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Intelligent Design...........?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Are you so afraid of free thought that you will force your children to be one way or the other?

Are you so afraid of free thought that you want to compell children to learn your religious dogma?

We do not live in a theocracy, Enoch. As much as it hurts you to hear that, you are doomed to face that reality for the duration of your time here on earth.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Are you so afraid of free thought that you want to compell children to learn your religious dogma?

We do not live in a theocracy, Enoch. As much as it hurts you to hear that, you are doomed to face that reality for the duration of your time here on earth.

I just want the option there for them to study it in a school setting if they wanted to. I am not saying that we should only teach ID. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Hmmm well I got to choose my classes in school. Didn't have to have anyone else sign off on it other than the teacher saying O.K. Maybe things have changed in 10 years but last I recall I got to choose the level of math i wanted either honors algebra or regular algebra etc etc. So why couldnt it be done the same way with ID/Evolution? Just pick the "science" class you would rather take. Have them both count for same credits as far as a diploma goes.
You got to choose between actual levels of math, because they are all grounded in reason and rational thought.

There is no choice offered between ID and Evolution because one is based on knowledge gained from the scientific method, and the other is simply one of many stories from mythology.

We don't teach mythology in a science class.

See how that works?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
That is just your opinion though. That is why we should let the majority decide for each school district.


Well-Known Member
That is just your opinion though. That is why we should let the majority decide for each school district.
Religious ideas are taught in a church or possibly a philosophy class. Never in a science class.

If you are questioning evolution you should read up on the stages a human embryo goes through. It is quite enlightening and reflects our evolution quite well.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I was just saying let it count as a "science" credit.
Let's just count hopscotch as a math credit (there are numbers involved), and watching cartoons as an English credit (since they speak English). We could count popsicle eating as a Home Economics credit as well.

Come to think of it, since I'm an agnostic, I think I'll just count newspaper reading as an "I'm saved" credit. Yes, I believe that will do nicely.

That way they can still recieve a diploma. Cause lets face it. Evolution is biology in schools. Unless you know your going to be a doctor (which usually only the brightest know that at 15) then biology is almost useless for everyday application. Most people become the gears that make this world turn. Everyday laborers. Biology is not a class that is needed for auto mechanics, ditch diggers, factory workers etc. So why not let them learn something they might have an interest and and could benefit them everyday? If they so choose it.
Yes, I see your point. We should just hand out diplomas to undereducated people. That would allow us to dumb down society as a whole.

Here's another good idea. Since, as you claim, we don't need biology to be auto mechanics, why don't we just do away with teaching science altogether? Why not let 15 year old kids just take "Spark Plugs 101" and skip school completely?
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Why are you so afraid of letting the child decide for themselves? You know alot of people are not able to attend churches because alot of churches are corrupt and charge a mandatory tithe.
I'm only 52 years old, so I guess I haven't had time to come across those churches that refuse entry to the poor.

Which is bull.
Much like your position of teaching ID, because you want to foist your religious beliefs off on everyone else's children.

I already have my tax dollars going to school systems, so if my child wants to learn ID instead of Evolution or vice versa then so be it.
You pay your household debts as well - so teach your child your religious mythology at your house.

But forcing them to learn only one way or the other is wrong imo.
Your opinion is worthless. You live in a country that teaches secular humanism, not religious doctrine.

If the situation was flipped and only ID was taught would you not want an alternative for your child if they didnt like it?
Are we going to deal with hypotheticals, or address the real world?


Well-Known Member
unless you can prove it, all it is, is a theory, hence, why should it be required learning? I feel the same way about intelligent design and all the rest. I find it hilarious that you seem to think it would be such a travesty that a kid doesn't know about the theory of evolution, it seems to me that as an athiest, or agnostic, or whatever you are, that you have to have the theory of evolution tought cause it is kind of like your "religion"? Hmmm...... Anything that is merely a theory does not need to be taught in schools, at least not as a class that MUST be taken. i'm not anti-education, im against forcing children to learn things that haven't been proven.
Well if you're looking for proof you won't find it in religion. Completely non testable. However, science is testable. If you don't think so I guess we shouldn't teach doctors in school because that's science, and we shouldn't teach all the hundreds of other sciences in school because they are always learning new things that get rid of old beliefs and they just keep evolving as new information arises. I suggest that you don't use any of your appliances, visit any doctors or anything else that involves science because you just never can trust anything that keeps changing!!!:slap:

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I just want the option there for them to study it in a school setting if they wanted to. I am not saying that we should only teach ID. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
It is not hard to understand. I fully grasp what you are asking for.

