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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Well-Known Member
Hi kjw47, is that REALLY your answer? KB

Its the true answer. Some twist what is being said--why do you think there are 33,000 different religions calling themselves Christian--there is one in reality. twisting

Anyone who learns and applys Jesus' truths easily see the JW teachers are right.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Its the true answer. Some twist what is being said--why do you think there are 33,000 different religions calling themselves Christian--there is one in reality. twisting

Anyone who learns and applys Jesus' truths easily see the JW teachers are right.

Hi kjw47, I do have a certain respect for JW's, and for that matter, Mormons. To become a JW or a Mormon, one has to dedicate themselves to a great deal of study. But you see, something needs to separate a JW or Mormon from all the other 33,000 denominations, and that would be KNOWING the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures. I have not found a JW or Mormon yet who has any idea about where Moses wrote of Yeshua's suffering, death, burial, and third day resurrection. They are just like the rest of traditional christianity thinking that a substitute is required to die in their place and pay the penalty of their sin. They are under the Strong Delusion just like all the other daughters of the Harlot, and until they come to a knowledge of the Truth concerning where Moses wrote of Yeshua's suffering, death, burial and third day resurrection, they are just going to be a Harlot's daughter, howbeit, a very sophisticated one. KB


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Hi kjw47, I do have a certain respect for JW's, and for that matter, Mormons. To become a JW or a Mormon, one has to dedicate themselves to a great deal of study. But you see, something needs to separate a JW or Mormon from all the other 33,000 denominations, and that would be KNOWING the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures. I have not found a JW or Mormon yet who has any idea about where Moses wrote of Yeshua's suffering, death, burial, and third day resurrection. They are just like the rest of traditional christianity thinking that a substitute is required to die in their place and pay the penalty of their sin. They are under the Strong Delusion just like all the other daughters of the Harlot, and until they come to a knowledge of the Truth concerning where Moses wrote of Yeshua's suffering, death, burial and third day resurrection, they are just going to be a Harlot's daughter, howbeit, a very sophisticated one. KB
Actually, when the Pew Religious Forum did a survey back in 2010 concerning how much Americans know about the Bible, Christianity, and other world religions, Mormons, along with Jews, atheists and agnostics scored considerably higher than members of all other Christian denominations.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Actually, when the Pew Religious Forum did a survey back in 2010 concerning how much Americans know about the Bible, Christianity, and other world religions, Mormons, along with Jews, atheists and agnostics scored considerably higher than members of all other Christian denominations.

Hi Katzpur, Satan has done a commendable job in deceiving the whole world, and Mormons are not excluded. The only difference with Mormons is that Satan KNOWS that the One True Church is appearing, so he is making his counterfeits a little more knowledgeable, thus you have JW's and Mormons coming on the scene, appearing as the One True Church, when they are not. KB


Well-Known Member
Hi Katzpur, Satan has done a commendable job in deceiving the whole world, and Mormons are not excluded. The only difference with Mormons is that Satan KNOWS that the One True Church is appearing, so he is making his counterfeits a little more knowledgeable, thus you have JW's and Mormons coming on the scene, appearing as the One True Church, when they are not. KB

The JW,s are Gods--the only religion that teaches Jesus' truths--the one thing satan would never allow to be in his religions.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
The JW,s are Gods--the only religion that teaches Jesus' truths--the one thing satan would never allow to be in his religions.

Hi kjw47, no, JW's teach the bottom line same gospel as the other 33,000 do. They teach that an Innocent and Righteous substitute is necessary to die in their place so they can be justified. This gospel which the JW's believe is NOT the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures, for Moses wrote:

Ex 23:7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the Innocent and Righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.

The gospel which the JW's and the other 33,000 believe in is a false matter and strong delusion. The TRUTH of the Gospel (which most do not love) is BASED upon the Scriptures, and Moses wrote that Yeshua would suffer, die, be buried, and then raised on the third day so that sinner's would be SEPARATED or PURIFIED from their sin:

Num 19:9 And a man [that is] clean (Joseph of Arimathia) shall gather up the ashes of the heifer (Yeshua's dead body), and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place (a tomb hewn out of solid rock where no one had ever lain), and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin (to separate a sinner from ALL their iniquities).

