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INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)



I have provided you with evidence demonstrating that it's possible that life could arise from non-life more times than I can count. There’s no way you can’t remember the run around we had in that discussion. Sorry, but I'm not doing it again only to have you brush it off and make this same claim yet again.
No you have not. You provided me with wild speculations about things which have no evidence. That is why abiogenesis is a law. It has no exceptions known. I can invent ways a building may self assemble but I would be as inconsistent with all the evidence as your claim is.

Do you have any idea how many astronomically improbabilities must occur in order to get life without God? I am virtually certain there are millions. I know there are dozens and they are multiplicative and produce chances so ridiculously absurd as to make the FAITH in it the height of irrationality. It is far more likely the same man will win every lottery he entered even if he entered them all.

You are wrong on this claim.
My claim is exactly true. Please post the example the actual observation that makes anything I said wrong.

Nope. You’re employing the special pleading fallacy wherein you say everything has to have a cause except this one special thing you want to prove magically doesn’t need a cause. There’s nothing logical about that.
No I am not. I did not invent the Biblical concept of God nor the philosophers concept of God. I found both preexisting and had no ability whatever to construct a God to produce a desired result. What is also a certainty is that an infinite regression of causation is a logical absurdity and could never produce anything. If anything exists then there must be an uncaused first cause. It does not have to be my God (though he is the best candidate) but there must be one of some type. God as a concept has no cause or he could not be God. A caused God is not a maximal being.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I must explain the same thing to every new poster and repeat in constantly. I did not argue for God directly from cosmology. If you imagine 5 steps in my argument I use Vilenkin for steps 1, 2, and 3 because they deal with cosmology and philosophy and theology for steps 4 and 5 because they are not about natural law.

But isn’t that a disingenuous reply because you are still arguing to God, directly or indirectly, whether from cosmology or theology: that is what you are here to defend, your belief in God and not the interesting aspects of physics and cosmogony.

See the above please.

I’m sorry but that is not a satisfactory response. You do not merely believe the universe had a beginning, you believe, as per Craig, that it was created by God. And if that is your belief then you cannot present arguments as if the two things were unrelated and separate issues. And I still haven’t had a reply to my criticisms of Craig!

No what I said is perfectly true of cause and effect philosophy. A flame at 300 degrees can't heat anything up to 300 degrees. A cause must be greater than it's effects.

Well, admittedly I'm a science Muppet but in that example aren’t you are talking about the efficiency, or its lack, in heat transfer, where the total transfer of energy is imparted to the effect with the rest of the energy removed as heat at ambient temperature? Where is the argument that there is more energy in the cause than required for the effect in that example?

The universe requires a cause greater than everything in it. I am not jumping straight from more energy in the cause than in the universe straight to God. The intermediate step is the acknowledgment that no other candidate exist. I also am not arguing that with a burden of proof, only the burden of intellectual permeability. That is faiths burden, not certainty.

Certainty has no part to play in this particular subject as we’re both speaking of the experiential world, or at least we were until you opted out to beg the question with an unsubstantiated opinion.

And on the subject of proportioning an effect to its cause in the case of God, consider this:

“If I had some reason to believe that God will choose to, or must, exert himself to the fullest in any of his acts of creation – that (as Leibniz would have it) he must always do his very best, then I would have grounds for claiming that he can do no better than this world, and so whatever power and knowledge are required for bringing this world into existence are precisely the power and knowledge God has – no more and no less. There would be no possibility of claiming that God can create better worlds, and that he merely chose for some reason or other to create one that did not require the fullest exertion of his abilities.”
Philo, Volume 2, Number 2
John Beaudoin,University of Leeds

I made no claim of what is available to who. I can but didn't. The point I made was that religious experience is apprehended in exactly the same way as Love and the moral realm. You must deny all of them or accept all of them to be consistent.

So what you mean by “religious experience” is no different to other emotions. How then can it be supernatural?

