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Iran Launches Missiles Into Israel


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I never denied anything. I've acknowledged they have blame. To label one side evil and the other good, or one side bad and the other not, ignores so much.
And will guarantee conflict forever. When rest of the world accepts that both Israel and Palestine have a right to existence, under their own rule, and works towards that, there's a chance. Choosing sides, in my view, does both a disservice, because it is dishonest.

"Dishonest" you ask? Yes dishonest. Because to presume that one side must eventually win over the other entails the utter destruction of the other. So long as there are Israelis and Jews, they're going to want a homeland. So long as there are Palestinians, so are they. If there is no way to find two states for two peoples, then only total genocide of one will resolve the issue.

I don't want more Palestinians to die, and I don't want Palestinians to have no voice in their own governance. And I don't want more Israelis to die, nor do I want them not to have a homeland where they can govern themselves and pursue their own ends. Therefore, I am not going to take a side.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
And if the U.S. intervenes and we enjoy WW3 we can thank Creepy Uncle Joe for that.

Trump will have us going to war with Iran, too, with the way he's been talking lately. I'm ticked at him.

We Never Know

No Slack
And will guarantee conflict forever. When rest of the world accepts that both Israel and Palestine have a right to existence, under their own rule, and works towards that, there's a chance. Choosing sides, in my view, does both a disservice, because it is dishonest.

"Dishonest" you ask? Yes dishonest. Because to presume that one side must eventually win over the other entails the utter destruction of the other. So long as there are Israelis and Jews, they're going to want a homeland. So long as there are Palestinians, so are they. If there is no way to find two states for two peoples, then only total genocide of one will resolve the issue.

I don't want more Palestinians to die, and I don't want Palestinians to have no voice in their own governance. And I don't want more Israelis to die, nor do I want them not to have a homeland where they can govern themselves and pursue their own ends. Therefore, I am not going to take a side.
How many others in the Middle East have been fighting forever?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
nor do I want them not to have a homeland where they can govern themselves and pursue their own ends.
Sure, a "homeland" where there were already an indigenous people there and where most of the European settlers who shoved their way in have no ancestral ties to it (don't have to have any or prove any in order to gain citizenship as a Jew). Even most of the actually Middle Eastern Jews are not from Palestine. :rolleyes:


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Sure, a "homeland" where there were already an indigenous people there and where most of the European settlers who shoved their way in have no ancestral ties to it (don't have to have any or prove any in order to gain citizenship as a Jew). Even most of the actually Middle Eastern Jews are not from Palestine. :rolleyes:
Yes , and in History we can see that it was taken from other people too.
Like for examples Arabs took it from someone else.
But nobody cares about that , you all care about defending this 'victim' narrative that somebody created in the first place.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes , and in History we can see that it was taken from other people too.
Like for examples Arabs took it from someone else.
But nobody cares about that , you all care about defending this 'victim' narrative that somebody created in the first place.
The ancestors of the Palestinians were there before the Arabs were. Many of them just converted to Islam from Judaism and Christianity (and other religions), and started speaking Arabic, like the ancestors of tens of millions of "Arabs" in the Middle East.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
The ancestors of the Palestinians were there before the Arabs were.
Prior to the Muslim conquest of that region (635–640), it had a population of 700,000, of which around 100,000 were Jews and 30-80,000 were Samaritans, with the remainder being Chalcedonian and Miaphysite Christians.

Many of them just converted to Islam from Judaism and Christianity (and other religions), and started speaking Arabic, like the ancestors of tens of millions of "Arabs" in the Middle East.
Language does not make you Arab.

I speak Arabic , that does not make me Arab.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Prior to the Muslim conquest of that region (635–640), it had a population of 700,000, of which around 100,000 were Jews and 30-80,000 were Samaritans, with the remainder being Chalcedonian and Miaphysite Christians.

Language does not make you Arab.

