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If you claim any sort of belief in the Bible--

I Am Hugh

"... my scripture does not mention Jesus" is an answer. You simply don't like it, and that is understandable.

Speaking of eisegesis, may I ask which bible you prefer?
I would answer that I don't prefer any of them. They are all imperfect, uninspired fallible translations of the perfect inspired infallible. But I guess I would say that my personal favorite is the New World Translation. Usually I will compare translations, like this.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Who has seen God and what does it mean to see God 'face to face.?'
I can't answer your question as if there were two faces without bodies, so obviously it means something else. Now--thinking about it, it must mean that Moses and God had a VERY CLOSE relationship with Moses learning about the Law God wanted the Israelites to follow and what Moses should put in the writing of that Law. When a person describes a "face to face" encounter with someone, it means that it's one on one.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Peace to all,

Romans 6:7. Will some people not die, just before the new system?

To me, the logic is the people that will not die before He returns are His disciples from the cross.

Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
I would like to mention this since I was looking at it recently:
Daniel 12:9,10 -- "Go on your way, Daniel,” he replied, “for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless, and refined, but the wicked will continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand."
(Sheep need shepherds, by the way.)

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Usually I will compare translations, like this.

Regarding your example, and given that you characterize yourself to be a "Researcher," you may wish to consider that the sole 'Jewish' translation I noticed was the 1917 JPS, a century old and very preliminary effort that predated the Ugarit text discovery by a decade and the DSS discovery three.

I Am Hugh

Regarding your example, and given that you characterize yourself to be a "Researcher," you may wish to consider that the sole 'Jewish' translation I noticed was the 1917 JPS, a century old and very preliminary effort that predated the Ugarit text discovery by a decade and the DSS discovery three.

Regarding my being a researcher, :tonguewink: that is a bit of an inside joke. Actually, here, I characterize myself as an android who came from the future. Specifically, the first successfully complete posthumous-droid created at Lehrer/Sheen Industries. In essence the posthumous-droid is really only a standard human–computer interaction (HCI) similar to that of the user interface (UI) used for decades on personal computers. Direct communication pathways between the brain's electrical activity and external devices were used, for example, in brain-computer interfaces or brain-machine interfaces (BCIs/BMIs) in robotics and motor neuroprosthetics. Prior to that I was the lifetime atheist, Dietrich Lehrer. (See Revelation In Space and my first and only profile post)

About the rest of your post :cool: Ugarit
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I Am Hugh

To me, the logic is the people that will not die before He returns are His disciples from the cross.

He returned three days later. I don't think he will return again. At least not physically. His presence will be known. He will return his attention. And he didn't die on a cross, he died on the Hebrew torture stake. Xylon. But I think I know what you mean.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Regarding your example, and given that you characterize yourself to be a "Researcher," you may wish to consider that the sole 'Jewish' translation I noticed was the 1917 JPS, a century old and very preliminary effort that predated the Ugarit text discovery by a decade and the DSS discovery three.
And so--can you sum that up in terms of how that applies to Bibles and translation, please?

I Am Hugh

Yes, some permanently (@ Armageddon.)
Even in the New System. And at the end of the Millennial Reign. -- Revelation 20:6-9

Thank you. Would you agree with me that the Bible, for example, when it says the soul that sins dies, applies only in a temporal context? Simply, the Bible isn't necessarily speaking directly to us, but the people in the time and place it was written and useful to us as an example? In other words, some will never die and therefore never be resurrected? I'm trying to simplify it but only convoluting it.

Let me summarize.

The soul that sins, dies. That's everyone. But some who survive the end times will not die, even though they sinned. So, the statement at Ezekiel 18:4 applies to those in Ezekiel's day but not necessarily those in the final days of Armageddon. That about right?


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
More happiness in giving? Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38 Do you have a good experience to share? :sparklingheart:

My younger brother was very upset with me, he said one of my sons stole his bicycle, I did not know if that was true, but I decided to buy my brother a brand new 10 speed bicycle.. My brother was very happy and started to treat me with more kindness, and by this new kindness my brother was giving me it made me feel better to give him more kindness.
It did not last forever, but giving did pay off big time for both of us!