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Is AIDS a Punishment from God?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
There are theories that this virus is an experiment on biological weapons gone terribly wrong, Consider how is this virus transmitted, it is not exclusively transmitted by homosexuals, on the contrary it is transmitted by heterosexual that have multiple sexual partners and drug user that share needles

This didn't answer my question.


Guardian of Asgaard
Do you remember when I recommended that you read the book titled the Language of God? Evolution theory does not disprove the existence of a creator, an intelligent designer, the author; a famous scientist explains the concept of Old earth. BTW I did not participate in that discussion, but I saw it, most Christians agree that the creation account in genesis is allegorical.
“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was]” and before that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Time is a human concept, humans are limited, subjected to time from birth to death, God is eternal, but the narrative states that God created and that creation this is a purposely and planed creation and the plan is unfolding, what time passed from the creation of the formation of earth and life in it? Humans have no way of measuring it, so, in our generation we can only accept “Then God said………………………..And it was so. Anyway you must realize that this is off topic and we have to leave at that.

That has nothing to do with anything sir. In another thread you laughed at the theory of evolution, and now you support natural selection? Im merely pointing out your inconsistency.

Your biblical nonsense would be detrimental to the balance of my mind. I always find how creationists can never back up anything they claim, their answer is God. He's like a quick-fix for the scientifically challenged.


Well-Known Member
This didn't answer my question.

I cannot leave your question with no answer, I went back and I founded it “So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals, then are lesbians, among who the disease is largely nonexistent, God's chosen people?” :DWhen did I say that I thought that it was a punishment? :rolleyes:This is my response to the OP “No, because AIDS and other diseases are the consequence of our wrong decisions and our corruptibility, the fact that we are physical being, thus corruptible, the spreads of AID is the consequence of human decisions, an evil action of other humans. Did I at any stage say anything about Gay people? :slap:I responded to your post “on the contrary it is transmitted by heterosexual that have multiple sexual partners and drug user that share needles” and that doesn’t answer “So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals”? :)The spreading of this virus the consequence of lack of self-control, all behaviors are learnt, thus they can be unlearnt, to slow down the spreading of this virus requires a behavioral, modification, it requires that people stop and think of the consequences, weight the possible of benefits or damage, if you are unsure of your prospective sexual partner don’t have sex with that person till you are sure, if you know that the person is infected, know that there is one in a hundred chance that a condom may fail to protect you, if you get infect don’t spread it. Do you know what is meant by God chosen people? Are you a student of Carlin’s theological works?
1Th 4:3
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;
1Pe 2:11
Beloved, I beg [you] as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,
1Pe 2:11
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
1Ti 4:7
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
1Cr 6:18
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
1Cr 7:2
But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
Gal 5:19
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;


Well-Known Member
Cancer and coronaries are mostly the result of what we eat and God dictated a certain dietary laws didn’t Him?
Cancer prevention is beyond the control of many people. Sometimes it is purely genetic and no diet plan can save you. Surely you know this, right?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I cannot leave your question with no answer, I went back and I founded it “So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals, then are lesbians, among who the disease is largely nonexistent, God's chosen people?” :DWhen did I say that I thought that it was a punishment? :rolleyes:This is my response to the OP “No, because AIDS and other diseases are the consequence of our wrong decisions and our corruptibility, the fact that we are physical being, thus corruptible, the spreads of AID is the consequence of human decisions, an evil action of other humans. Did I at any stage say anything about Gay people? :slap:I responded to your post “on the contrary it is transmitted by heterosexual that have multiple sexual partners and drug user that share needles” and that doesn’t answer “So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals”? :)The spreading of this virus the consequence of lack of self-control, all behaviors are learnt, thus they can be unlearnt, to slow down the spreading of this virus requires a behavioral, modification, it requires that people stop and think of the consequences, weight the possible of benefits or damage, if you are unsure of your prospective sexual partner don’t have sex with that person till you are sure, if you know that the person is infected, know that there is one in a hundred chance that a condom may fail to protect you, if you get infect don’t spread it. Do you know what is meant by God chosen people? Are you a student of Carlin’s theological works?
1Th 4:3
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;
1Pe 2:11
Beloved, I beg [you] as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,
1Pe 2:11
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
1Ti 4:7
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
1Cr 6:18
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
1Cr 7:2
But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
Gal 5:19
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;

If your original response was towards the OP rather than my comment regarding lesbians as God's chosen people, then why did you quote my comment in the body of your post?


