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Intelligent Design is a Fact- Evolution is a Theory!


Admiral Obvious
It has been shown, in court, that ID is nothing more than creationism reworded to college level without using the word "god".


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


f you consider that foolish and this forum has no intention of ever letting anyone discuss Intelligent Design then tell me that!

I would hope that you could see that it is not the subject matter that is at issue.
It is your very demeaning and arrogant attitude that causes this to happen.

Dante Writer

Active Member
So are you now using "ID" in the conventional sense, & favoring it over evolution?

No I am not favoring ID and ID can and does work with evolution as I made clear in my OP.

Evolution does not answer the question of the origin of life. ID does and may be the answer to life on this earth or future planets.

Your alternative to that is spontaneous generation or transpermia or panspermia.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No I am not favoring ID and ID can and does work with evolution as I made clear in my OP.

Evolution does not answer the question of the origin of life. ID does and may be the answer to life on this earth p or future planets.

Your alternative to that is spontaneous generation or transpermia or panspermia.
Is the last sentence what your thread is really about?
(This has been an inscrutable thread so far.....except for the burger & cheese aspects.)


Admiral Obvious
No I am not favoring ID and ID can and does work with evolution as I made clear in my OP.

Evolution does not answer the question of the origin of life. ID does and may be the answer to life on this earth p or future planets.

Your alternative to that is spontaneous generation or transpermia or panspermia.
Creation can work just fine with evolution.
Because evolution doe snot address the beginning of life.

Dante Writer

Active Member
How about you stay on topic? This is the Evolution vs. Creationism forum and you are arguing (as observed, rather poorly) the meaning of Intelligent Design from a perspective that would even make Behe, Berlinskii and Gish cringe.

How about you stop trying to lump ID into creationsim and the we can have some objective discussions about the origin of life that your evolution theory needs .

Unless you want to tell everyone how life evolves from non living elements?

Dante Writer

Active Member
Creation can work just fine with evolution.
Because evolution doe snot address the beginning of life.

Dance in circles much?

Guess what- without an origin to that life there would be no evolution and unless you believe life evolved from non living elements spontaneously you got a big problem.


Admiral Obvious

How about you stop trying to lump ID into creationsim and the we can have some objective discussions about the origin of life that your evolution theory needs .

Unless you want to tell everyone how life evolves from non living elements?
The Theory of Evolution does not need to explain how life started.

How do you think your Intelligent Designer got life started?

Dante Writer

Active Member
Hardly, son. I am not a fan of creationism.

See and that shows why this discussion was needed- people like you that can not grasp simple facts:

We have been designing organism for a long time through cross breeding and inbreeding species like dogs, horses, cats and any domesticated animals. It is is intelligent design not natural selection and is intended to produce an organism with specific traits.

We can now clone animals with no natural selection involved in the process to create a living organism.

We create genetically modified animals and plants in labs all the time and that food you eat today is probably a result of intelligent design that happened in a lab.

Intelligent design is not creationism. Intelligent design does not require a God or even a genius and has nothing to do with magic or super natural powers.

Intelligent design is the application of science to create living organism or modify genes and DNA to produce changes in organisms.

Intelligent Design is a Fact!

Dante Writer

Active Member
The Theory of Evolution does not need to explain how life started.

How do you think your Intelligent Designer got life started?

Well let's see- do you think the first intelligent designer started by spontaneous generation from non living elements?

I can play that game to!



How about you stop trying to lump ID into creationsim and the we can have some objective discussions about the origin of life that your evolution theory needs .

Unless you want to tell everyone how life evolves from non living elements?
More semantic bloviation, blah, blah, blah.

You just don't get it. Your "ideas" have been exposed for what they are. People are expressing their distaste, first clearly and concisely, and then when you start playing pigeon chess, by discussing hamburgers. That should, in and of itself, send you a message that you need to take to heart.


Admiral Obvious
Well let's see- do you think the first intelligent designer started by spontaneous generation from non living elements?

I can play that game to!
Yes, you are far to interested in playing games.
Sad really, because you could have had a serious discussion on the subject.

Dante Writer

Active Member
More semantic bloviation, blah, blah, blah.

You just don't get it. Your "ideas" have been exposed for what they are. People are expressing their distaste, first clearly and concisely, and then when you start playing pigeon chess, by discussing hamburgers. That should, in and of itself, send you a message that you need to take to heart.

No what we see from your posts and all the attacks here is that you are very scared of Intelligent Design so as soon as I post you try to hijack it to stop any discussion.

BUT that will not stop me and I will bring you into the light if I have to drag you kicking and screaming from your caves.