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If there is no god. What's the purpose of this life?


Ullr, Nebet-Het,Wendigowak
Glaube und Vertrauen sind menschlich . Glaube heißt : nicht wissen , oder man hat eine große Erfahrung für sich
selbst gemacht , erst DANN kann Glaube für einen selbst Bestand haben und Sinn machen . Vertrauen ist
immer so eine Sache und sehr wagemutig . Baut Vertrauen auf gemachten Erfahrungen auf , ist das gut
und o.k. . BLINDES Vertrauen KANN gut sein , ist aber immer mit einem Fragezeichen behaftet. Den eigenen
Sinn des lebends kennt man erst, wenn man ihn durch das WISSEN , welches man BEKOMMT, erfahren hat .
Ist dem NICHT so, wird es vorläufig erstmal KEINEN Sinn diesbezüglich geben . Man muß also warten bis
einem dieser offenbart wird . Was der Mensch für seinen Sinn des lebends hält , bezieht sich nur auf reine
Oberflächlichkeiten des realen lebends. Er kann natürlich ständig danach suchen , wird aber sehr tief graben müssen ,
um letzten Endes dann etwas zu finden, was er eigentlich GAR NICHT finden WOLLTE.
ICH habe den Sinn MEINES lebends noch NICHT gefunden, aber bin schon zu so einigen weiterführenden
Erkenntnissen vorgedrungen . Und das bezieht sich nur auf meine spirituelle Seite weil ich schon lange nix mehr
mit der Kirche "am Hut habe" . So sehe ICH das . LG


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I believe Human beings were created, for way more than working a 9-5, raising a family, then dying. What are your thoughts?
I do not need a purpose, as it's quite enough for me to know I am making a real difference in our sad little world, doing the work I have been for the last 3 or so years. I don't know if there is a god or not but I have seen, first hand, that there is something that can kindle the spirit of a man that gives him the courage to take his life back by finally becoming responsible for his actions. Is there more?
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Ullr, Nebet-Het,Wendigowak
Glaube und Vertrauen sind menschlich . Glaube heißt : nicht wissen , oder man hat eine große Erfahrung für sich
selbst gemacht , erst DANN kann Glaube für einen selbst Bestand haben und Sinn machen . Vertrauen ist
immer so eine Sache und sehr wagemutig . Baut Vertrauen auf gemachten Erfahrungen auf , ist das gut
und o.k. . BLINDES Vertrauen KANN gut sein , ist aber immer mit einem Fragezeichen behaftet. Den eigenen
Sinn des lebends kennt man erst, wenn man ihn durch das WISSEN , welches man BEKOMMT, erfahren hat .
Ist dem NICHT so, wird es vorläufig erstmal KEINEN Sinn diesbezüglich geben . Man muß also warten bis
einem dieser offenbart wird . Was der Mensch für seinen Sinn des lebends hält , bezieht sich nur auf reine
Oberflächlichkeiten des realen lebends. Er kann natürlich ständig danach suchen , wird aber sehr tief graben müssen ,
um letzten Endes dann etwas zu finden, was er eigentlich GAR NICHT finden WOLLTE.
ICH habe den Sinn MEINES lebends noch NICHT gefunden, aber bin schon zu so einigen weiterführenden
Erkenntnissen vorgedrungen . Und das bezieht sich nur auf meine spirituelle Seite weil ich schon lange nix mehr
mit der Kirche "am Hut habe" . So sehe ICH das . LG
Da es keinen Sinn des lebends gibt , ist es das Leben selber . Und das Leben selber ist nun mal ewig und hat erstmal hier
unten auf der Erde mit uns nix zu tun, weil wir ja mal sterben müssen . Also stellt sich nicht die Frage nach dem SINN ,
sondern nach der AUFGAE jedes Einzelnen hier unten für uns . WIE es dann mal weiter geht , mag sich jeder selber
ausmalen oder so zurechtlegen, dass ihm das Sterben leichter fällt . Wahrscheinlich ist es nicht die Frage nach dem SINN
sondern nach der AUFGABE . Und DIE ....gestaltet sich für jeden Einzelnen wieder ABSOLUT unterschiedlich .


