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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Well-Known Member
Yes, they were all martyred. But we still have their letters and teachings. And what the students of the Apostles say does not in any way confirm what the Jehovah's Witnesses say. In fact, it completely contradicts the Jehovah's Witnesses' understanding of Who Christ and the Holy Spirit are, and their relationship to the Father.

Jesus' truths prove it all--like this ultra important one:

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added ( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Not 1 trinity religion teaches this ultra important truth---nor this one--Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.--its not heaven or hell as the end like religions of darkness teach.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Jesus' truths prove it all--like this ultra important one:

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added ( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Not 1 trinity religion teaches this ultra important truth
I don't think you're aware of the Catholics and Orthodox who have literally left everything behind--family, friends, money, homes, even clothes--in order to devote themselves entirely to Christ, depending completely on Him for their daily sustenance as they went into the deserts or took to the roads. Have Jehovah's Witnesses completely given up every creature comfort the way that the Catholic and Orthodox monks have?

---nor this one--Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.--its not heaven or hell as the end like religions of darkness teach.
Actually, Heaven and Hell in the eschatological sense are actually states of communion with God. Both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches teach that Heaven and Hell will be lived out here on Earth. So yes, we do teach that the meek will inherit the earth. And isn't it the Jehovah's Witnesses' belief that 144,000 of the saved will not live on earth, but instead live in Heaven?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you're aware of the Catholics and Orthodox who have literally left everything behind--family, friends, money, homes, even clothes--in order to devote themselves entirely to Christ, depending completely on Him for their daily sustenance as they went into the deserts or took to the roads. Have Jehovah's Witnesses completely given up every creature comfort the way that the Catholic and Orthodox monks have?

Actually, Heaven and Hell in the eschatological sense are actually states of communion with God. Both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches teach that Heaven and Hell will be lived out here on Earth. So yes, we do teach that the meek will inherit the earth. And isn't it the Jehovah's Witnesses' belief that 144,000 of the saved will not live on earth, but instead live in Heaven?

Jesus taught to seek YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness first---- 32,999 religions claiming Christianity teach to seek Jesus' righteousness first---those do not listen to Jesus so all was for naught.
144,000 will live in heaven--rev 14:3-- see 144,000 bought from the earth( bought with Jesus blood) the little flock = the bride of Christ.

Jw,s gave up much( vain things)--they could seek college educations for better paying jobs, instead they exercise faith in Jesus' promise that if they sought the kingdom and Jehovahs righteousness first( sustenance, covering, spirituality would come automatic.)these 3 things is all a mortal needs to survive.
If one is being mislead into serving a false god---no matter what they do out of love or giving or anything--its all a detrement to them. all servents of false gods will lose.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
32,999 religions claiming Christianity teach to seek Jesus' righteousness first-
I am sure Jesus' righteousness IS 'Jehovah's' righeousness.

John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 5:19 Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
John 5:30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.


Well-Known Member
I am sure Jesus' righteousness IS 'Jehovah's' righeousness.

John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 5:19 Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
John 5:30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

Everything Jesus has was given to him from his God and Father--everything he knows was taught to him from his God and Father--- Jesus can do nothing without his God and Fathers power going through him( Acts 2:22) YHWH(Jehovah)--listen to Jesus--seek his God and Fathers righteousness first. All who do not do this will lose.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Everything Jesus has was given to him from his God and Father--everything he knows was taught to him from his God and Father--- Jesus can do nothing without his God and Fathers power going through him( Acts 2:22) YHWH(Jehovah)--listen to Jesus--seek his God and Fathers righteousness first. All who do not do this will lose.

Yes. It means seek Jesus' God and Father's righteousness first before your own, not before Jesus. Jesus' righteousness and God's righteousness is the same.

If one person calls it the righteousness of Jehovah, another calls it the righteousness of Jesus and even if another calls it the righteousness of The Creator Father, it's ALL THE SAME.


Well-Known Member
Yes. It means seek Jesus' God and Father's righteousness first before your own, not before Jesus. Jesus' righteousness and God's righteousness is the same.

If one person calls it the righteousness of Jehovah, another calls it the righteousness of Jesus and even if another calls it the righteousness of The Creator Father, it's ALL THE SAME.

Not if one believes Jesus--- The Father is greater than I--


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not if one believes Jesus--- The Father is greater than I--

Are you listening? Righteousness means what a person DOES not what a person IS. If Jesus really does the will of God and does not seek his own righeousness then his righeousness and God's righteousness are the same.