I have provided examples of supernatural truth if I am not mistaken. They are truths in the exact same way love is.

That’s a fatuous comparison. There are no “Love truths”!

Supernatural claims are by definition not subject to what governs the natural. No matter how many times you observe X doing Y the probability of X being forced to do Z by God is unaffected. Why in the world are you employing the frequency with which a natural action takes place, to indicate the probability for a supernatural act. Miracles are by definition a suspension of the natural and everything that governs them. They are by definition the rare exception but that rareness has nothing to do with the probability they have occurred. There are not many dead people rising from the grave in the Bible anyway.

But it was you (and Greenleaf) who insist that supernatural events are probable! I looked back at your posts and gave up counting after the first few. And probability is based on the complete lack of past occurrences in this case, or “no known exceptions” to use one of your favourite terms against you.


Well-Known Member
Hume is wrong. There exists no reason whatever to suppose many categories of things in the natural cease to operate without the natural. I agree we can't know but many constants in nature, abstract truths like numbers, morality, and much of philosophy have no dependence on the natural. Nothing in the natural universe can make Murder wrong. Natural law is also only descriptive and not prescriptive. Nature did mandate 2 + 2 = 4 it only described it. It's source must be beyond nature. There are literally and inexhaustible number of these concepts of which I gave just a couple. There was once nothing, then there was everything. Since nothing will never produce anything, something else did. Non being contains no potential for anything.

It seems to me by your contradictory statements that you cannot make up your mind which intellectual position to adopt and thus find yourself in a dilemma. You want some things to have a non-natural mystical nature to give some succour to your supernatural beliefs but on the other hand you don’t want anything to be non-natural if it challenges your supernatural beliefs! Well, abstract “truths” (I think you mean “abstract facts”) are as they are defined: abstractions from the experiential world, the world of facts that we all share. In all cases they refer to things in the world. A triangle is what it is because there are three equal sided things, the same with spheres or rectangles, and objects are many in the world and we enumerate them whether by a string of beads, slide rule or computer.

And either you really don’t understand Hume’s argument or you are simply employing it as a Straw Man to knock down. For the umpteenth time it isn’t being said, absurdly, that nothing can produce something. Causality is an essential feature of the experiential world but if the world ceased to exist tomorrow there is no argument that can be made to demonstrate that it would continue to exist; it isn’t even necessary in this world! And by the same token causality cannot exist prior to the world but can only exist with the world at its inception.


Well-Known Member
I hope I explained that in the previous post. It is not baseless speculation like the multi verse is, it is a logical deduction.

You are continually referring to these Red Herrings such as muliverses (and “nothing cannot produce anything”. I have never argued for those things, so why do you do it?
And explain to me how you deduce that A is greater than B in the example I gave you?

Cause and effect is consistent with every observation ever made.
Arbitrarily suspending cause without even a theoretically possible justification is ridiculous.
If that was not enough you claim nothing can be replaced by something without the slightest evidence it did or even the slightest reason to think it ever could have.

My argument is not a certainty but it it is much much closer to the certainty end of the scale than yours. Yours are pure speculation.

Am I suspending cause without possible justification? Perhaps you should think about that for a moment. Cause and effect is the way we understand the world, of course it is, and without that feature the world would very quickly come to an end. And actually if the world comes to an end, as many scientists believe it will, then every feature of the world will be gone including the principle we know as cause and effect. That will leave nothing; which is exactly what scientists tell us existed before the Big Bang. So I think that is rather more theoretically possible than your arbitrarily proposing something in the nothingness that employed a contingent feature that was yet to exist and simply as a means to buttress a superstitious belief.

It is very easy to understand why I had no idea what your position was. I would never have thought any rational person would chunk what is consistent with all observations and adopt what is inconsistent with them all. Your operating on infinitely more faith given less evidence that I am.