I speak Arabic , that does not make me Arab.
Yeah, I know. That's what I was saying. They're not genetically Arab. Just like Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, etc. people are also not genetically Arab.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
That's not true at all. The Great Revolt of 1936 predates all of this, and was an attempt by Palestinian Arabs to rid Palestine of Jews, and to set up their own independence. We also have the Arab World siding with Hitler and the Nazis, and attempting to initialize that Final Solution in Palestine. Even the Nakba wasn't the first attack. It was a consequence of the 1948 War, where the Arab World attempted to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Israel did not attack first.
Refreshing to see some real research on the matter.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Yeah, I know. That's what I was saying. They're not genetically Arab. Just like Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, etc. people are also not genetically Arab.
Exactly , so they are not Arabs at all.
The point that i want to make is that genetically Arab tribes inhabitted these areas even before the conquest , but after the conquest they came and made Arabic to be neccessary because of the Quran and so all became Arab somehow and they are not.
They conquered , came with their set of rules and changed everything.
Just like Jews after WW2.
The 'Arabs' only dis it in a different way.
No difference.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
That's not true at all. The Great Revolt of 1936 predates all of this, and was an attempt by Palestinian Arabs to rid Palestine of Jews, and to set up their own independence.
"A popular uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine against the British administration, later known as the Great Revolt, the Great Palestinian Revolt, or the Palestinian Revolution, lasted from 1936 until 1939. The movement sought independence from British colonial rule and the end of the British authorities' support for Zionism, which sought the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, whose concomitant effect was to marginalize and displace the indigenous Arab majority.

The uprising occurred during a peak in the influx of European Jewish immigrants, and with the growing plight of the rural fellahin rendered landless, who as they moved to metropolitan centers to escape their abject poverty found themselves socially marginalized. Since the Battle of Tel Hai in 1920, Jews and Arabs had been involved in a cycle of attacks and counter-attacks, and the immediate spark for the uprising was the murder of two Jews by a Qassamite band, and the retaliatory killing by Jewish gunmen of two Arab laborers, incidents which triggered a flare-up of violence across Palestine. A month into the disturbances, Amin al-Husseini, president of the Arab Higher Committee and Mufti of Jerusalem, declared 16 May 1936 as 'Palestine Day' and called for a general strike. David Ben-Gurion, leader of the Yishuv, described Arab causes as fear of growing Jewish economic power, opposition to mass Jewish immigration and fear of the British identification with Zionism."

So that was clearly not the beginning of this, and your framing of it was off. What a surprise. :rolleyes:
We also have the Arab World siding with Hitler and the Nazis,
Because he wanted to use them against the British and they thought he would help them overcome their British colonizers.
and attempting to initialize that Final Solution in Palestine.
That's quite a claim. Evidence?
Even the Nakba wasn't the first attack. It was a consequence of the 1948 War, where the Arab World attempted to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Israel did not attack first.
That's not an excuse for ethnic cleansing and genocide, no matter how much you want it to be. This started with European Zionists deciding to plop their colonial project ontop of people who were already there and use violence to create a Jewish majority state when they were very much the minority. Get real.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Lol, he is a ridiculous buffoon, meanwhile he's on the phone with a genocidal terrorist.
Yeah, it is quite the double standard. Apparently it's OK for Netanyahu to pull a Bush and take an unexpected detour, but it's not ok for the Muslim state to return fire over the attacks (including invasion) it suffered that lead to civilian deaths and displacement.
All the meanwhile the bozos who are actually fueling and flaming this suffer the least while those who'd rather be left alone and have nothing to do with it suffer the most (and get a lot of "oh well thats war, they gotta kill those terrorists" from the West to salt their wounds).

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I never denied anything. I've acknowledged they have blame. To label one side evil and the other good, or one side bad and the other not, ignores so much.
Except the Palestinians have been fighting for their land and homes that Zionists have been stealing for a long time now. They had backing of the English Crown when they arrived in Palestine, had their theft legitimized by the UN, and that wasn't enough because they keep stealing more and more land and houses to this day.
This is why I have said dozens of times attitudes would be different if it were the Natives doing it to us.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member

The problem though is we can't start with the Nakba. The Nakba is a product of the Great Revolt that occurred nearly a decade before, which really set the stage. We are looking at Palestine in 1936, where the Palestinian Arabs revolted against Britain and attempted to assert their own independence at the cost of the Jewish population. This revolt would end up changing everything. It harmed both Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the long run. We also have to look at the time leading up to the Nakba, where the Arab world had sided with Hitler, and were attempting to implement the Final Solution in Palestine. The war in Europe not going as planned would prevent this, but it set a precedent.

