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If you claim any sort of belief in the Bible--


Yes, I do, thanks for asking. I think he existed as written and that he (1) came from heaven, (2) was born to a virgin, (3) paid the price for sin.
But these three points are beyond the scope of your OP question, so the mystery remains as to the purpose of the OP? To what data is your interest tied?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
But these three points are beyond the scope of your OP question, so the mystery remains as to the purpose of the OP? To what data is your interest tied?
I don't even understand the question you pose, so have a good day, I've got things to do besides this right now. Thanks.


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Premium Member
Thank you for letting me know what you accept. It is similar with some who call themselves Christian. They really do think or believe that the Bible they claim to use as the foundational belief is full of myths. (Both parts--Tanach plus more) Thank you. Yet there are prophecies to be fulfilled. I wonder if you look forward to a Messiah and on what basis do you do so if you do.
People "who call themselves Christian" really believe that their Bibles are "full of myths"? Really? Not the Christians that I know. Not a single one of them believes that their Bibles are full of myths. On the contrary, they (and I) believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Does Rome still exist? How do you interpret that? And in what way do you think Rome is condemned?
Yes, the city of Rome still exists, which is irrelevant (and you know it). The Roman empire of the time that Revelation was written, which is clearly what John was writing about, does not exist. It's unfortunate that you have misinterpreted the Bible (probably willingly!) Revelation is a prophetic "book", part of which has already come true. I am confident that the rest of the prophecy will be fulfilled.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, I do, thanks for asking. I think he existed as written and that he (1) came from heaven, (2) was born to a virgin, (3) paid the price for sin.
Then why don't you believe what Revelation clearly says? (See the previous message). Please tell me which parts of the Bible you believe are true and which are false.

I believe that the Bible -- all of it -- is God's inerrant word to humanity.


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Premium Member
It depends on how we see it, though. It takes time to read and understand. And, I have found (for me at least), I need God's help (his holy spirit) to help me understand things. As noted, I go slowly and even if I read something in the Bible, reflecting on it later can bring more knowledge to the fore for me. :) There is much to learn and for me it is a joy to do so.
Then how can you write what you wrote about Revelation? Isn't that in your Bible?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
People "who call themselves Christian" really believe that their Bibles are "full of myths"? Really? Not the Christians that I know. Not a single one of them believes that their Bibles are full of myths. On the contrary, they (and I) believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
I appreciate that. Have you asked some here who claim to be Christian what they actually believe about the Bible? Some lurk in the background and may think I'm hounding them because I have tried repeatedly to find out why they believe in God as outlined in the Bible but also say the Bible is full of myths, so I encourage you to ask.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes, the city of Rome still exists, which is irrelevant (and you know it). The Roman empire of the time that Revelation was written, which is clearly what John was writing about, does not exist. It's unfortunate that you have misinterpreted the Bible (probably willingly!) Revelation is a prophetic "book", part of which has already come true. I am confident that the rest of the prophecy will be fulfilled.
What verses exactly are you talking about about?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Then why don't you believe what Revelation clearly says? (See the previous message). Please tell me which parts of the Bible you believe are true and which are false.

I believe that the Bible -- all of it -- is God's inerrant word to humanity.
I do believe what Revelation says. I am looking forward to the fulfillment of prophecies.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I appreciate that. Have you asked some here who claim to be Christian what they actually believe about the Bible? Some lurk in the background and may think I'm hounding them because I have tried repeatedly to find out why they believe in God as outlined in the Bible but also say the Bible is full of myths, so I encourage you to ask.
Why would I bother to ask? I am not really interested in "Christians" who believe that the Bible is full of myths.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What verses exactly are you talking about about?
John had to write "in code" to disguise what he was actually referring to. He comes very close in Revelation 17:9, "“This calls for a mind that has wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated' Rome, of course, is the city of seven hills, and was the economic center of the corrupt, sinful world (according to Christians).


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Religion may be "a racket" to you, but I think that to those of us who have true faith it is exactly the opposite. Is the Jehovah Witness denomination "a racket"?