Hardly, given what I’ve just explained above. And further more I believe-that it is possible; I don’t believe-in it, whereas you won’t allow anything to count against your belief-in faith. This is an important point. I can be wrong in all my speculations, and so I don’t hold to any of them as an article of faith as you must.

The exact same way we believe Caesar existed. Evidence. Unless you are asking how we would know the truth to an absolute certainty I can't make my response any simpler. The same way you believe your family cares about you, I believe God cares about me.

We believe that Caesar was a human being who is supposed to have done such-and-such, and we believe, with good reason, that our family are real people that care for us, but you believe that a non-human, that you don’t know for sure even exists, is to be thought of in the same way? I find the last aspect rather worrying for humanity in general, but I’ll leave you with that.

You really misunderstood my statement.

I did not say legal decisions prove the supernatural. I said they prove we make decisions all the time without certain knowledge we are right.

The point is this. Most of our decisions are made with an amount of evidence that does not allow for certainty. If we do this all the time for every type of claim under the sun why are you denying the validity of doing so concerning God.

"Why?" God doesn’t exist other than as a concept, unless it can be shown otherwise.

Use type instead if you wish. Use what ever word you wish to indicate that there is potentially a natural realm and one beyond it and independent from it.

You just say things without any structured argument or supporting premises. There is only one reality, even allowing for our far from complete knowledge of the world.

This is setting standards where ever needed to make sure an unwanted reality will die the death of a thousand qualifications.

1. I have no burden to prove a thing is true. I have the faith position.
2. If your criteria was carried to it's conclusion it would rule out claiming anything is true beyond the fact we think.
3. I supplied types of possible truth but your asking about the perception of it.
4. The thing I will claim is true is my personal experience with God. I know it is true the same way I know love exists. By experience.

Exactly! From the world of experience, and from which all your thoughts and ideas are compounded.

That is not exactly true.

1. You and I cannot predict the probability of a supernatural event occurring by looking at the frequency that natural law produces a certain non miraculous event.

I’m sorry but I’m not sure that makes sense. Can you re-phrase it for me please?

2. We can however produce a generalized probability that a supernatural event occurred by evaluating the evidence it did.

And what “evidence” would that be then?

If my Dad (who is as honest and non-sensational as anyone I know) told me that he saw Jesus levitate Westminster Abby for ten minutes at 100 feet in the air even if no one else was there to see it, then using my knowledge of him, God, and gravity then it probably was the result of forces beyond nature. What I could not do is use how long it had not levitated to rule out my fathers claims. I would not be certain but I can assign it a high probability.

With respect I’m coming to despair of you ever giving me a proper argument. The above is just one such example. I’m sorry but I’m not finding your replies sufficiently challenging, pertinent or objective most of the time.


Veteran Member
No you have not. You provided me with wild speculations about things which have no evidence. That is why abiogenesis is a law. It has no exceptions known. I can invent ways a building may self assemble but I would be as inconsistent with all the evidence as your claim is.
Abiogenesis is not a law. I think what you’re thinking about is the law of biogenesis which states that living things can only come from other living things via reproduction and that such organisms cannot appear fully formed (Which is a claim against creationism rather than abiogenesis). What it doesn’t say is that primitive life can’t form from complex molecules.

What I gave you were scientific studies where the results indicated that it is possible for the building blocks of life to form from nonliving materials. You brushed these off as failures, for some odd reason even though the results indicate what I said. If they were actually failures, as is your contention, the results should not have indicated that it’s at least possible for living matter to form from non-living matter. But they did, and so your analysis is inaccurate.

