your own religion is in a manmade box. Your rampant ego prevents you from seeing this. Now I get the feeling your ego is on overdrive mode after taking a few hits and having to admit I Was right, but I think it can't take anymore and that's why you're in this little tirade of abjectly refusing to address anything beyond your own little box.

I have no religious leaders. I read for myself and ask God to help me, along with a little bit of research and scholarly studies on the way to get me there.

I doubt you even ask God for any help. You go with whatever you already believe, conveniently thinking you have the "Spirit of Truth".

It's rather sickening. And I'm getting tired of dealing with your non-debating and pitiful attempt at preaching.


Either you give me the question or its bed time

For Freak's sake, here it is for the FOURTH bleeding time:

"Why would God even tell him not to eat the Fruit if he had no free will, and why would he send Cherubim to guard the Tree of Life."


Well-Known Member
I thought you had a question. if my belief is so bad then how about you prove it with the Bible. Show me where it says Adam freely choose to sin? You assume this like all your religious friends and will not even acknowlege nothing is written. then you attack the four different verses I quote that tell you it was God not little Adam to casue the fall. This is not coming from any religion or man made box.. It is coming from the Bible. So point your finfer at me all you want but i am still waiting for chapter and verse. Something you cannot do because nothing is written and you KNOW IT


Well-Known Member
For Freak's sake, here it is for the FOURTH bleeding time:

"Why would God even tell him not to eat the Fruit if he had no free will, and why would he send Cherubim to guard the Tree of Life."

I answered this question at least 15 post back. Here it is again. Adam had no choice according (Romans 8;20)

It was God’s choose Adam to sin because God has a greater plan. If God did not ordain Adam and Eve’s sin; then He is not all knowing. It was God lowered Adam from a spirit to a living soul and formed him from dust man. It was God who made Adam and Eve innocent; they did not do it themselves. It was God who put the tree of good and evil in the garden. It was God who put the devil, a man slayer, a murderer, a liar in the garden; God totally knew what he was doing with Adam and Eve.


It was God not little Adam and Eve who caused the fall, it was God not little Adam who planned as well as set up Adam and Eve to sin; it is God not Little Adam and Eve who declares: You (God) turn man to destruction, Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse, the creation (
A)was subjected to (B)futility, not willingly, But that was not the result of its own choice. It was planned that way by the One who made it.

Good night



I answered this question at least 15 post back. Here it is again. Adam had no choice according (Romans 8;20)

It was God’s choose Adam to sin because God has a greater plan. If God did not ordain Adam and Eve’s sin; then He is not all knowing. It was God lowered Adam from a spirit to a living soul and formed him from dust man. It was God who made Adam and Eve innocent; they did not do it themselves. It was God who put the tree of good and evil in the garden. It was God who put the devil, a man slayer, a murderer, a liar in the garden; God totally knew what he was doing with Adam and Eve.


It was God not little Adam and Eve who caused the fall, it was God not little Adam who planned as well as set up Adam and Eve to sin; it is God not Little Adam and Eve who declares: You (God) turn man to destruction, Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse, the creation (
A)was subjected to (B)futility, not willingly, But that was not the result of its own choice. It was planned that way by the One who made it.

Good night

Okay, so that was your answer as to why he offered the question. So God just cursed Adam for something Adam had no control over and was just being all rhetorical. Fascinating.

And no, I don't think Satan was the Snake in the Garden, the "Old Serpent" is something totally different, but that's for another day.

I hope you're ready to address all the problems with your theological concept that we don't have Free Will and God just drives human kind to sin and be punished like dolls.


"Hey Adam, even though you can't do anything about it, I command you to not eat from the Tree, even though I'm going to make you eat from the Tree anyway, and you can't do anything about it, and then I'll curse you and your descendents for it because it's all part of my plan, and make you suffer for something you had no power over".

Seems legit.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so that was your answer as to why he offered the question. So God just cursed Adam for something Adam had no control over and was just being all rhetorical. Fascinating.
Who is all knowing here? little Adam?
Did not God send a savior before there ever was a sinner I already posted the verses on this and you tried to refute them.



Who is all knowing here? little Adam?
Did not God send a savior before there ever was a sinner I already posted the verses on this and you tried to refute them.


I did refute them.

You're not really addressing what I say or making any sense. Whatsoever.

I guess when God gives commands to the Israelites, it was pointless since they had no control over it, and when the Psalms say that those who choose to do God's will will be blessed, it's rather pointless to make such a teaching. It's all just a big puppet show. This "debate" (if you can call it that) is just one big stage production. Everything you're going to say is what God wants you to say, and everything I say is what God wants me to say. So why are you arguing with God? After all, everything I say is obviously what God wants me to say. And obviously God has wanted you to admit that I was right a few times so far.


Well-Known Member
I did refute them.

You're not really addressing what I say or making any sense. Whatsoever.

I guess when God gives commands to the Israelites, it was pointless since they had no control over it, and when the Psalms say that those who choose to do God's will will be blessed, it's rather pointless to make such a teaching. It's all just a big puppet show. This "debate" (if you can call it that) is just one big stage production. Everything you're going to say is what God wants you to say, and everything I say is what God wants me to say. So why are you arguing with God? After all, everything I say is obviously what God wants me to say. And obviously God has wanted you to admit that I was right a few times so far.
Not at all.

As I pointed out using the Bible Adam had no choice because it was God's will all will die in Adam so all can be made alive in Christ. So Adam had no choice but to eat the forbidden fruit.

Yes we all have freewill to sin (because we are all under the curse of sin and death) and to do our daily lives but there is no such thing as a freewill unto salvation. That is a religious lie. First of all there nowhere in the Bible is the word freewill used accepted for the freewill offering in the OT which has nothing to do with salvation.

Second point:

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw (Greek drag) him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
The word draw means to drag. How can you freely choose if The Father is dragging you?

Third point:
1 Corinthians 2:13-15 (Amp)
14But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

Salvation is a spiritual experience and God is not calling the whole world now; besides the natural man rejects spiritual things