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If you believe in God AND evolution, why do you believe in God?


Well-Known Member
Be brave--and support your belief in God with reason, if possible, please. That is if you believe in evolution as well as in God.
My belief is that God, as far as human perception goes, is a projection from the human unconscious mind. This perception of God is real in the sense of being a natural output from the brain, but being a projection from within, its manifestation is conditioned by each religion and each culture. This explain the variety of output effects for all the various world religions, and even the absence of God from the Atheist projection. The Atheist will project on a more secular set of expectations. Indigenous people may project in terms of ancestors and animal spirits. It is the same inner source in all, the center of which is called the inner self. The inner self can be modified based on cultural conditioning and expectation. This is not to dismiss God, but rather the inner self is our interface to God. Jesus said nobody has seen the Father.

All animals have an inner self. It is the natural center of animal consciousness; paradise and God. The inner self has firmware or archetypes that are sort of the like the organic AI programs of the inner self, that define and express the range of behavioral propensities for each species. We can tell the difference between a deer and mountain lion, based on the form of the body, and the functionality of its inner self; consciousness, instincts and behavioral patterns.

The inner self is connected to our DNA and sits at the top of consciousness. The inner self is actually more than the sum of its genetic parts, since, via natural learning potential it can engrain memory from the external environment, making it more than the DNA. Like the theoretical conscious computer is become more than its genetic program; consciousness.

Humans are unique in that we not only have an inner self, but also a secondary center called the ego. The ego spun off from the inner self. The ego is quite new on the evolutionary time scale, maybe 6-10k years old. The inner is as old as animal consciousness; before the dinosaurs. The ego offers a secondary POV for consciousness, though will and choice. Because of the ego, we do not have to be natural nor do we need to obey our natural instincts like an animal. The result of the birth of the human ego, has been increasing separation between the ego and inner self, with the inner self repressed and unconscious in most people. The ego learns from the outside; culture, and assumes all that is good comes from the outside. The inner self projection effect accommodates the expectations of the ego, and allows a way for the inner self to reach people. It is a sacred feelings to be reconnected to the unity of nature and man.

Projection is not hard to do for the inner self, based on how the brain is set up. All sensory input, sends signals into the brain, that triggers neurons to fire. These firing cascades and currents first go to the center of the brain, then back to the cerebral matter and to the body, to return as processed output; understand what you see and are ready act. The inner self by being at the center of consciousness is also connected to the center of the brain. It does not have to wait for sensory input but rather can initiate the sensory processes through counter current induction via the sensory pathways, so we appear to see, hear, feel, etc., as a projection. It may not be visual, but can be a feeling.

Let me give an example of the inner self and projection on a social scale. Presidential Candidate Harris is not defining her positions, but is remaining in the dark in terms of her policies. Yet people are already passing judgement in both directions but not based on sensory input data, since she is staying in the dark. This leads to speculation. To the Left, this is more like an idealized projection. A good analogous example, is meeting a new person and becoming infatuated; the new Kamala. That infatuation feeling makes you want to believe that that person meet all your needs. Friends may not see this, since they are being been more objective by not being infatuated. The infatuation is more of an idealized output by the inner self to help encourage the ego forward; reality will appear soon enough.

People are sensing something idealize, that is not there, but rather is more of a projected part of themself. Liberalism appears to have its own religion for the inner self based on a form of tribal unity effect.

The inner self is the same in all humans, and define our natural human propensities; what we all have in common as humans. That tribal experience is very satisfying, even if it is being misinterpreted and misplaced. It was more conditioned by an ego centric will to power and not a more classic religion, based on direct output from the inner self, defining itself. The longevity of classic religions comes from the timeless inner self and not an egocentric need for temporal power at any cost include, including self delusion.

Their image of Trump is also connected to inner self firmware; evil king/wizard. That projection has really taken hold since 2016. That makes Kamala the sweet princess, who needs to be hidden and protected. It is for her safety that she needs to avoid the evil king wizard less he cast a spell;; classic projection of an inner conflict directed by others.


Active Member
"Belief" in evolution is just a matter of intellectual honesty and basic education. Belief isn't even the proper word.
I believe in God. I accept and actually embrace science, so I don't doubt evolution. However, since we're all talking about it, perhaps you or someone can update us on the actual status of the science of evolution, what is the current evidence? No, I'm not doubting evolution per se at all, I am merely seeking to determine what the actual evidence is as any true scientist would. I agree, this is science and not a matter of belief with no material evidence, so it's natural for scientists to want the evidence and that's why they have been digging for decades. What is the status?
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Active Member
I believe in God. I accept and actually embrace science, so I don't doubt evolution. However, since we're all talking about it, perhaps you or someone can update us on the actual status of the science of evolution, what is the current evidence? No, I'm not doubting evolution per se at all, I am merely seeking to determine what the actual evidence is as any true scientist would. I agree, this is science and not a matter of belief with no material evidence, so it's natural for scientists to want the evidence and that's why they have been digging for decades. What is the status?

