God is not the problem. God is always the answer. The answer is always ONE!
This goes with TRUE number line. There is NOT A ZERO. the Zero is a placeholder!! For??
God says he is the alpha and omega.
Take the letters of '0ne'
The '0' is always '1' maybe the 'n' = never 'e' = ending ???
God is Hydrogen. God is YHMH. God is One??
Do these relate??
^^^thats the equation for everything.
Waters freezing point is 0.0
If the decimal is ACTUALLY ....ABSOLUTE 1.
and the '0' is a placeholder for '1'
Then look:
One hydrogen is the decimal.
One '0' is one oxygen.
Science and math are friends buddy. And zero...is ABSOLUTE ONE. In actuality. Binary code anyone??
Nothing equals zero.
50×0 is not even solvable without knowing the value of zero.
Now do we have free will....using an atom as a ilustration...yes and no.