Acts 3:26 Unto you first Elohim, having raised up his Son Yeshua, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

The One True Gospel has nothing to do with a Righteous and Innocent substitute dying in the place of sinners. The One True Gospel is based upon a sinner coming to a knowledge of the Truth that THEIR sin did slay and cause Yeshua to suffer so. And in their horror of what their sin did do, as they come to a knowledge of the Truth, they are blessed as they leave their old life of sin, and are separated FROM it, believing in the Truth of the Gospel that has been Sprinkled upon them, and they WASH themselves (Numbers 19:19).

So, no kjw47, the JW's do not present the Truth of the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures. KB


Well-Known Member
Hi kjw47, no, JW's teach the bottom line same gospel as the other 33,000 do. They teach that an Innocent and Righteous substitute is necessary to die in their place so they can be justified. This gospel which the JW's believe is NOT the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures, for Moses wrote:

Ex 23:7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the Innocent and Righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.

The gospel which the JW's and the other 33,000 believe in is a false matter and strong delusion. The TRUTH of the Gospel (which most do not love) is BASED upon the Scriptures, and Moses wrote that Yeshua would suffer, die, be buried, and then raised on the third day so that sinner's would be SEPARATED or PURIFIED from their sin:

Num 19:9 And a man [that is] clean (Joseph of Arimathia) shall gather up the ashes of the heifer (Yeshua's dead body), and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place (a tomb hewn out of solid rock where no one had ever lain), and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin (to separate a sinner from ALL their iniquities).

Acts 3:26 Unto you first Elohim, having raised up his Son Yeshua, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

The One True Gospel has nothing to do with a Righteous and Innocent substitute dying in the place of sinners. The One True Gospel is based upon a sinner coming to a knowledge of the Truth that THEIR sin did slay and cause Yeshua to suffer so. And in their horror of what their sin did do, as they come to a knowledge of the Truth, they are blessed as they leave their old life of sin, and are separated FROM it, believing in the Truth of the Gospel that has been Sprinkled upon them, and they WASH themselves (Numbers 19:19).

So, no kjw47, the JW's do not present the Truth of the Gospel which is According to the Scriptures. KB

We shall see very shortly Mr.Brown


Because Jesus and the Father are one( not in being--in purpose) Jesus did 0 of his own inititive( will) He lived 24/7 to do his Fathers will--so when we look at Jesus we see exactly what his Father will do and is.
The Bible does not say one in purpose. You have to add that in there. Furthermore it's blasphemous for any man other than God manifest in the flesh to say the things Jesus said.

Philip: show us the Father.

Jesus: "Have I been so long with you and you don't know me philip?"

Also Jesus claims to be the One who baptises with the holy Spirit. It's only God that can send out His own holy Spirit. No one else can claim such a thing. All the prophets of old were sent BY the Spirit. Jesus said He sends the Spirit. What kind of prophet is He then??? Not like them I assure you.

Luke 24:49
And, behold, I(Jesus!!!) send the promise(the holy Spirit!!!) of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.


Well-Known Member
The Bible does not say one in purpose. You have to add that in there. Furthermore it's blasphemous for any man other than God manifest in the flesh to say the things Jesus said.

Philip: show us the Father.

Jesus: "Have I been so long with you and you don't know me philip?"

Also Jesus claims to be the One who baptises with the holy Spirit. It's only God that can send out His own holy Spirit. No one else can claim such a thing. All the prophets of old were sent BY the Spirit. Jesus said He sends the Spirit. What kind of prophet is He then??? Not like them I assure you.

Luke 24:49
And, behold, I(Jesus!!!) send the promise(the holy Spirit!!!) of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

I and the Father are one---The Father is greater than I--- both said while mortal.---

How Jesus did it all--Acts 2:22


Jesus in me
Elohim is not a name. Jesus taught clearly( John 17:1-6)--the one who sent him( John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--verse 6 = YHWH(Jehovah)--backed by Paul at 1 cor 8:6

That is why Jesus also teaches this truth--John 20:17, rev 3:12

so either Gods word teaches 2 different Gods or Jesus and Paul teach truth or trinity teachers teach truth--both sides teach the opposite.--for my choice I will believe Jesus.

