You may not be able to become the opposite sex completely, due to the current limits of medical science, but you certainly can socially. No one knows I am a trans man unless I tell them. Otherwise, I'm just a another man. You do not see DNA, chromosomes or genitals when interacting with someone in a normal social setting, even having someone as a friend or coworker. So obviously being a man or a woman is a bit more than just those things.First and foremost - to defend the biological fact that the "other one" is a woman/female and she can never become a man/male and vice versa.
There are only two biological sexes or genders, and no one can become a member of the opposing biological sex or gender.
Second - the "other one" is suffering from some kind of mental health crisis and needs us to not affirm her delusions - but give her actual help.
Honestly, this whole blowup in "trans issues" is rather artificial. People who are called transsexuals now have always existed, going back to ancient history and are found in cultures the world ever. It's nothing new. There have always been people who, for whatever reason, are more comfortable being perceived and living as the opposite sex to which they were born. We don't really know what causes it, just like we don't know what causes homosexuality. Both phenomenons seem to have underlying biological factors that cause them, especially hormonal influences in the womb.
It's not a choice or some delusion. I know I'm not making it up or delusional. It doesn't fit the definition of a delusion in mental health terms, which is a product of psychosis. I've known psychotic people and can recognize the signs of it. I actually thought I was crazy in my younger years for feeling this way. But actually crazy people never believe they're crazy. With me, it's just how I am and I've felt like this for my whole life. I understand most people will never be understand it fully, but it doesn't mean people like me are insane or it isn't real.
I actually agree with most of your post (the parts below that I didn't quote here), but what gets me about the current politicization is that the left are being radical deconstructionist nihilists and then the right are being cruel and not even want to accept that it actually exists at all. Certainly not all are behaving that way, but it's a prominent theme.
It totally ignores that there's a large number of transsexual men and women who are against the far-left social engineering that is currently occuring (and that is a new thing), and who live fairly normal lives as the men or women we transitioned into being. Most of us you would never know we are trans. It's not hard to go "stealth" after years on hormones alone, let alone any surgeries we may have. A lot of us don't bring it up because it's not relevant and we transition to move beyond it, not to have it brought up all the time. I went a long time, myself, not really thinking about it at all until it blew up everywhere in the last couple of years.
A lot of us are fairly conservative and don't want to destroy the sex binary or whatever. Many of us are Christians, go to church and so on. When I transitioned, it was something for adults to do. It wasn't about schools, sports and bathrooms. It's come to the point were transsexual people no longer feel at home in the trans community (since it has become a free for all that denies the reality of male and female, or even dysphoria and the need to transition), but then the conservatives reject us, too. So we're exiled from our own communities and then "the alternative" tells us we don't even exist.
It's a mess all around.
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