If you read Revelation 17 and 18, you will see that "Babylon" is a code word for Rome. And Revelation 18:20 further explains, "Rejoice over her, O heaven, you saints and apostles and prophets! For God has condemned her condemnation of you."
No it can’t be Rome because “In her was found the blood of….all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” Revelation 18:24(NIV).

All the descriptions of the Harlot presented in those 2 chapters, pretty much fit false religious thinking.

Religion that represents our Creator, should renounce any killing of innocent people; but we have seen religions of all kinds, all over the world, involve themselves in the world’s conflicts and killing others. Because of geography. Or some other perceived difference.

As for Christians, we are counseled to be “not of / no part of this world,” and commanded to “love one another.” (John 15:17-19) Even our enemies. — Matthew 5:44.

In fact, Jesus said that love is the identifying mark that others can look for, to find His followers. (John 13:34,35) IOW, one doesn’t necessarily need to examine what a religion teaches, not at first anyway. Rather, look at their reputation of having a loving, united worldwide brotherhood, not fractured by divisive worldly behaviors and boundaries. — James 1:27.

But false religion is very bloodguilty, one of the reasons Jehovah God will get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No it can’t be Rome because “In her was found the blood of….all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” Revelation 18:24(NIV).

All the descriptions of the Harlot presented in those 2 chapters, pretty much fit false religious thinking.

Religion that represents our Creator, should renounce any killing of innocent people; but we have seen religions of all kinds, all over the world, involve themselves in the world’s conflicts and killing others. Because of geography. Or some other perceived difference.

As for Christians, we are counseled to be “not of / no part of this world,” and commanded to “love one another.” (John 15:17-19) Even our enemies. — Matthew 5:44.

In fact, Jesus said that love is the identifying mark that others can look for, to find His followers. (John 13:34,35) IOW, one doesn’t necessarily need to examine what a religion teaches, not at first anyway. Rather, look at their reputation of having a loving, united worldwide brotherhood, not fractured by divisive worldly behaviors and boundaries. — James 1:27.

But false religion is very bloodguilty, one of the reasons Jehovah God will get rid of it.
Clearly you don't understand symbolism. John had to disguise his message by indirectly criticizing Rome. “In her was found the blood of….all who have been slaughtered on the earth” isn't a bad description of the Roman empire's treatment of disloyal people, especially those who didn't worship the emperor.

To you, "all the descriptions of the Harlot presented in those 2 chapters, pretty much fit false religious thinking". To those of us who understand it it seems perfectly clear.

"Religion that represents our Creator, should renounce any killing of innocent people; but we have seen religions of all kinds, all over the world, involve themselves in the world’s conflicts and killing others". And your point is ..?

"... look at their reputation of having a loving, united worldwide brotherhood, not fractured by divisive worldly behaviors and boundaries", such as the JW's? LOL!!!

When you wake up from your dream we can discuss this further...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Why would I bother to ask? I am not really interested in "Christians" who believe that the Bible is full of myths.
So do you read anything of those posters here who claim to be Jewish or Christian but have insisted that the Bible is full of myths?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Clearly you don't understand symbolism. John had to disguise his message by indirectly criticizing Rome. “In her was found the blood of….all who have been slaughtered on the earth” isn't a bad description of the Roman empire's treatment of disloyal people, especially those who didn't worship the emperor.

To you, "all the descriptions of the Harlot presented in those 2 chapters, pretty much fit false religious thinking". To those of us who understand it it seems perfectly clear.

"Religion that represents our Creator, should renounce any killing of innocent people; but we have seen religions of all kinds, all over the world, involve themselves in the world’s conflicts and killing others". And your point is ..?

"... look at their reputation of having a loving, united worldwide brotherhood, not fractured by divisive worldly behaviors and boundaries", such as the JW's? LOL!!!

When you wake up from your dream we can discuss this further...
Some folks believe Jesus is coming back in the flesh. Do you think this has any bearing when speaking about the symbolism in Revelation?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Some folks believe Jesus is coming back in the flesh. Do you think this has any bearing when speaking about the symbolism in Revelation?
I believe that Jesus is definitely coming back. I am not sure if He will be in the same form as when He was here on Earth.