It remains an important aspect of modeling how life diversifies over time. However not all the hype and promise of the genome project have been realized. The many cures that were to come with gene fixes haven't arrived. That means that biology is advancing as they study why that is. See Phillip Ball's How Life Works for more.


Active Member
No, I'm not doubting evolution per se at all, I am merely seeking to determine what the actual evidence is
If I understand right, you have full confidence that the theory of evolution is true and have no idea what the evidence is. I think an actual scientist would go about it the other way around.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I'm not an evolutionary biologist but it is my assumption that no biologist today consider Darwin's contribution the final word regarding the Theory of Evolution. ToE is no longer Darwin's theory as it has developed well beyond his work. That is why it makes no sense to refer to Darwin when referencing the ToE as currently understood and studied, IMO.

It is my assumption, perhaps misguided, that anyone who wished to learn about and evaluate the ToE would base their evaluation and assessments on our current understanding of the theory and that the overwhelming consensus is that Evolution quite adequatly explains how we came to be.
ok, ty for explaining that. I disagree that the theory is beyond question, and by that I no longer accept the idea that humans came about as a result of natural selection or perhaps put another way, eventual emergence from a "common denominator" evolving to every form of life on this earth. But thank you for explaining your viewpoint. I know this is a debate forum, and there is hardly a place other than this to discuss contrary reasoning perhaps, but nevertheless I would like to stick to the topic of why a person who believes in evolution would also believe in God, but mainly the idea is why does a person believe in God? I haven't heard too many answers to that.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I left the fundamentalist Protestant church I grew up in largely because of its anti-evolution position, and the first time I heard that one can believe in both was from a Catholic priest I met at a bowling alley in in my late teens. However, I didn't convert to Catholicism until much later.
I converted about twenty years ago now, though I would call myself a lapsed Catholic for fifteen of those years.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
"Belief" in evolution is just a matter of intellectual honesty and basic education. Belief isn't even the proper word.

Why some creeds insist on denying that is for them to answer, and not an inherent property of god-belief as such.
Again...those firmly believing in evolution will say why, scientifically speaking, of course. That is not the question here. The question is, put another way, what reasons (or why) would a person have for believing in God if they also believe in evolution? Frankly, so far I've heard no -- answers unless I missed them as to WHY such a person believes in God as well.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I converted about twenty years ago now, though I would call myself a lapsed Catholic for fifteen of those years.
While I'd love to reply, that is a question in my mind for another thread. I enjoy your comments, though.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Imo having "hear of the fossils" is the same as not having any idea.
OK, this is not a thread about evolution. But here you prompt me to answer -- to me right now the theory is like someone constructing a frame for a jigsaw puzzle but don't really know where to put the pieces and so many pieces are missing...and even when they think they found a missing piece they still really don't have all the links. And guess what? I believe evolutionists never will find all the "missing pieces" they declare are linking one form like fish to other forms moving on to apes. Nope. Never. But that's my opinion about that.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't know and I'm not going to force myself to believe in any one hypothesis. How could I possibly know for sure?
I'm not trying to be funny here, but I guess I could ask a priest who might have access to the Pope as to why the Pope might believe in God?


Veteran Member
I converted about twenty years ago now, though I would call myself a lapsed Catholic for fifteen of those years.
I guess we have another thing in common besides widowhood, since I was a lapsed Baha'i for most of my 54 years as a Baha'i.
But when push comes to shove and you don't have anyone left to turn to, you turn to God, who will never let you down.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So your impression - like mine - is that people who believe in God and accept evolution are about as good at justifying their belief in God as people who believe in God and reject evolution?
ok, wait a minute. I have to understand your message. OK, -- I read it again -- (small laugh) -- maybe, and it's a big MAYBE people who believe in evolution AND God have offered v-e-r-y little backup in their messages supporting the concept of evolution as promoted by scientists. I have been called dumb, ignorant, etc. because I no longer accept the theory as taught and then presented with discussions about fossils and cells generating, etc., as if that proves evolution. I no longer accept that. But! among those folk claiming a religious affiliation there is little to zero showing WHY they believe in God.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I guess we have another thing in common besides widowhood, since I was a lapsed Baha'i for most of my 54 years as a Baha'i.
But when push comes to shove and you don't have anyone left to turn to, you turn to God, who will never let you down.
That's true.