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Intelligent Design...........?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
That's very magnanimous of you.

If you want to teach your kids a completely unsubstantiated lie, you feel free to do just that. At the same time, I have a real problem with such rubbish being presented to kids (in general) as if it were the equal of the Theory of Evolution.

Did you read the part of letting the child decide which class to take? I mean if your "Theory of Evolution" is so compelling then you would have nothing to worry about, if your child decided to study creationism. No?


Well-Known Member
I would have to say it depends. Based on the majority of that school district. I mean if your district is mostly Buddhist then that particular district would teach their version. If a Christian family that lives in that district does not want their child learning that then they can teach the child their own views at home or church. ( which they should be anyways) But the only way to be fair to everyone is to teach both creationism and evolution. Or teach neither. Which would be a shame for everyone. Personally if I would have had a choice in school I would have taken both classes.
But teaching the majority religion discriminates against the minority, doesn't it? Isn't this why we keep religion out of public schools? I just don't see why religious folks want THEIR religion taught to EVERY kid in school. Can't you just teach your religion in church?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Did you read the part of letting the child decide which class to take? I mean if your "Theory of Evolution" is so compelling then you would have nothing to worry about, if your child decided to study creationism. No?

So, now we are letting kids choose their own curriculum? I don't think so.

If a kid wants to learn about a religious teaching, let him do so in church.

As for your statement that "I have nothing to worry about" - you are quite right. I live in a country that has (repeatedly) rejected the introduction of such religious dogma into the public school system.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
But teaching the majority religion discriminates against the minority, doesn't it? Isn't this why we keep religion out of public schools? I just don't see why religious folks want THEIR religion taught to EVERY kid in school. Can't you just teach your religion in church?

Well that is where the argument is at. And a there is always going to be a small amount of people who you cannot please....always. Teach both let the children decide which they want if not both. Let them make up their own minds. What is wrong with that? Are you so afraid of free thought that you will force your children to be one way or the other?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Hmmm well I got to choose my classes in school. Didn't have to have anyone else sign off on it other than the teacher saying O.K. Maybe things have changed in 10 years but last I recall I got to choose the level of math i wanted either honors algebra or regular algebra etc etc. So why couldnt it be done the same way with ID/Evolution? Just pick the "science" class you would rather take. Have them both count for same credits as far as a diploma goes.


Well-Known Member
Well that is where the argument is at. And a there is always going to be a small amount of people who you cannot please....always. Teach both let the children decide which they want if not both. Let them make up their own minds. What is wrong with that? Are you so afraid of free thought that you will force your children to be one way or the other?
You keep using the word "both" as if there were only two views. That is not the case. Buddhists have a different view of creation. So do Hindus. So do Pastafarians. "Teach both" does not address the issue. There are many creation myths. To start teaching religion in public school is problematic and unnecessary. What is the problem with teaching religion at church? Why won't you answer that?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well I got to choose my classes in school. Didn't have to have anyone else sign off on it other than the teacher saying O.K. Maybe things have changed in 10 years but last I recall I got to choose the level of math i wanted either honors algebra or regular algebra etc etc. So why couldnt it be done the same way with ID/Evolution? Just pick the "science" class you would rather take. Have them both count for same credits as far as a diploma goes.
ID is not science. It cannot be taught in a science class.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I was just saying let it count as a "science" credit. That way they can still recieve a diploma. Cause lets face it. Evolution is biology in schools. Unless you know your going to be a doctor (which usually only the brightest know that at 15) then biology is almost useless for everyday application. Most people become the gears that make this world turn. Everyday laborers. Biology is not a class that is needed for auto mechanics, ditch diggers, factory workers etc. So why not let them learn something they might have an interest and and could benefit them everyday? If they so choose it.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
You keep using the word "both" as if there were only two views. That is not the case. Buddhists have a different view of creation. So do Hindus. So do Pastafarians. "Teach both" does not address the issue. There are many creation myths. To start teaching religion in public school is problematic and unnecessary. What is the problem with teaching religion at church? Why won't you answer that?

