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Is AIDS a Punishment from God?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but your syntax and grammar made that post difficult to comprehend. Could you do me the favor of repeating your point or points in a simpler form? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but your syntax and grammar made that post difficult to comprehend. Could you do me the favor of repeating your point or points in a simpler form? Thanks in advance.

OK I'll try although I am sure that there are other problems. Since you did get the chosen people concept right, here it is: you said: “I know what God's chosen people means. It refers to those who have made a special covenant with God. In the Old Testament, this referred to the tribes of Israel. In the New Testament, something is missing here but I get it from what you said next “this would be those would have become born again in the Christ, or at least according to the Nicean Council and others responsible for what we see as Christianity today. I was pleasantly surprise by you response, and encouraged me to give an explanation of why lesbians can not be God’s people and the reason is that they live their lives in disobedience to God, a covenant involves two parties and they both have their part in the covenant in both covenant the new (With Christians) and the old (with the ancient Israelites) God blesses, provides and protect, the undertaking by humans is to obey. The new covenant also has God, blesses, provides and protect and Humans believe and obey.
'You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and [how] I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself.
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth [is] Mine. Exd19:4-5
Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death." John8:51
Our part is all about obeying God, do as He tells us to do, follow His Moral Law.


Well-Known Member
No, I did not. Surely it is not too much to ask for a succinct statement of the point.
I stated that this was an off topic thing, and it was addressed to Darken Less, do you get it now? He doesn't want to watch it either, but I did recommended the book to him a while back because it explains the issue of faith versus science, and creation versus evolution so well, Darkness has lots of issues with faith, he claimed that I change my position in this thread and I remind him of that time.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
So, since lesbians are basically committing the same sin, why are they being basically unaffected (on a physical level...the AIDS epidemic has had a huge psychological impact on the lesbian community) by the plague that God has sent against homosexuals?


Well-Known Member
9-10th Penguin,
Originally Posted by emiliano
Cancer and coronaries are mostly the result of what we eat and God dictated a certain dietary laws didn’t Him?

Is it your position that God punished my father for his dietary habits but not my mother? For all intents and purposes, these were the same habits. Regardless of whether this rule is justified, inconsistent punishments are always unjust.
I am having a hard time: I say “Cancer and coronaries are mostly the result of what we eat” and get ask “Is it your position that God punished my father for his dietary habits but not my mother? I take the position that diseases aren’t punishments from god, but consequences or our actions or the actions of others and get ask this, I just don’t know what to say, it has been said that some diseases are inherited other are caused by the environment in which we live. I just don’t know!

Why do you think God would have a problem of someone eating bacon and eggs for 50 years? Don't you believe in the words of the Bible?

? :rolleyes: But He did and also commanded moderation, everything is good in moderation and excesses have consequences. God cared enough to bring a man in a powerful awesome way to give dietary laws that most people ignore, we have damaged our environment, manipulate the genetic composition of food, lust after all sort of things and want to be healthy? Blame God for our diseases? What is at the root of this problems God or man? ;)


Well-Known Member
So, since lesbians are basically committing the same sin, why are they being basically unaffected (on a physical level...the AIDS epidemic has had a huge psychological impact on the lesbian community) by the plague that God has sent against homosexuals?
Come on, I said that AIDS is not God's punishment but the consequence of the irresponsibility mostly of heterosexuals with multiple partners, sleeping around, promiscuity, are that dull just pretending to be dull? Ask this of someone that take the position that it is a punishment to homosexsuals. Why do you ask me? don't address your stupit question to me.


Active Member
My brother, I do not think that AIDS is Gods doing. I believe that AIDS is the work of evil, and so it is the work of Satan. Evil finds its way into the best of people, and I believe that AIDS is one of the many methods that Satan has adopted to crush people.



Guardian of Asgaard
My brother, I do not think that AIDS is Gods doing. I believe that AIDS is the work of evil, and so it is the work of Satan. Evil finds its way into the best of people, and I believe that AIDS is one of the many methods that Satan has adopted to crush people.