I showed you that in 2008 scientists revisited the Miller-Urey experiments and determined that they were more successful than they initially thought. They found additional amino acids that were undetectable in the original experiment. They also demonstrated that organic molecules are pretty easy to synthesize under a wide variety of atmospheric conditions and using different energy sources. Here it is:

There are tons of studies on the subject, that bring us closer and closer to understanding how life arose on earth which are more than simply wild speculations lacking in evidence. Nice try though. So while you’re here on the internet, declaring from some preconceived notions about god that all of this is impossible without “him,” scientists are out in the field trying to find actual answers for us. Every new piece of information gleaned is another piece that helps complete the puzzle:


An asymmetric underlying rule in the assignment of codons: Possible clue to a quick early evolution of the genetic code via successive binary choices

Carbonyl Sulfide–Mediated Prebiotic Formation of Peptides

Catalysis in prebiotic chemistry: application to the synthesis of RNA oligomers

Cations as Mediators of the Adsorption of Nucleic Acids on Clay Surfaces in Prebiotic Environments

Chemistry for the synthesis of nucleobasemodified peptide nucleic acid

Coevolution of compositional protocells and their environment.

Conditions for the emergence of life on the early Earth: summary and reflections

Continued ...
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Veteran Member
No you have not. You provided me with wild speculations about things which have no evidence. That is why abiogenesis is a law. It has no exceptions known. I can invent ways a building may self assemble but I would be as inconsistent with all the evidence as your claim is.

Coupled Growth and Division of Model Protocell Membranes

Early anaerobic metabolisms

Evolution and self-assembly of protocells

Evolution of Amino Acid Frequencies in Proteins Over Deep Time: Inferred Order of Introduction of Amino Acids into the Genetic Code

Formation of Protocell-like Vesicles in a Thermal Diffusion Column

Generic Darwinian selection in catalytic protocell assemblies

Homochiral selection in the montmorillonite-catalyzed and uncatalyzed Prebiotic synthesis of RNA

Implications of a 3.472–3.333 Gyr-old subaerial microbial mat from the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa for the UV environmental conditions on the early Earth

Ligation of the hairpin ribozyme in cis induced by freezing and dehydration

Mineral Catalysis and Prebiotic Synthesis: Montmorillonite-Catalyzed Formation of RNA

Replicating vesicles as models of primitive cell growth and division

Self-assembly processes in the prebiotic environment

Self-Sustained Replication of an RNA Enzyme

Do you have any idea how many astronomically improbabilities must occur in order to get life without God? I am virtually certain there are millions. I know there are dozens and they are multiplicative and produce chances so ridiculously absurd as to make the FAITH in it the height of irrationality. It is far more likely the same man will win every lottery he entered even if he entered them all.

You can be certain of whatever you want. You need to back it up with some evidence if you want anyone else to buy it.

My claim is exactly true. Please post the example the actual observation that makes anything I said wrong.

It’s false. See above.

No I am not. I did not invent the Biblical concept of God nor the philosophers concept of God. I found both preexisting and had no ability whatever to construct a God to produce a desired result. What is also a certainty is that an infinite regression of causation is a logical absurdity and could never produce anything. If anything exists then there must be an uncaused first cause. It does not have to be my God (though he is the best candidate) but there must be one of some type. God as a concept has no cause or he could not be God. A caused God is not a maximal being.

Yes you are. I don’t care whether you invented the concept of god or not. The argument you are employing as evidence of the existence of your god is a fallacy. It doesn’t answer the question any more than “god did it” answers any question. Like in the case of “god did it” all you’re doing is using a mystery to explain a mystery, which in actuality explains nothing.


Rogue Theologian
I know but I'm talking about your claims to "spirit". why need there by anything other than the material? Why do you need to create an answer when we don't have one?

Answering the question...which came first?
Spirit?...or substance?

The consequence should be obvious.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Answering the question...which came first?
Spirit?...or substance?

The consequence should be obvious.

Before we can ask that question we must do a few things.
1) Define spirit. We must know what it is.
2) Provide evidence it exists.

Otherwise I can say
"What came first? Substance? .....or scallidots?