Well-Known Member
What point do you think he makes that would support your claims?
Did you watch the video? is a lengthy one. I watched about half of it last night, anyhow I have the book. Now that I have two days off work I'll watch it in it entirety, as I said evolution does not disprove the existence of God the creator, science doesn't either, if anything science fill us of awe at how things work, Darkenless claims that I have changed my position on this issue, I am responding and reminded him of the time when a recommended him the book (it was a while ago) I have not changed my position I also pointed out that this is out off topic, the point that my response support is just that I have not changed my position.


Well-Known Member
If your original response was towards the OP rather than my comment regarding lesbians as God's chosen people, then why did you quote my comment in the body of your post?
You seemed lost and you demanded an answer I thought that I did answer. If this is going to go anywhere I need an answer to this or that you do not claim that I did not answered your question. Do you know what is meant by God's chosen people?


Well-Known Member
Cancer prevention is beyond the control of many people. Sometimes it is purely genetic and no diet plan can save you. Surely you know this, right?

I said mostly didn't I? The dietary Laws are preventive measures, I have a familiar croronary history, my father died gage 65 of a massive heart failure, I don't eat excessive fatty foods, red meat and exercise regularly I am 61 and have to problems in that area, one of my sister died of bowel cancer age 50, I eat a diet high in dietary fiber and have no problem in that area yet, that a good diet can reverse these diseases is debatable, but if you know your family history and take preventive measure you stand a better chance of not following the fate of those that don't do anything till is too late, prevention in this technologically advanced generation is certainly within people's control. All that is required is discipline.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Why? What is a newborn being punished for? How bout a zygote?
AFAIK, if HIV is passed from mother to child, it usually happens during childbirth itself, so the zygote wouldn't be "punished" with AIDS at all. As for the newborn baby... I suppose it would be punished for being born.

However, if we're talking about the God of the Bible, then He apparently has no problem in punishing newborn infants for the sins of their parents, as described in what I consider to be one of the most disturbing passages of the Bible, 2 Samuel 12:11-19.

AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and, thus, happens every time we would try to reproduce. Now if I were god, I sure wouldn't want to infect a species with a reproductive flaw unless I didn't care if the species totally died out. If I had even a very slim amount of faith in mankind, then why would I use such a punishment when I could punish each person uniquely, and have more control over who receives the punishment?
It seems to me that if you applied this argument to original sin instead of AIDS, it would still be just as valid.

Cancer and coronaries are mostly the result of what we eat and God dictated a certain dietary laws didn’t Him?
My parents always tried to eat generally healthily and were physically active. They didn't smoke or drink. They ate almost every meal together for nearly 30 years. My father died of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, i.e. cancer, four years ago. My mother is alive, well and in very good health.

Is it your position that God punished my father for his dietary habits but not my mother? For all intents and purposes, these were the same habits. Regardless of whether this rule is justified, inconsistent punishments are always unjust.

But Adam wants to eat whatever we want, when he a want and in the amount that he want, in fact Adam developed a lust for these things, he also smoke like a chimney, he eat more than he needs for the little work that he decides to do, so he get fat and has diabetes and because he is very fond of eating fats (it gives flavor to his meals) he get bowel cancer and die, his friend gather and blame and blaspheme God for the death of their friend, or Adam has stoke or a heart attack and dies after fifty year of bacon and egg breakfasts, his friend are terribly up set with God, he was only 50 years old and he could drink any man under the table and will be missed in their eating and drinking competitions.
Why do you think God would have a problem of someone eating bacon and eggs for 50 years? Don't you believe in the words of the Bible?

Romans 14:2-3:
One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.

But if the Bible isn't that important to you, by all means go on condemning people for what they eat. :rolleyes:


ThrUU the Looking Glass
AFAIK, if HIV is passed from mother to child, it usually happens during childbirth itself, so the zygote wouldn't be "punished" with AIDS at all. As for the newborn baby... I suppose it would be punished for being born.
I think you're thinking of herpes. That mode of transmission doesn't make sense for HIV, because the mother's blood sustains the baby in all phases.

However, if we're talking about the God of the Bible, then He apparently has no problem in punishing newborn infants for the sins of their parents, as described in what I consider to be one of the most disturbing passages of the Bible, 2 Samuel 12:11-19.
True and valid, but I see no reason to limit this discussion to the Bible God.