Its all too easy to blame satan isn't it. This isn't personal but people need to take responsibility for their own short-falls. They need to realise that genetics can cause diseases.
Satan has nothing to do with it. Evil has nothing to do with it. It is evil we create by trying to screw other people and catching diseases is a result of poor lifestyle or simply bad luck.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I stated that this was an off topic thing, and it was addressed to Darken Less, do you get it now? He doesn't want to watch it either, but I did recommended the book to him a while back because it explains the issue of faith versus science, and creation versus evolution so well, Darkness has lots of issues with faith, he claimed that I change my position in this thread and I remind him of that time.

It is not that I don't want to watch it per se.

I am giving you the opportunity of stating the supposed point in your own words, so that you may perhaps surprise me.

Odds are quite slim that the video itself will, for I am somewhat experienced with this supposed controversy and know and catch all the common mistakes easily by this point.

Incidentally, I wonder if you realize how much more consideration for you DEL has shown than you for him.


Well-Known Member
It is not that I don't want to watch it per se.

I am giving you the opportunity of stating the supposed point in your own words, so that you may perhaps surprise me.

Odds are quite slim that the video itself will, for I am somewhat experienced with this supposed controversy and know and catch all the common mistakes easily by this point.

Incidentally, I wonder if you realize how much more consideration for you DEL has shown than you for him.

I don't know why, but you guys can't think that I think very little of the Godless, I try to stay in the religious section of the forum but it does not work, I keep on getting these replays to my posts, people that don't know much about Christianity explaining me what my faith is about, it is tiring and the slander and insult labeled to our religious leader is wearing me down, I have a low tolerance for this kind of things


Active Member
Its all too easy to blame satan isn't it. This isn't personal but people need to take responsibility for their own short-falls. They need to realise that genetics can cause diseases.
Satan has nothing to do with it. Evil has nothing to do with it. It is evil we create by trying to screw other people and catching diseases is a result of poor lifestyle or simply bad luck.

My friend, that is your own personal perception. I DO blame Satan, for I believe that it is Satan who has given the any form of viral infection mthe conciousness to hurt people. The same as I would say that the beneficial bacteria we each have in our gut must have been influenced by God.

If a neighbour of mine goes out with an axe and lobs someones head off, which I sincerely hope they don't, then I would believe that they had been influenced by Satan. I believe in demonic posession. I believe that a human being can be posessed by a demonic presence, and that it is the work of Satan.

This quote is taken from 1 Peter 5:8,9 -

"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the Devil prowls around you like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

This quote is talking of Satan, and warns us that we must stay strong through our faith in the Lord our God. Through this, we can ascertain that Satan truyl is the root of all evil.


J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Come on, I said that AIDS is not God's punishment but the consequence of the irresponsibility mostly of heterosexuals with multiple partners, sleeping around, promiscuity, are that dull just pretending to be dull? Ask this of someone that take the position that it is a punishment to homosexsuals. Why do you ask me? don't address your stupit question to me.

My apologies. If you made this statement, then for several posts it was lost within a number of other statements and tangents that either did not address the OP, or were not comprehensible to me.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I don't know why, but you guys can't think that I think very little of the Godless,

Haven´t you said so a few days ago, almost with those exact words?

I try to stay in the religious section of the forum but it does not work, I keep on getting these replays to my posts, people that don't know much about Christianity explaining me what my faith is about, it is tiring and the slander and insult labeled to our religious leader is wearing me down, I have a low tolerance for this kind of things

So you want to run away, is that it?


See the previous line
people that don't know much about Christianity explaining me what my faith is about,
And yet you still ignore people who were Christian (Catholic, myself) for more than half of their life because they disagree with you :rolleyes:

it is tiring and the slander and insult labeled to our religious leader is wearing me down, I have a low tolerance for this kind of things
Turn the other cheek, right?


Worshipper of Athe.
I don't know why, but you guys can't think that I think very little of the Godless, I try to stay in the religious section of the forum but it does not work, I keep on getting these replays to my posts, people that don't know much about Christianity explaining me what my faith is about, it is tiring and the slander and insult labeled to our religious leader is wearing me down, I have a low tolerance for this kind of things

Now think if you didn't just have to deal with these people on this forum, but if you had to deal with them everywhere; if they were your parents, your co-workers, and the people you see on the street. Think if those people tainted your happiest weddings, and made your most despairing funerals worse. Think if they made the laws so that they discluded you and defamed you publicly in books, television, and news. Think about how that would feel.