It seems to me by your contradictory statements that you cannot make up your mind which intellectual position to adopt and thus find yourself in a dilemma. You want some things to have a non-natural mystical nature to give some succour to your supernatural beliefs but on the other hand you don’t want anything to be non-natural if it challenges your supernatural beliefs!
I can't evaluate, explain, or respond to comments about supposed contradictions that do not say what was contradictory. What I want has nothing to do with anything (that is only what non-theists say to themselves to explain away why so few agree with them). I came to faith kicking and screaming. I did not want there to be a God, and even to this day I would alter about 95% of what I believe if I had the choice. As I said I can't evaluate what you do not reference.

Well, abstract “truths” (I think you mean “abstract facts”) are as they are defined: abstractions from the experiential world, the world of facts that we all share. In all cases they refer to things in the world. A triangle is what it is because there are three equal sided things, the same with spheres or rectangles, and objects are many in the world and we enumerate them whether by a string of beads, slide rule or computer.
Exactly which molecule in nature do we extract morality from? Which scientific studies did the man 5000 years ago use to believe that love existed? Where exactly in the universe is the proof for beauty? I was not discussing triangle, beads, spheres, or slide rules. If the entire universe ceased to exist would the abstract concept of numbers no longer be true. Many of the greatest philosophers in history suggest the opposite.

I do not have it with me but the latest issue of philosophy now (Cambridge). Publishes a section of things known to be wrong. Under that section in the latest edition they conclude with absolute confidence that the Higgs Boson and Quantum physics research has finally proven that matter is dependent on mind but mind is independent of matter. I will either bring it in and copy the article or quotes (Max Plank and others) from it, if you wish, but science is not trending in your direction and what I want has nothing to do with it.

And either you really don’t understand Hume’s argument or you are simply employing it as a Straw Man to knock down. For the umpteenth time it isn’t being said, absurdly, that nothing can produce something. Causality is an essential feature of the experiential world but if the world ceased to exist tomorrow there is no argument that can be made to demonstrate that it would continue to exist; it isn’t even necessary in this world! And by the same token causality cannot exist prior to the world but can only exist with the world at its inception.
In what way is having nothing and then having something not something arising from nothing. I know what he said about it, I think I am the one who first quoted him. If you have nothing then nothing will ever exist. Even if your preference (see you accusation above) will not allow you to agree with that inevitability do not call your accounting for it science. Call it pure speculation, that either has no evidence or possibly counters evidence. Causality is evident in this world, there exists no reason that it would not in all possible worlds. I can't say it would but all the evidence and reasoning based on reliable scholarship suggests it would. Cause and effect have no dependence on anything natural. It is not bound by it. There is no reason to think it ceases to exist even if nature did. That is only one of dozens of things that are in nature but are independent of nature that I have heard of, there are probably millions.

I have two requests.

1. Please do not call my faith and claims made relevant to it other than genuine. Call them wrong if you wish but do not claim to have access to my motivations, because you don't.
2. Please do not refer to claims about the multiverse, something arising without a cause, or self actualizing stuff as science.

You have said the universe did not arise from nothing.
You have said it does not have an explanation of it's own existence within its self.

You have eliminated both nothing and everything (that is what the natural universe means) as containing the explanation of the universes existence. Then where pray tell, does it lie and how does anyone access that magical realm? Maybe even liberalism works there.


You are continually referring to these Red Herrings such as muliverses (and “nothing cannot produce anything”. I have never argued for those things, so why do you do it?
And explain to me how you deduce that A is greater than B in the example I gave you?
There is no observation ever made, and no evidence ever observed where nothing existed and then something existed (much less without a cause). Call it what you wish. The point is there is no evidence it has occurred nor ever could. As I have said my boss did his dissertation in information theory. The fact that every known effect happens only when a change of information occurs is consistent with every observation and every theoretical construct that deals with reliable philosophy. Let's pretend that however does not mean it is true of things beyond nature. Why do I always have to pretend only when I am talking with a non-theist?

1. If anything exists beyond nature it is supernatural to begin with.
2. Even to be generous you are arguing from the greatest silence possible.
3. No evidence ever has or even theoretically will be available to evaluate an uncaused universe by.
4. Nothing never changes states of information because it contains none. There exists nothing to change state to get anything out of.

