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Is AIDS a Punishment from God?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Emiliano, out of curiosity: do you think that most people who pass HIV to other people are aware that they carry the virus themselves?


Well-Known Member
Emiliano, out of curiosity: do you think that most people who pass HIV to other people are aware that they carry the virus themselves?

Come on mate, seven think that we should supply needles and condoms to those that use drugs and share needles so that they can avoid stigmatization so why do you ask? I said those that know that they are infected, did I not? I am getting tired of this, all the posts and still you ask me stupid question what part of “If you are infected, or are thinking of having sex with an infected person, or you don’t know if the other person is infected, don’t have sex, abstain and you don’t need to take risks, don’t sleep around, have only one sexual partner, be faithful to your partner” don’t you understand ?“Abstain from drugs, if you know that you are already infected don’t share needles, tell the other that you are infected “Irresponsible drug user that hide their condition and share needles are murderer, those that know of their condition and hide it from their sexual partners are murders” “Prevention is better than cure, don’t infect other abstain and warn other people if you are already infected” I won’t respond to your post any more, don’t waste my time.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Come on mate, seven think that we should supply needles and condoms to those that use drugs and share needles so that they can avoid stigmatization so why do you ask? I said those that know that they are infected, did I not?

I am not your "mate". And my question was quite clear, exactly because you keep bring the subject to those who know that they are infected.


six plus one
Come on mate, seven think that we should supply needles and condoms to those that use drugs and share needles so that they can avoid stigmatization so why do you ask? I said those that know that they are infected, did I not? I am getting tired of this, all the posts and still you ask me stupid question what part of “If you are infected, or are thinking of having sex with an infected person, or you don’t know if the other person is infected, don’t have sex, abstain and you don’t need to take risks, don’t sleep around, have only one sexual partner, be faithful to your partner” don’t you understand ?“Abstain from drugs, if you know that you are already infected don’t share needles, tell the other that you are infected “Irresponsible drug user that hide their condition and share needles are murderer, those that know of their condition and hide it from their sexual partners are murders” “Prevention is better than cure, don’t infect other abstain and warn other people if you are already infected” I won’t respond to your post any more, don’t waste my time.
Yes but we're talking about the aids epidemic in the real world, so we need solutions that actually work. Do you honestly think drug addicts will stop using because of aids, or that people will stop having sex? Do you really care?


Guardian of Asgaard
Come on mate, seven think that we should supply needles and condoms to those that use drugs and share needles so that they can avoid stigmatization so why do you ask? I said those that know that they are infected, did I not? I am getting tired of this, all the posts and still you ask me stupid question what part of “If you are infected, or are thinking of having sex with an infected person, or you don’t know if the other person is infected, don’t have sex, abstain and you don’t need to take risks, don’t sleep around, have only one sexual partner, be faithful to your partner” don’t you understand ?“Abstain from drugs, if you know that you are already infected don’t share needles, tell the other that you are infected “Irresponsible drug user that hide their condition and share needles are murderer, those that know of their condition and hide it from their sexual partners are murders” “Prevention is better than cure, don’t infect other abstain and warn other people if you are already infected” I won’t respond to your post any more, don’t waste my time.

Your methodology is more applicable in the dark ages, are you lost here in the real world?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member

So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals, then are lesbians, among who the disease is largely nonexistent, God's chosen people?


emillio said:
I said those that know that they are infected, did I not? I am getting tired of this, all the posts and still you ask me stupid question what part of “If you are infected, or are thinking of having sex with an infected person, or you don’t know if the other person is infected, don’t have sex, abstain and you don’t need to take risks, don’t sleep around, have only one sexual partner, be faithful to your partner” don’t you understand ?

Power lines, dammit.

So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals, then are lesbians, among who the disease is largely nonexistent, God's chosen people?
I guess i'll be the designated knuckle-dragger.

Lesbians are everyones' chosen people.


Done here.
I think RF is far too liberal a forum for many posters who believe AIDS is a punishment from God. If you want to post the question on another forum, I'll bet you get an entirely different perspective.
According to the Christian Research Association:
More than three-quarters of all Pentecostals in South Korea, and two-thirds of Pentecostals in Kenya saw AIDS as God's punishment for immoral sexual behaviour. This was also true of around half of Pentecostals in Guatemala, Nigeria, India and the Philippines. However, only 34 per cent of Pentecostals in USA and 37 per cent in South Africa agreed. In South Africa, a higher percentage (46%) of Christians who were neither Pentecostal nor charismatic saw AIDS as God's punishment (p.37).
But, what if nobody in the world had sex out of marriage and nobody in the world used drugs, where would we be with AIDS?

It seems to me that if we did a better job of listening to God's warnings on what is good for us and what is bad, that this particular disease would either be non-existent or at least much less of a problem.
For that matter, what if nobody ever had sex at all? What if nobody ever had any direct contact with another person, ever? We could wipe out ALL infectious diseases! Why do you think God never thought about that?

* * * * * * *

I think people -- especially fearful people and stupid people -- like to blame the unfortunate for their misfortunes. I think it makes them feel more secure. They would never do anything to open the door to such misfortune. This is true of many misfortunes and tragedies besides AIDS.
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Well-Known Member
Yes but we're talking about the aids epidemic in the real world, so we need solutions that actually work. Do you honestly think drug addicts will stop using because of aids, or that people will stop having sex? Do you really care?

