The problem is that you cannot understand the differences between evidence and proofs.
@shunyadragon posted up include what proof is, and they are not same thing as evidence.
Sure, in the court of law, they may make evidence and proof as synonymous, but the court of law isn’t NATURAL SCIENCES, and SCIENCES aren’t the court of law, so it best to use the proper terminology to avoid confusing proof & evidence.
The short of it, are -
- PROOFS are mathematical models that often expressed or represented in the forms of EQUATIONS, FORMULAS, CONSTANTS…these equations are merely PROPOSED & ABSTRACT SOLUTIONS…maths are useful tools in sciences, especially in physics, including theoretical physics. More importantly, maths are parts of explanatory models in a hypothesis or scientific theory, so when you are testing the models, and if the evidence & experiments refuted the models, then that would mean the mathematical proofs are wrong too, because the evidence have refuted the proof.
- EVIDENCE are what test the models, thus they are what test the explanations, test the predictions and test the mathematical proofs. The TESTS are the means to determine if hypothesis is scientific (hence “verifying the hypothesis”) or not scientific (hence “refuting the hypothesis”).
Evidence, experiments & data what important to sciences, not the mathematical proofs.
When you talk of “proving science”, you are basically showing that you don understand the proper usage of the word.
You don’t “prove science”…no, instead you would “test science”
And the only way you can test science or test the hypothesis or theory, are with OBSERVATIONS, hence -
- observations of EXPERIMENTS
- observations of EVIDENCE
- and the observations would reveal information about the evidence & experiments, where the information referred to DATA.
It is these testable observations that will refute weak or incorrect hypotheses, and will verify & validate correct or strong hypotheses.
As the theory of evolution have enormous numbers of evidence supporting, it is well-tested scientific theory, hence Evolution is science.
Until you use right terms, you will keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again…stubborn ignorance are not a virtue, it is example of persistent ignorance.