You didnt read all the post or you would have understood what I meant. Now your just playing word games to try and wiggle out of the issue.


Well-Known Member
I was just saying let it count as a "science" credit. That way they can still recieve a diploma.
Are you being serious here? Let's teach the Christian version of creation to children in public schools and let it "count" as a science credit???? Why in the world would anyone ever entertain that idea?

Can we get to the bottom of why you think it is not sufficient to teach children religion in church? Let's think this through. Children who go to church already learn about creationism. They are taught in Sunday School and Church that God made Adam and Eve and that He create the world in 6 days. Clearly, these children do not need a class in public school to teach them about creationism. So, what students are you trying to reach here? Well, it must be the students who don't go to a Christian church, right? You want to use public money to spread your religious views to children who are not already in your religion. Do you see anything wrong with that? I do.


The evolution theory honestly doesn't make any more sense to me than creationism. That is cause i don't see where it all started without a creator, but i also don't see why there would BE a creator. You get my conundrum?

As for teaching the myriad of choices, not just the theory of evolution and intelligent design, but all the others as well, i agree that religion should be kept out of school.

For example, if god proved to everyone that he existed, i would still not want intelligent design taught at school, but i would definitely tell them to stop teaching the theory of evolution(unless god set things up that way? who knows......).

try and stick with what we know as facts for school! so yes, that means i don't think they should teach the theory of evolution in school either, at least not until high school, where it could be an elective.


Well-Known Member
You didnt read all the post or you would have understood what I meant. Now your just playing word games to try and wiggle out of the issue.
Not only did I read the entire post, I included every word of it quoted before my response. To refresh the memory:
Well that is where the argument is at. And a there is always going to be a small amount of people who you cannot please....always. Teach both let the children decide which they want if not both. Let them make up their own minds. What is wrong with that? Are you so afraid of free thought that you will force your children to be one way or the other?

You clearly say teach "both" and let the children decide. It is not a good idea to accuse someone of playing word games when all of your previous posts are available for reference. I resent the accusation that I somehow twisted your meaning, but if I did, I apologize. Please explain your use of the word "both" here.


Well-Known Member
The evolution theory honestly doesn't make any more sense to me than creationism. That is cause i don't see where it all started without a creator, but i also don't see why there would BE a creator. You get my conundrum?

As for teaching the myriad of choices, not just the theory of evolution and intelligent design, but all the others as well, i agree that religion should be kept out of school.

For example, if god proved to everyone that he existed, i would still not want intelligent design taught at school, but i would definitely tell them to stop teaching the theory of evolution(unless god set things up that way? who knows......).

try and stick with what we know as facts for school! so yes, that means i don't think they should teach the theory of evolution in school either, at least not until high school, where it could be an elective.
Why in the world would we refrain from teaching the theory of evolution in science classes? It is one of the most important scientific insights of the last 200 years. It would be irresponsible to make it an elective.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Are you being serious here? Let's teach the Christian version of creation to children in public schools and let it "count" as a science credit???? Why in the world would anyone ever entertain that idea?

Can we get to the bottom of why you think it is not sufficient to teach children religion in church? Let's think this through. Children who go to church already learn about creationism. They are taught in Sunday School and Church that God made Adam and Eve and that He create the world in 6 days. Clearly, these children do not need a class in public school to teach them about creationism. So, what students are you trying to reach here? Well, it must be the students who don't go to a Christian church, right? You want to use public money to spread your religious views to children who are not already in your religion. Do you see anything wrong with that? I do.

Why are you so afraid of letting the child decide for themselves? You know alot of people are not able to attend churches because alot of churches are corrupt and charge a mandatory tithe. Which is bull. I already have my tax dollars going to school systems, so if my child wants to learn ID instead of Evolution or vice versa then so be it. But forcing them to learn only one way or the other is wrong imo.