Call an uncaused universe whatever you wish and I will use that term. I am growing weary with the semantic off ramps.

Am I suspending cause without possible justification? Perhaps you should think about that for a moment. Cause and effect is the way we understand the world, of course it is, and without that feature the world would very quickly come to an end. And actually if the world comes to an end, as many scientists believe it will, then every feature of the world will be gone including the principle we know as cause and effect. That will leave nothing; which is exactly what scientists tell us existed before the Big Bang. So I think that is rather more theoretically possible than your arbitrarily proposing something in the nothingness that employed a contingent feature that was yet to exist and simply as a means to buttress a superstitious belief.
Cause and effect are evident in the world, they do not appear to be dependent on it.


1. I have a theory or proposition that has no known exception.
2. You have one that has no known occurrence.

And it is your side who always insists faith is irrational. Truly amazing.

Hardly, given what I’ve just explained above. And further more I believe-that it is possible; I don’t believe-in it, whereas you won’t allow anything to count against your belief-in faith. This is an important point. I can be wrong in all my speculations, and so I don’t hold to any of them as an article of faith as you must.
You did not explain anything above. You said something I know most of science actually refutes and said some mythical scientists believe it.
Where was the explanation, where was the evidence, where was anything at all beyond an unknowable assertion that contradicts every known relationship? You can't assert truth into existence any more than you can a universe.

We believe that Caesar was a human being who is supposed to have done such-and-such, and we believe, with good reason, that our family are real people that care for us, but you believe that a non-human, that you don’t know for sure even exists, is to be thought of in the same way? I find the last aspect rather worrying for humanity in general, but I’ll leave you with that.
There is far more textual evidence for Christ than Caesar and even what exists for Caesar is known to be in large part propaganda he himself wrote. That takes care of the historical existence of both and is exactly what I said it was.
Jesus was no less human than anyone. He just had something else in addition. I do know for certain he exists even as a savior but even a majority NT scholars from all sides agree he was a historical figure. Simply on a historical basis I would place his existence as more certain than anyone in ancient history. There might be one or two with superior evidence but not many and none textually. My family did not die for me even if they would , they haven't. My God died for me when I hated him. I can't see how that is a problem. I think you keep forgetting that hundreds of millions of us have experienced him and for the first time in our lives knew what absolute peace and infinite love was.

"Why?" God doesn’t exist other than as a concept, unless it can be shown otherwise.
Not to you. I did not mention the word concept in what you responded to. I occasionally do because that is all he is to non-believers and which concept is under discussion comes with the context where that concept is found. The point was that you use one set of methodology and another set for God and that indefensible.

You just say things without any structured argument or supporting premises. There is only one reality, even allowing for our far from complete knowledge of the world.
I can't think of too many things that are not composed of states and types.
Plasma, solid, liquid and gas are all types of matter. In a debate a person occasionally must submit what can't be proven as a possible explanation for data. In this case I am distinguishing the supernatural (which is not governed by any natural laws we know of), from the natural. They together are types of reality. They are both theoretically real and not of the same type. Can we knock of having to define terms that are well understood every 5 minutes. You know exactly what I mean, but are for some reason equating the unproven with the undefinable. Why? When the source of the universe or cause and effects nature are discussed you are more than willing to operate in the arena where no evidence exists and much evidence contradicts. Why the double standards? Yet I never asked you to explain in detail what that beginning was or why cause and effect would cease with the universe.

Exactly! From the world of experience, and from which all your thoughts and ideas are compounded.
Which part was your idea of a universe that exists independent of cause come from? Which part of reality even remotely suggested cause and effect are dependent on nature?
Do you not realize the double standards your using?