It is amazing to me that you are a Jehovah's Witnesses of whom they claim to be the only ones "listening".


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God's will is righteous. Jesus does the will of God. What Jesus does is righteous like God is righteous. Did Jesus make any mistakes?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If the righteousness of Jesus is not as good as the righteousness of God (because you say they are not the same) then why do you trust with your life what is written about what Jesus said about the faithful and discreet slave (that it would be put over you as your protector)?

If Jesus is the "master" who places his "slave" over you, but Jesus is not righteous like Jehovah is righteous, then how can you trust the slave over you and your children?

WHO does the Bible say assigns the place of the faithful and discreet slave? Does Jehovah appoint the slave or does Jesus appoint the slave over you?
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Well-Known Member
If the righteousness of Jesus is not as good as the righteousness of God (because you say they are not the same) then why do you trust with your life what is written about what Jesus said about the faithful and discreet slave (that it would be put over you as your protector)?

If Jesus is the "master" who places his "slave" over you, but Jesus is not righteous like Jehovah is righteous, then how can you trust the slave over you and your children?

WHO does the Bible say assigns the place of the faithful and discreet slave? Does Jehovah appoint the slave or does Jesus appoint the slave over you?

Yes its a 100% guarantee that Jesus is righteous--but he is not Jehovah--Jesus taught his followers to seek Jehovahs righteousness first. Some listen to Jesus --some do not. The whole world can see who actually does.
Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

If Jesus was God, why was he tempted by the Devil? Can God be tempted by the Devil, his own creation?

Granted, he passed the test. But if he was God... Why was there a test in the first place? Does God need to test himself?

Are God and Jesus really one in the same? Please answer logically how this is possible given the verse above.
According to the Aryans Jesus was the son of God (or Gad), he was not God and definitely not ever lasting on Earth, he comes and goes to his father.
BTW Quran = Heavenly mountain,
Mohammed couldn't write in Arabic because the Arabic language did not exist at the time, it was created in Babylon by the Ummayad dynasty, the writings of Mohamed were altered. If he existed he would have written in Greek which was the language of the Law in the middle east and the western hemisphere (Greek was the language used in the Roman senate, not Latin).
The Franks (Charles Martel), through fraud, created the catholic church in San Dennis 741AD, and changed the language of the law in the west, created a new one called Anglaise.
There were no Bishops in Rome until Pepin took Rome from Byzantine and established a catholic church there.
Yes its a 100% guarantee that Jesus is righteous--but he is not Jehovah--Jesus taught his followers to seek Jehovahs righteousness first. Some listen to Jesus --some do not. The whole world can see who actually does.
You don't have to go far to 'seek' YHVH, he (the concept), is in front of you here and now.
The one you need to 'seek' is your own Elohim, your own mind, by peeling the onion layers of false information we've been fed with.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

If Jesus was God, why was he tempted by the Devil? Can God be tempted by the Devil, his own creation?

Granted, he passed the test. But if he was God... Why was there a test in the first place? Does God need to test himself?

Are God and Jesus really one in the same? Please answer logically how this is possible given the verse above.

What you say is pretty perceptive. There are many other points just as thought provoking, Matt 3:17, where God in heaven, spoke to Jesus, while he was on earth, also Mark 9:7, John 12:27,28.
Consider also Dan 7:13,14, where God was sitting on His throne, and Jesus was brought in before the throne. How is that possible. This same problem is recorded at Rev 5:6-8.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was made perfect by suffering, Heb 2:9,10, Heb 5:7-9. Jehovah God is perfect in every way, and cannot be brought to any more perfect state!!!
Jesus admits, twice that he does not KNOW everything that his Father does, and cannot control everything, Matt 20:23, 24:36.
Jesus said that the Father is GREATER than he is, John 14:28.
Jesus said that the Father is his Father and his God, John 20:17, Rev 3:12.
Jesus said that he lives because of the Father, John 6:57, Col 1:15, Rev 3:14.
Jesus said that the Father judges NO ONE, but HE has given all the judging to the son, John 5:22. How is that possible, if they were the same person???
There are many, many more!!!


Well-Known Member
You don't have to go far to 'seek' YHVH, he (the concept), is in front of you here and now.
The one you need to 'seek' is your own Elohim, your own mind, by peeling the onion layers of false information we've been fed with.

