Rev 13--a 7 headed beast with 10 horns--a 2 horned beast--In Daniel there were 4 world powers mentioned all given the mark of a beast-Then #5-the roman empire- #6 the british empire- thelast= the two horned beast=#7-- a horn = a kingdom, Thus 10 kingdoms a place where kingdoms( govts) gather. a 2horned beast 2 kingdoms working together.
It says--The 2 horn beast excercises all authority of the 7 headed beast-= Resolutions.
Cannot buy or sell unless receiving the mark of the beast- sanctions( could be a chip they will implant as well in the near future)
Makes fire come down out of the heavens-Bombs-missiles
2 horned beast= eagle-lion.
It goes on and says of the 7 headed beast--The one that was( league of nations) is not( death stroke, done away with after ww2-and yet is( death stroke got healed-the united nations.
Mexico has sent a statue that is outside the UN now, Rev 13:2= perfect description of it. In it inscription-Peace and security--1 Thess 5:3--Whenever they are saying-peace and security sudden destruction will be upon them.
It says many will worship the image of the beast-means put there trust in. Peace and security will be that image. It looks and sounds good to the mortal heart, but men cannot get us out of this mess, men are causing it. Gods kingdom is the ONLY remaining hope.
Well, I'm sure this all makes sense to you.
From what I can see, it is a pretty weak attempt to force ancient stories to talk about the modern world. As such, it shows more about those making the connections than it does about the real world.