I’m sorry but I’m not sure that makes sense. Can you re-phrase it for me please?
I mangle language as much as anyone but that statement was IMO very well stated. I will try and make it clearer anyway. You can't use the probability of a natural event to calculate the probability of a natural event. At best you might be able to make some very specious claim about frequency over a given time but not the probability of any one act at any time. If I knew that wine was made by natural means 20 billion times I have not lowered or increased the probability it could not have been done by non-natural means. I have only indicated something about how often it is. Miracles are by their definition exceptions to rules.

And what “evidence” would that be then?
Not even the most committed atheist if honest could assign the Bible's testimony a zero probability of being true. So the only issue is the relative level of probability it is true. That would require a lot of time and a set of criteria but I think the fact it has some probabilistic level of truth. I can find studies of any type you wish to name if necessary, but it comes down to a personal estimation in the end.

With respect I’m coming to despair of you ever giving me a proper argument. The above is just one such example. I’m sorry but I’m not finding your replies sufficiently challenging, pertinent or objective most of the time.
If the claim of a person known to be trustworthy does not carry weight in an argument with a person who trusts them then your dissatisfaction with my argument and pretty much every claim ever made says more about you than the argument. Basically I was saying that trustworthy testimony is about the most often used mechanism in history for evaluating claims, but as usual only concerning God is that a problem.


Veteran Member
There is no observation ever made, and no evidence ever observed where nothing existed and then something existed (much less without a cause). Call it what you wish. The point is there is no evidence it has occurred nor ever could. As I have said my boss did his dissertation in information theory. The fact that every known effect happens only when a change of information occurs is consistent with every observation and every theoretical construct that deals with reliable philosophy. Let's pretend that however does not mean it is true of things beyond nature. Why do I always have to pretend only when I am talking with a non-theist?
1. If anything exists beyond nature it is supernatural to begin with.
2. Even to be generous you are arguing from the greatest silence possible.
3. No evidence ever has or even theoretically will be available to evaluate an uncaused universe by.
4. Nothing never changes states of information because it contains none. There exists nothing to change state to get anything out of.

Are virtual particles really constantly popping in and out of existence? Or are they merely a mathematical bookkeeping device for quantum mechanics?: Scientific American

Quantum Foam, Virtual Particles and Other Curiosities « NOVA's Physics Blog: The Nature of Reality
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Veteran Member
There is far more textual evidence for Christ than Caesar and even what exists for Caesar is known to be in large part propaganda he himself wrote. That takes care of the historical existence of both and is exactly what I said it was. Jesus was no less human than anyone. He just had something else in addition. I do know for certain he exists even as a savior but even a majority NT scholars from all sides agree he was a historical figure. Simply on a historical basis I would place his existence as more certain than anyone in ancient history. There might be one or two with superior evidence but not many and none textually. My family did not die for me even if they would , they haven't. My God died for me when I hated him. I can't see how that is a problem. I think you keep forgetting that hundreds of millions of us have experienced him and for the first time in our lives knew what absolute peace and infinite love was.
So wait a minute ... You say Caesar actually wrote things down, while Jesus never did, and for some reason that means there's better evidence for the existence of Jesus than for Caesar? How does that work?


Rogue Theologian
Before we can ask that question we must do a few things.
1) Define spirit. We must know what it is.
2) Provide evidence it exists.

Otherwise I can say
"What came first? Substance? .....or scallidots?

Define? or just draw a line?
How about the difference between you and a rock?....or a pile of dust?

Evidence required?
That you post in response is a sign of your spirit.


Admiral Obvious
Define? or just draw a line?
How about the difference between you and a rock?....or a pile of dust?

Evidence required?
That you post in response is a sign of your spirit.

Still unable to define "spirit" in a meaningful way?


Well-Known Member
Define? or just draw a line?
How about the difference between you and a rock?....or a pile of dust?

Evidence required?
That you post in response is a sign of your spirit.

OOOh I know the answer to that one

The difference is that I can grow, reproduce, digest, respond to stimuli, and interact with other organisms!

So what's the difference between myself and say...an elephant?