The Church worries and concerns it self with the problems of it members, they are opposed to facilitate the use of drug, why should they supply junkies with needles, it is their choice to take risk they have to live and die with the consequences of their bad choices, if there is no cure for what they contracted, tough! Tell it to someone that give a hoot; wait for science to save you I would not get near them without personal, protective equipment, avoidance is the key. Do you believe in evolution/natural selection? Why would we Christian supplies you with clean needless so that you have fun? If you are not able to control yourself and abstain from using a used needle that may or may b not be contaminate or condom that may fail to protect (1 in 100) you are not any good for the human gene pool. Are you?


Well-Known Member

So if AIDS is God's punishment against homosexuals, then are lesbians, among who the disease is largely nonexistent, God's chosen people?

There are theories that this virus is an experiment on biological weapons gone terribly wrong, Consider how is this virus transmitted, it is not exclusively transmitted by homosexuals, on the contrary it is transmitted by heterosexual that have multiple sexual partners and drug user that share needles


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Which only shows that it is an infectious, contagious disease transmited by fluids exchange. Not so different from, say, hepatiths (sp?).

Common Flu has far easier contagion, although of course it is far more benign too.

The whole fear of it being a biological weapon is mostly a scare reaction due to its initial lethality. It does not really make much sense when viewed against the evidence.


six plus one
The Church worries and concerns it self with the problems of it members, they are opposed to facilitate the use of drug, why should they supply junkies with needles, it is their choice to take risk they have to live and die with the consequences of their bad choices, if there is no cure for what they contracted, tough! Tell it to someone that give a hoot; wait for science to save you I would not get near them without personal, protective equipment, avoidance is the key. Do you believe in evolution/natural selection? Why would we Christian supplies you with clean needless so that you have fun? If you are not able to control yourself and abstain from using a used needle that may or may b not be contaminate or condom that may fail to protect (1 in 100) you are not any good for the human gene pool. Are you?
There is nothing Christian about this post.
Do you believe in evolution/natural selection?
It's not a matter of belief


Well-Known Member
There is nothing Christian about this post.

It's not a matter of belief

Are you a Christian?
It seems to me that good ole Darwin was right, only the strongest survives. At this stage and because there is no cure for this disease the infected will die off, the Church concerns itself with the physical and the spiritual so all that is left for the Church to do is to protect the soul, What is the final outcome of the condom program, not reproduction and they will die off. Right? the only way left for the spreading of the virus is the 1 in a 100 failure, Seven you added another group of individuals that we have to protect, the junkies that share needles, so not only do we have to gives them free condoms but also we have to supply them with clean needles, how do you like that?


six plus one
Are you a Christian?
No, what does that have to do with anything?
It seems to me that good ole Darwin was right, only the strongest survives. At this stage and because there is no cure for this disease the infected will die off, the Church concerns itself with the physical and the spiritual so all that is left for the Church to do is to protect the soul, What is the final outcome of the condom program, not reproduction and they will die off. Right? the only way left for the spreading of the virus is the 1 in a 100 failure, Seven you added another group of individuals that we have to protect, the junkies that share needles, so not only do we have to gives them free condoms but also we have to supply them with clean needles, how do you like that?
So you propose that we just leave them to die? By your logic we should just stop treating disease altogether, then natural selection can produce future generations that are immune to everything!
Seriously though, I have nothing else to say to you.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
My Mother used to tell me that nature had a way of redressing population problems. Before and during the two World wars, there were far more boy babies born than girls - nature redressed that by somehow engineering the wars to "happen".


Guardian of Asgaard
I believe in natural selection these bugger aren't worth the trouble, so really is quite in line with Darwin's theory.

No you don't, i remember comming up with geological evidence to support my position in another thread where you laughed at the theory of evolution. Then again, as a Christian, you're proned to changing the boundaries to suit yourself.


Well-Known Member
No you don't, i remember comming up with geological evidence to support my position in another thread where you laughed at the theory of evolution. Then again, as a Christian, you're proned to changing the boundaries to suit yourself.

Do you remember when I recommended that you read the book titled the Language of God? Evolution theory does not disprove the existence of a creator, an intelligent designer, the author; a famous scientist explains the concept of Old earth. BTW I did not participate in that discussion, but I saw it, most Christians agree that the creation account in genesis is allegorical.
“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was]” and before that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Time is a human concept, humans are limited, subjected to time from birth to death, God is eternal, but the narrative states that God created and that creation this is a purposely and planed creation and the plan is unfolding, what time passed from the creation of the formation of earth and life in it? Humans have no way of measuring it, so, in our generation we can only accept “Then God said………………………..And it was so. Anyway you must realize that this is off topic and we have to leave at that.


Well-Known Member
No, what does that have to do with anything?

So you propose that we just leave them to die? By your logic we should just stop treating disease altogether, then natural selection can produce future generations that are immune to everything!
Seriously though, I have nothing else to say to you.

But the race is on for a cure so we have not left them to die, but the first thing to do is to isolate the infected, the carriers and the discussion is what is a more effective strategy to slow it down and the man been criticized, and slandered is a leader of a major organized religion, he is been vilified just because he said that condoms are not a good strategy and that abstinence and behavioural change is 100% effective and achievable. Why did you say? There is nothing Christian about this post” if my question Are you a Christian? Has nothing to do with anything, what relevance does your statement have? I believe that the Pope has the duty of guide infected Christian to abstinence and behavoural changes so that they don’t infect others, if we facilitate the continuation of the behaviour that spread the virus (drug use and sex) the battle is lost. Abstain from dugs use and sex trusting a devise that is known to fail one in a hundred and it will slow down, a cure can be found or they dei off.