I believe proclaiming that Jehovah is the only true God does not necessitate that Jesus isn't. In I Cor 8:6 Jesus s Lord means that He is God because it is only God that has the authority to be Lord.

I believe these verses are irrelevant to the issue at hand.

I believe the Bible teaches that there is one God Jehovah, Jesus and the Paraclete.
Last edited:


Jesus in me
Its the true answer. Some twist what is being said--why do you think there are 33,000 different religions calling themselves Christian--there is one in reality. twisting

Anyone who learns and applys Jesus' truths easily see the JW teachers are right.

I believe the the Jw's are the ones who have twisted. For instance saying that the attributes are to the name is twisting since the text does not say that. Saying Jesus is only one in purpose and not in being with Jehovah is twisting since the text does not say that.

I believe I don't see it that way and neither does Jesus.


Jesus in me
Hi kjw47, doesn't the name YHWH mean, I am who I am, or I will be who I will be? Elohim is plural, and I really don't see why (Jehovah) would limit Himself to just one, if He could be a UNITY of Elohim, with Yeshua (Jehovah) as the Head of this unity. The whole unity of whom Elohim is, is greater than Yeshua by Himself, therefore He will BE who He is, a family of Elohim. This family of Elohim are those who conceived the plan of planting the Seed within mankind, therefore, this family of Elohim can be viewed by Yeshua as The Father, who sent Him. Why is that not a reasonable explanation? Did not Yeshua, who WAS Elohim (Jehovah), humble Himself as He GAVE UP (emptied Himself) of that existence, and became a man? Think these things through kjw47, it just might start to make some sense. KB

No I believe that is EYAH not JHVH. The Jewish site I visit says that JHVH has no meaning. However Jehovah did use Ejah as a name and the shortened form "I am."

I believe Elohim is the Canaanite name for God just as we use God instead of Jehovah but that does not mean that the Canaanites had a good understanding of God since they were also idol worshippers. For the Abrahamites picking up the local name for God makes sense because they had put the past behind them.

I believe it sounds like plurality when God is singular thoughout the Trinity.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
No I believe that is EYAH not JHVH. The Jewish site I visit says that JHVH has no meaning. However Jehovah did use Ejah as a name and the shortened form "I am."

I believe Elohim is the Canaanite name for God just as we use God instead of Jehovah but that does not mean that the Canaanites had a good understanding of God since they were also idol worshippers. For the Abrahamites picking up the local name for God makes sense because they had put the past behind them.

I believe it sounds like plurality when God is singular thoughout the Trinity.

Hi Muffled, why don't you quote from your Jewish site. I would love to see what they say about the following two Hebrew words:

H430 אֱלֹהִים ('ĕlōhîm)
H3068 יהוה (yhwh)



Well-Known Member
I believe the the Jw's are the ones who have twisted. For instance saying that the attributes are to the name is twisting since the text does not say that. Saying Jesus is only one in purpose and not in being with Jehovah is twisting since the text does not say that.

I believe I don't see it that way and neither does Jesus.

Many parts put together in Gods word can make up a truth.
The text also says everyone will be one with them as well-- proving it means in purpose not in being. Jesus taught --the Father is greater than I-- another proof.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Its the true answer. Some twist what is being said--why do you think there are 33,000 different religions calling themselves Christian--there is one in reality. twisting

Anyone who learns and applys Jesus' truths easily see the JW teachers are right.
Tell that to the ones who lived with and learned from the Apostles. They don't seem to see it the same way you do. Or were they all just stupid?


Well-Known Member
Tell that to the ones who lived with and learned from the Apostles. They don't seem to see it the same way you do. Or were they all just stupid?

Everyone who learned from the apostles were basically murdered and much truth died with them---until now-Daniel 12:4-- Gods will arranged it this way for good reasons.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Everyone who learned from the apostles were basically murdered and much truth died with them---until now-Daniel 12:4-- Gods will arranged it this way for good reasons.
Yes, they were all martyred. But we still have their letters and teachings. And what the students of the Apostles say does not in any way confirm what the Jehovah's Witnesses say. In fact, it completely contradicts the Jehovah's Witnesses' understanding of Who Christ and the Holy Spirit are, and their relationship to the Father.