There is only 1 single way to see the entrance to the narrow gate--Learn Jesus' truths, and apply them.


Jesus in me
Hi Muffled, why don't you quote from your Jewish site. I would love to see what they say about the following two Hebrew words:

H430 אֱלֹהִים ('ĕlōhîm)
H3068 יהוה (yhwh)


It has been a while since I was on that site so maybe they have changed things. Anyway here is what they say now:

The most important of God's Names is the four-letter Name represented by the Hebrew letters Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH). It is often referred to as the Ineffable Name, the Unutterable Name or the Distinctive Name. Linguistically, it is related to the Hebrew root Heh-Yod-Heh (to be), and reflects the fact that God's existence is eternal. In scripture, this Name is used when discussing God's relation with human beings, and when emphasizing his qualities of lovingkindness and mercy. It is frequently shortened to Yah (Yod-Heh), Yahu or Yeho (Yod-Heh-Vav), especially when used in combination with names or phrases, as in Yehoshua (Joshua, meaning "the Lord is my Salvation"), Eliyahu (Elijah, meaning "my God is the Lord"), and Halleluyah ("praise the Lord").
The first Name used for God in scripture is Elohim. In form, the word is a masculine plural of a word that looks feminine in the singular (Eloha). The same word (or, according to Maimonides, a homonym of it) is used to refer to princes, judges, other gods, and other powerful beings. This Name is used in scripture when emphasizing God's might, His creative power, and his attributes of justice and rulership. Variations on this name include El, Eloha, Elohai (my God) and Elohaynu (our God).



Jesus in me
Many parts put together in Gods word can make up a truth.
The text also says everyone will be one with them as well-- proving it means in purpose not in being. Jesus taught --the Father is greater than I-- another proof.

I believe that is true and some things are contextual and some are not but it still has to be looked at logically and proven to be true.

I believe it does not prove that at all. I am one with God at times (usually while I am on this site) but God is more than just purpose. I believe that purpose is a mjor element of God's nature but a human is never one with God's purpose only God is one with His purpose. (all fall short of the glory of God).

I believe this is another non-proof. Of course God who is a spirit is greater than the body and Jesus does have a body and the limitations of that body. However the Spirit in Jesus is the same Spirit of God that is everywhere.


Jesus in me
Jesus' truths prove it all--like this ultra important one:

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added ( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Not 1 trinity religion teaches this ultra important truth---nor this one--Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.--its not heaven or hell as the end like religions of darkness teach.

I believe this is an unsupportable speculation.

I believe on can't take a scripture and negate other scriptures with it. I believe doing so is twisting scripture.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
It has been a while since I was on that site so maybe they have changed things. Anyway here is what they say now:

The most important of God's Names is the four-letter Name represented by the Hebrew letters Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH). It is often referred to as the Ineffable Name, the Unutterable Name or the Distinctive Name. Linguistically, it is related to the Hebrew root Heh-Yod-Heh (to be), and reflects the fact that God's existence is eternal. In scripture, this Name is used when discussing God's relation with human beings, and when emphasizing his qualities of lovingkindness and mercy. It is frequently shortened to Yah (Yod-Heh), Yahu or Yeho (Yod-Heh-Vav), especially when used in combination with names or phrases, as in Yehoshua (Joshua, meaning "the Lord is my Salvation"), Eliyahu (Elijah, meaning "my God is the Lord"), and Halleluyah ("praise the Lord").
The first Name used for God in scripture is Elohim. In form, the word is a masculine plural of a word that looks feminine in the singular (Eloha). The same word (or, according to Maimonides, a homonym of it) is used to refer to princes, judges, other gods, and other powerful beings. This Name is used in scripture when emphasizing God's might, His creative power, and his attributes of justice and rulership. Variations on this name include El, Eloha, Elohai (my God) and Elohaynu (our God).


Hi Muffled, so it appears that what you quote agrees with me. YHWH is 'I am who I am, or I will be who I will be," and those how are part of YHWH are ELOHIM. KB


Well-Known Member
You don't have to go far to 'seek' YHVH, he (the concept), is in front of you here and now.
The one you need to 'seek' is your own Elohim, your own mind, by peeling the onion layers of false information we've been fed with.

Jesus' teachings are truth.
Jesus teaches--he has a God--his Father-John 20:17, rev 3:12----- believe Jesus.