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I asked that myself. No response yet.
I'll wait for a while perhaps until I see some rather well-educated ones and instructors who believe in God maybe somewhat almost like a little tickle as well as evolution, churchgoers who believe the Bible is a book of myths. Perhaps they'd like to answer. :) Let's hear from the more educated ones here who claim they go to church, or went back to church and believe the Bible is full of myths and maybe they can tell us.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What's the purpose if there is a god?
It would mean first specifying which god was a god.
Yes, you'd have to know which God you want to get to know. While many people of different religions say they worship the same god, they really don't IMO. They couldnt possibly. Since Jesus spoke of the father being the ONLY TRUE GOD...the rest is up to you.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Da es keinen Sinn des lebends gibt , ist es das Leben selber . Und das Leben selber ist nun mal ewig und hat erstmal hier
unten auf der Erde mit uns nix zu tun, weil wir ja mal sterben müssen . Also stellt sich nicht die Frage nach dem SINN ,
sondern nach der AUFGAE jedes Einzelnen hier unten für uns . WIE es dann mal weiter geht , mag sich jeder selber
ausmalen oder so zurechtlegen, dass ihm das Sterben leichter fällt . Wahrscheinlich ist es nicht die Frage nach dem SINN
sondern nach der AUFGABE . Und DIE ....gestaltet sich für jeden Einzelnen wieder ABSOLUT unterschiedlich .
Sehr schön!


Ullr, Nebet-Het,Wendigowak
Sehr schön!
Oh danke schön ( freu )
Mehr gibts da für mich auch nicht mehr zu zu sagen .
Ich bin dann mal noch wo anders und hier raus .
Bis dahin .......................
Ymir der Urzeitriese ? Steht für Widerstand !!!
Meine Lieblingskarte im germ. Götterorakel
Macht einem das Leben schwer, aber er "hat was"
Schau Dir die Karte mal an, falls Du Dich darauf beziehen solltest
Aber damit sind wir dann hier auch in der total falschen Beitragsecke


Veteran Member
The solution probably lies in changing your point of view and times to start deeply with yourself ..................... I don't know if THAT is the point, but it will definitely help you further ........ Where to remains open and is an eternal path on which one then finds oneself.
I agree with the part above.


Well-Known Member
According to the Baha'i faith the purpose of life is to know and love God.
I do okay at the first part but I'm not very good at the second part. :(
I don't think that really offers a lot :)

Assuming that there is a God, the purpose of life has to go beyond simply getting to know and love God I think. In the atheistic view, the purpose of life is rather individual, yet I think we can all agree that the purpose must be to achieve happiness and to do this without hurting others. Obviously, some will try to achieve happiness regardless of who they hurt, but even in that case, happiness is still the ultimate goal.

But with a God, I would assume a divine purpose set by God, something that goes beyond simply achieving happiness. And it also has to hold true for everyone. If a religious person can only achieve their goal when they are at the edge of death then, one could argue that a 6-year-old wouldn't have had the chance to fulfil their purpose. From an atheist's point of view, this is "not an issue", because we all know and assume that the world in which we live can be cruel and that it is up to us to make sure that as many people are able to achieve the purpose of life of becoming happy or at least have the chance to.