The Truth Lies Within
Is Cancer, Autism, severe retardation, blindness, deafness, down syndrome etc etc etc punishment from god? No these are biological defects and diseases that are not from God. Just like a gifted athlete is not a gift from god, but rather a product of billions of people breeding.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I think you're thinking of herpes. That mode of transmission doesn't make sense for HIV, because the mother's blood sustains the baby in all phases.
I'm no expert - I'm just going on statements I've heard from representatives of AIDS organizations that are pushing to make ARV treatment for pregnant women a priority, because it markedly decreases the rate at which HIV is transmitted from mothers to babies.

IIRC, I got the claim that this transmission occurs during childbirth from an audio recording of a lecture by a physician (whose name escapes me, unfortunately) who left Doctors Without Borders to found his own organization whose purpose is providing inexpensive AIDS medications with simple treatment protocols to countries in the midst of the AIDS crisis. I believe he specifically mentioned that the transmission of the virus generally occurs during childbirth.

True and valid, but I see no reason to limit this discussion to the Bible God.
That wasn't my intent; I just wanted to mention that as one facet of a larger discussion.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I'm no expert - I'm just going on statements I've heard from representatives of AIDS organizations that are pushing to make ARV treatment for pregnant women a priority, because it markedly decreases the rate at which HIV is transmitted from mothers to babies.

IIRC, I got the claim that this transmission occurs during childbirth from an audio recording of a lecture by a physician (whose name escapes me, unfortunately) who left Doctors Without Borders to found his own organization whose purpose is providing inexpensive AIDS medications with simple treatment protocols to countries in the midst of the AIDS crisis. I believe he specifically mentioned that the transmission of the virus generally occurs during childbirth.
Forgive me, but your vague recollections are hardly convincing. :)

It's not really relevant, but if you found a source, I would of course defer to the experts.

That wasn't my intent; I just wanted to mention that as one facet of a larger discussion.
OK, fair enough.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
You seemed lost and you demanded an answer I thought that I did answer. If this is going to go anywhere I need an answer to this or that you do not claim that I did not answered your question. Do you know what is meant by God's chosen people?

To be fair, I did not demand an answer. I simply posed a question and pointed it out when it was not answered.

Yes, I know what God's chosen people means. It refers to those who have made a special covenant with God. In the Old Testament, this referred to the tribes of Israel. In the New Testament, this would be those would have become born again in the Christ, or at least according to the Nicean Council and others responsible for what we see as Christianity today.

What I meant was those who have found special favor with God. If AIDS is God's punishment for gays and IV drug users (and by extension, their children and wives), then are lesbians, among whom the disease is barely existent, somehow in greater favor with God? If those who are targeted are being punished, then it seems likely that those who are spared (and lesbians are spared at a much higher rate than the heterosexual population) are somehow being rewarded, or are at least have found greater favor in the eyes of the Lord.


See the previous line
but if you know your family history and take preventive measure you stand a better chance of not following the fate of those that don't do anything till is too late, prevention in this technologically advanced generation is certainly within people's control. All that is required is discipline.
Sounds to me like it has nothing to do with "God" ;)


Well-Known Member
To be fair, I did not demand an answer. I simply posed a question and pointed it out when it was not answered.

Yes, I know what God's chosen people means. It refers to those who have made a special covenant with God. In the Old Testament, this referred to the tribes of Israel. In the New Testament, this would be those would have become born again in the Christ, or at least according to the Nicean Council and others responsible for what we see as Christianity today.

What I meant was those who have found special favor with God. If AIDS is God's punishment for gays and IV drug users (and by extension, their children and wives), then are lesbians, among whom the disease is barely existent, somehow in greater favor with God? If those who are targeted are being punished, then it seems likely that those who are spared (and lesbians are spared at a much higher rate than the heterosexual population) are somehow being rewarded, or are at least have found greater favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Well, we are getting somewhere, you know what the chosen people are and I am willing to assume that you also know that the reward- punishment is the result of obedience- disobedience, now in what column would you put lesbians, obedience or disobedience? From my point of view as a Christian is clear to me that they are in the disobedience column and the answer to you your question is No way Jose, they cannot be God's people, chosen or elect while they are living in disobedience/sin. I must again remind you That my answer to the OP is not AID is not a punishment from God, and that I have made it clear that I don't think that it is punishment directed to gay only, I done my fair bit in the discussion about sexual pervasions. I really don't have much to say about that issue, I hope that this post make it clearer for you, don't ask me this questions as I made my position clear enough. AIDS is the consequence of wrong action and these actions can be the wrong actions or decisions of other people.