You are asking for every child in America to (at the very least) be exposed to your religious dogma. I do not want that, the majority of people in America do not want that, and the courts have ruled that our Constitution does not allow that.

Either you do not grasp the reality of that, or you are so desperate to wish it not to be so, that you insist on having it your way.

It isn't going to happen. The majority of Americans do not want to have your religious mythology taught to our kids.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?


Well-Known Member
I just want the option there for them to study it in a school setting if they wanted to. I am not saying that we should only teach ID. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Well, the Id people are trying to remove evolution and replace it with Id. They don't want to have both, thats what they've been striving for. If that happens, I'm moving out of the country.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
That is just your opinion though. That is why we should let the majority decide for each school district.

No. It is not just my opinon. It is the law of the land. It is the position held by the majority of Americans, it is the will of the people, it is the interpretation of our Constitution by our judicial system, and it is one of the backbones of our country.

But by all means, if it doesn't fit your world view, feel free to protest it as you wish.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
It is not hard to understand. I fully grasp what you are asking for.

You are asking for every child in America to (at the very least) be exposed to your religious dogma. I do not want that, the majority of people in America do not want that, and the courts have ruled that our Constitution does not allow that.

Either you do not grasp the reality of that, or you are so desperate to wish it not to be so, that you insist on having it your way.

It isn't going to happen. The majority of Americans do not want to have your religious mythology taught to our kids.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Wrong again you still have yet to read any of my post or else you are an idiot. I never asked for every child to be exposed to it. I ask that they are given the option to expose themselves to it if they desire. How can that be stated any simpler? You are so afraid of the possibilities you have blinded yourself to even simple truths right in front of you on the screen. Go back and read my post. Not one time did I say every child must learn ID.
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Well-Known Member
Wrong again you still have yet to read any of my post or else you are an idiot. I never asked for every child to be exposed to it. I ask that they are given the option to expose themselves to it if they desire. How can that be stated any simpler? You are so afraid of the possibilities you have blinded yourself to even simple truths right in front of you on the screen. Go back and read my post. Not one time did I say every child must learn ID.

So, should we teach children that the earth is flat too? And that the earth, not the sun is at the center of our universe? I mean, where does it end?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
So, should we teach children that the earth is flat too? And that the earth, not the sun is at the center of our universe? I mean, where does it end?
Where in the bible does it say the earth is flat?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Wrong again you still have yet to read any of my post or else you are an idiot. I never asked for every child to be exposed to it. I ask that they are given the option to expose themselves to it if they desire. How can that be stated any simpler? You are so afraid of the possibilities you have blinded yourself to even simple truths right in front of you on the screen. Go back and read my post. Not one time did I say every child must learn ID.
I do not need to go back and re-read your posts. I was thoroughly underwhelmed by them the first time I read them. Perhaps that "idiot" label is better applied somewhere else.

I am not blind to what you are asking. Quite the contrary - I am completely aware of what you wish to do. You want to have your religious mythology elevated above the myths of all other religions, then you want to insert it into the educational system. You want this, because you believe it will validate your religious views.

You then want the rest of us to act as if it is the equal of science, and reward those that choose to embrace your specific brand of willful ignorance.

Not a bad synopsis for a blind man - huh?


Well-Known Member
Where in the bible does it say the earth is flat?

It doesn't matter, the idea that the earth is flat, is on the same footing as Id. Not to mention that the men who believed in the bible, also believed that the earth was flat, because they had no good reason to think otherwise. In fact the idea that the earth was not flat, was considered blasphemy.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
haha you still have no clue. Alas there is no getting through to people like you. You are so closed minded that you cant see anyone else's views at all. I am just asking for a compromise, and let people make their own choices in life. Yet all you want is for everyone to view the world in only one view.