But with a God, especially an intervening one, it would be extremely weird if there weren't a divine purpose or if God didn't get something out of this whole thing he has created. Because if he doesn't then it is difficult to see why he would create us in the first place.
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Veteran Member
I don't think that really offers a lot. :)
Sorry, I was thinking the question was the purpose for which we were created, which is a little different from the purpose of life.
Assuming that there is a God, the purpose of life has to go beyond simply getting to know and love God I think.
Yes, the purpose of life goes beyond that. According to the Baha'i Faith, one purpose of life is to come to know our true selves, what we were created for.
Another purpose of this life is to acquire the spiritual qualities (character) that will be needed in the next life, commonly referred to as the afterlife, although that is a misnomer since it is just a continuation of our life in this world.
In the atheistic view, the purpose of life is rather individual, yet I think we can all agree that the purpose must be to achieve happiness and to do this without hurting others. Obviously, some will try to achieve happiness regardless of who they hurt, but even in that case, happiness is still the ultimate goal.
In the Baha'i view, the purposes is as I noted above, but the way we 'achieve' our purpose is highly individual, since we are all individuals.
Achieving happiness is not our ultimate goal but if we are fulfilling our purpose we will achieve happiness, spiritual happiness, but not necessarily physical happiness. I think that happiness is a by-product of something we are thinking and doing, not something we can purchase at the corner store, and perhaps that is why it is not as easy to find as it sounds.
But with a God, I would assume a divine purpose set by God, something that goes beyond simply achieving happiness. And it also has to hold true for everyone.
Yes, I believe you are right about that, as I noted above. There is more to life than personal happiness, and I consider that a rather shallow goal, as I believe we should be thinking in terms of other people and the state of the world, not only ourselves. That does not require a God belief as I know just as many atheists who think and live this way.
If a religious person can only achieve their goal when they are at the edge of death then, one could argue that a 6-year-old wouldn't have had the chance to fulfil their purpose.
A 6-year-old did not have time to achieve his purpose but I believe that is taken into consideration by God and that child is compensated by God in the next life.
From an atheist's point of view, this is "not an issue", because we all know and assume that the world in which we live can be cruel and that it is up to us to make sure that as many people are able to achieve the purpose of life of becoming happy or at least have the chance to.
I hope we all know that the world in which we live in can be cruel and we should care that as many people as possible have a chance to be happy. I am not downplaying happiness because if we are always sad we cannot achieve much of anything, including helping others.
But with a God, especially an intervening one, it would be extremely weird if there weren't a divine purpose or if God didn't get something out of it this whole thing he has created. Because if he doesn't then it is difficult to see why he would create us in the first place.
That is a good point. It would not make logical sense for God to create us only for ourselves, and I have just the right verses for you!
God created us out of His love for us, and God knew He was going to love us before He created us.

3: O SON OF MAN! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty.​
4: O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.​

The following two verses indicate that God wants our love.

5: O SON OF BEING! Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant.​
8: O SON OF SPIRIT! There is no peace for thee save by renouncing thyself and turning unto Me; for it behooveth thee to glory in My name, not in thine own; to put thy trust in Me and not in thyself, since I desire to be loved alone and above all that is.​

I don't know why God desires to be loved and I think part of the reason I do not understand is because I have my own psychological issues with love. I don't think I need to be loved, I think I should be able to get by without love. The exception is the cats, I love them and feel love from them. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't think that really offers a lot :)

Assuming that there is a God, the purpose of life has to go beyond simply getting to know and love God I think. In the atheistic view, the purpose of life is rather individual, yet I think we can all agree that the purpose must be to achieve happiness and to do this without hurting others. Obviously, some will try to achieve happiness regardless of who they hurt, but even in that case, happiness is still the ultimate goal.

But with a God, I would assume a divine purpose set by God, something that goes beyond simply achieving happiness. And it also has to hold true for everyone. If a religious person can only achieve their goal when they are at the edge of death then, one could argue that a 6-year-old wouldn't have had the chance to fulfil their purpose. From an atheist's point of view, this is "not an issue", because we all know and assume that the world in which we live can be cruel and that it is up to us to make sure that as many people are able to achieve the purpose of life of becoming happy or at least have the chance to.

But with a God, especially an intervening one, it would be extremely weird if there weren't a divine purpose or if God didn't get something out of this whole thing he has created. Because if he doesn't then it is difficult to see why he would create us in the first place.
Ah -- now that you're on the right track, I would like to mention about Adam and Eve. I know there are many who do not believe the Bible, but this makes sense to me. (now) I'll be brief.
Infants do not know the purpose of life. (I'll be very brief.) Adam and Eve were created as adults but had God as their Maker. And father. They were almost like infants but obviously not quite, they knew their Maker. They were given a paradise to live in, the Garden of Eden. Now let's take that a step further. We don't know how long they were permitted to live in that paradise due to their refusal to allow God to give them direction, but we know there are many wonderful things to see and explore on this earth. Right now I'm going to leave it at that, except to say that most of us are not satisfied with the few moments in this world we have to live, experience and explore. We long to live more and happier in a better world.
The ultimate life-giver is God. And He will make sure everything is straight in the near future.
So -- based on that, what would you say the purpose of life is according to the Bible?