If the situation was flipped and only ID was taught would you not want an alternative for your child if they didnt like it?


unless you can prove it, all it is, is a theory, hence, why should it be required learning? I feel the same way about intelligent design and all the rest. I find it hilarious that you seem to think it would be such a travesty that a kid doesn't know about the theory of evolution, it seems to me that as an athiest, or agnostic, or whatever you are, that you have to have the theory of evolution tought cause it is kind of like your "religion"? Hmmm...... Anything that is merely a theory does not need to be taught in schools, at least not as a class that MUST be taken. i'm not anti-education, im against forcing children to learn things that haven't been proven.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
unless you can prove it, all it is, is a theory, hence, why should it be required learning? I feel the same way about intelligent design and all the rest. I find it hilarious that you seem to think it would be such a travesty that a kid doesn't know about the theory of evolution, it seems to me that as an athiest, or agnostic, or whatever you are, that you have to have the theory of evolution tought cause it is kind of like your "religion"? Hmmm...... Anything that is merely a theory does not need to be taught in schools, at least not as a class that MUST be taken. i'm not anti-education, im against forcing children to learn things that haven't been proven.
The obvious problem here is that absolutely nothing can proven 100% in science. Everything we learn in science is “theory”. So you will end up teaching nothing in science class. You can’t teach the theory of gravity, because that is only a theory. You can’t teach the theory of electro-magnetism, because that is only a theory. You can’t teach the theory or relativity, or germ theory, or nuclear theory, or quantum theory etc.

But of course these things are science, and if we are going to teach science to our children this is what we must teach. Creationism is not science. I have no objection to students learning about religion, but I do object to lying to students by telling them that religion is science. The theory of evolution is science.

Incidentally, if we used your standard of not teaching anything that has not been proven, not only will there be nothing we can teach in science, there will also be nothing we can teach in history.

Im an Atheist

Why in the world would we refrain from teaching the theory of evolution in science classes? It is one of the most important scientific insights of the last 200 years. It would be irresponsible to make it an elective.

I was taught the theory of evolution in school.........


Guardian of Asgaard
Why are you so afraid of letting the child decide for themselves? You know alot of people are not able to attend churches because alot of churches are corrupt and charge a mandatory tithe. Which is bull. I already have my tax dollars going to school systems, so if my child wants to learn ID instead of Evolution or vice versa then so be it. But forcing them to learn only one way or the other is wrong imo.

If the situation was flipped and only ID was taught would you not want an alternative for your child if they didnt like it?

Teaching children to be ignorant of common sense in counter-productive. Its not whether kids dont like it, its about whats best for them.


Well-Known Member
The evolution theory honestly doesn't make any more sense to me than creationism. That is cause i don't see where it all started without a creator, but i also don't see why there would BE a creator. You get my conundrum?

As for teaching the myriad of choices, not just the theory of evolution and intelligent design, but all the others as well, i agree that religion should be kept out of school.

For example, if god proved to everyone that he existed, i would still not want intelligent design taught at school, but i would definitely tell them to stop teaching the theory of evolution(unless god set things up that way? who knows......).

try and stick with what we know as facts for school! so yes, that means i don't think they should teach the theory of evolution in school either, at least not until high school, where it could be an elective.

Evolution doesn't address where "it all started" it deals with how life changes over time.


Well-Known Member
unless you can prove it, all it is, is a theory, hence, why should it be required learning? I feel the same way about intelligent design and all the rest. I find it hilarious that you seem to think it would be such a travesty that a kid doesn't know about the theory of evolution, it seems to me that as an athiest, or agnostic, or whatever you are, that you have to have the theory of evolution tought cause it is kind of like your "religion"? Hmmm...... Anything that is merely a theory does not need to be taught in schools, at least not as a class that MUST be taken. i'm not anti-education, im against forcing children to learn things that haven't been proven.

A scientific theory is so misunderstood. I'm stunned.

In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations. It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be.