Even with the Nakba, we have to realize that a huge reason that came to be was because of the outside Arab world. I mean, leading up to this point, wealthy Palestinian Arabs were freely selling their land to Jews who were coming in. At the same time, the Arab world was assuring them that they would destroy the forming Israeli state, and all the land would be given back. When war broke out, many Palestinians were encouraged to leave by Arab leaders who said that the Arab world would wipe Israel off the map, and a Palestinian state would be set up. When that didn't happen, the Arab world abandoned, in large part, the displaced Palestinians.

This is further complicated by peace talks that included a two state solution that were rejected by Arab leaders, because nothing but destroying Israel would be accepted. What's of interest here though is that the only reason Israelis were able to survive these wars was because they were trained by Britain during the Great Revolt.

The Palestinians have been shafted here. They have had terrible representation, and even today, that's true with their governing body being a terrorist organization that wants genocide. They were let down by the Arab world who helped put them into this terrible situation.

And Israel has some blame in all of this. But I think too often we just ignore all of this history that has shaped this. Israel has been formed and shaped by attempt after attempt of people trying to exterminate them. That constant threat is going to have an extreme impact on how they are shaped. And the Palestinians have been largely been used as pawns by the Arab world in an attempt to wipe Israel out, only to be abandoned when that failed to pan out. Which in turn has shaped who they are and have allowed extremists to take over the governing body.

Many Israelis are Palestinians. They have lived in Palestine as long as many Palestinian Arabs. In fact, the reason that many Israelis were able to acquire land there was because wealthy Palestinians sold them the land. And we can't forget that the Arab leaders, during the war in 1948, encouraged Palestinians to leave their homes with the promise they would be able to return. Why? So they could wage an all out war in order to wipe Israel off the planet and finish what Hitler started. In fact, the Arab world was planning on implementing the Final Solution in Palestine, but because the war in Europe turned, the Nazis weren't able to finalize it.

And the US really had nothing to do with this for the longest time. In fact, every time the Arab world attacked Israel, the US and rest of the world basically told Israel, once they achieved victory, or at least stopped the attack, to stop. They didn't help Israel, they just looked on. Yeah, now there is a connection, but Palestine is also ran by a terrorist organization, with links to many other terrorist organizations. And if you want to talk about racism, the Hamas have been clear they want to commit genocide against Jews.
Palestinians of Israel living second citizenship.

USA had total responsiblity on Israel behavior. But unfortunately Israel influence on USA policy through AIPAC.
It's about zionism man. Nothing less.

Let's suppose your claim about Hamas want commit genocide against Jews.

What we are seen now, is Israel who commit genocide against Palestinians.
So it's ok?

Same as if one said, Hitler killed 6 million jews because he thought that they commit genocide against germans?
Is this make sense?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
That video doesn't prove a damn thing other than some people were gathered, some with Palestinian flags, who were chanting, and the video doesn't tell us what.
Yes , i understand that.
But honestly , do you expect that you see everything in a video?
I shared what i saw with my eyes and heard with my ears.We witness this everyday, there are other sources also , who cares he can do research on his own.

You don't have to belive it , as far as i am concerned you can think that this is the same as the Muslim on the rooftops, it's all the same to me.
I rarely post in this part , neither i am interested in fabricating amy news , neither in sharing some awful agenda.



Well-Known Member
Trump will have us going to war with Iran, too, with the way he's been talking lately. I'm ticked at him.
I doubt it; his actions during his 1st POTUS term, and his "art of the deal" approach to things in general, demonstrate to me that Trump may be able to find a peaceful solution for the situation, if the parties involved are willing to make a deal to settle things.