Even if you can completely empathize for a little while, you won't have to deal with that feeling for very long, because that's not how things really are for you. But that is how things are for atheists, which is why I have no qualms about saying:

Stop whining and suck it up.


Well-Known Member
Haven´t you said so a few days ago, almost with those exact words?
No, I am just stating that it is not easy for me and that I am unkind to some at time, having people telling me that I must tolerate them because I am a Christian when on the contrary my faith command me separate from the Godless, Pagans and Heretics get me railed up.

So you want to run away, is that it?
Another thing that my faith commands me is to boldly explain the reason for my faith to whoever requires them of me, so "So you want to run away, is that it?" you wish Luchito, you wish.


Well-Known Member
Now think if you didn't just have to deal with these people on this forum, but if you had to deal with them everywhere; if they were your parents, your co-workers, and the people you see on the street. Think if those people tainted your happiest weddings, and made your most despairing funerals worse. Think if they made the laws so that they discluded you and defamed you publicly in books, television, and news. Think about how that would feel.
Even if you can completely empathize for a little while, you won't have to deal with that feeling for very long, because that's not how things really are for you. But that is how things are for atheists, which is why I have no qualms about saying:
Stop whining and suck it up.
But there are such laws already, where do you live? The Pope could take people to court for the defamation that is been inflicted upon him, but he has longsuffering and does not. We on the other hand take a position of nock for nocks in most things, I participated in forum where people were only allow to participate in a relevant section of the forum. (How I miss Jude3)


Well-Known Member
I don't like closed-minded radical fundamentalists, but I still talk to them, even though I know it's like talking to a wall.
Quote me on something I said that was a lie.
I am a bit short of time, I am going to work in a few minutes (night duty) I'll give you one, you cite Carlin and made the comment that God is not omnipotent or could not be that because humans can disobey God, then you claimed to have been a Catholic, this is false, you were never a Catholic, if you were you would know that God does not shoves salvation in peoples throat, that we have free will and that it was His will to create us that way, that this is what differentiate from the irrational beings. I was refering to scripture, but I can cite the times that you have done as well, no that I am interested, plus it will be off topic.


See the previous line
I'll give you one, you cite Carlin and made the comment that God is not omnipotent or could not be that because humans can disobey God,
It seems you misunderstand my point. If "God" is omnipotent and has a plan, then we obviously don't have free will, because we'd have to adhere to his plan. But if we do have free will, then that means we can go against "God's" plan, as he does not control us. I was trying to point out that the two cannot happen at the same time. We cannot have free will and be forced to do someone's bidding at the same time.

then you claimed to have been a Catholic, this is false, you were never a Catholic,
Well this is a ridiculous claim. How would you know? I was baptized Catholic, I went through my first communion, and even went through Confirmation. But then I began to question, which is something you must always do in order to truly learn. I realized how many holes and contradictions there were in the faith. I'd ask my priest, and my mother (who was very devout), but neither of them could give me any satisfying answers. So I just dropped it, decided to find my own path.

if you were you would know that God does not shoves salvation in peoples throat,
I never said he did. You seem to misinterpret what I say. I don't consider it "salvation" if I don't think we have anything to be saved from.

that we have free will and that it was His will to create us that way, that this is what differentiate from the irrational beings.
I don't consider it to be free will if a) we have to follow his plan, or b) we are to burn in hell for eternity if we don't do his bidding. Not exactly free will, if you ask me. Which is why I don't believe in a personified "God"

I was refering to scripture, but I can cite the times that you have done as well, no that I am interested, plus it will be off topic.
Actually, it is part of the topic, as whether or not there is a "plan" is relevant to whether or not AIDS is a punishment.

As I stated before, if "God" has a plan and it was planned for so-and-so to contract AIDS, then no, it's not a punishment to that person, as it is a part of the script. But if there isn't a plan, and we truly do have "free will" (I'll use the Christian definition for the sake of argument), then it is a punishment for not following his rules, and we are not living by a script.

It seems you like to regard arguments against yours to be "irrelevant" :rolleyes:
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