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Is anti-theocracy considered a "far right" position, e.g. the Netherlands


Staff member
Premium Member
I agree. It seems to me that Islam is more a totalitarian ideology than a religion. Not perfectly so, but largely.
I oppose political Islam, but I think broad anti-Muslim and anti-Islam stances in government are an incredibly dangerous. Firstly because it marginalizes Muslims and puts them in danger, Secondly because it actually plays into the hands of the political Islamists who are trying to bolster their cause.

If you don't allow Muslims to integrate into secular society, they won't. Then the populists will say this is proof of what they have been saying all along and continue to push the rhetoric that scapegoats Muslims and turns the public into supporting policy against their own interests.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Trying to prioritize some religious groups over others in immigration is discrimination.

As for 40% of Muslims in the UK wanting Sharia, you could also write that headline as 'The majority of Muslims in the UK oppose theocracy', but that obviously doesn't jive with the narrative suggested in the original post.
What about simply asking all immigrants if they want theocracy (or God/(s) run government) of any sort and excluding those?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
And what exactly do you mean by that?

I think Europe has a lot of issues that are unique to its situation. The US doesn't have the exact same issues and circumstances.

What about Dearborn? Do you live in Dearborn? NYC actually has the nation's highest population of Muslims.
From Wikipedia:
"The Muslim population in the New York metropolitan area approximates 1.5 million, the largest metropolitan Muslim population in the Western hemisphere."

Dearborn is the highest per capita, which is what's important.

I'm sure you're aware that around the world, almost always when Muslims are in charge, being a member of the LGBTQ community is viewed as a crime, and frequently the penalty is death?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Dearborn is the highest per capita, which is what's important.

I'm sure you're aware that around the world, almost always when Muslims are in charge, being a member of the LGBTQ community is viewed as a crime, and frequently the penalty is death?
Are you just here to fear-monger about Muslims? :rolleyes:


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member

Do you think that there are no Muslims who are Women or Gay?
This is very silly.

Come on, up your game a bit.

First off, I'm talking about Islamists, who are perhaps 30-40% of all Muslims.

Second, there is a very high correlation between violence towards women and Muslim majority countries. Simply put, most of the least safe places for women are Muslim majority countries.

As for the LGBTQ community, Islamists usually consider being a member of that community to be a crime.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Are you just here to fear-monger about Muslims? :rolleyes:

I'm criticizing Islam.

And the point of the thread is to point out that at least some "journalists" seem to want to put forth the idea that to be critical of Islam is a far-right stance. That's just dangerous disinformation.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I'm criticizing Islam.

And the point of the thread is to point out that at least some "journalists" seem to want to put forth the idea that to be critical of Islam is a far-right stance. That's just dangerous disinformation.
No, you seem to be saying that when there's a certain amount of Muslims in a location, they'll try to take over and put in place a very asture theocracy. That's fear-mongering. I have no reason to fear that because the chances of that happening in the US are zero.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
No, you seem to be saying that when there's a certain amount of Muslims in a location, they'll try to take over and put in place a very asture theocracy. That's fear-mongering. I have no reason to fear that because the chances of that happening in the US are zero.
Europe is the canary in the coal mine.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Europe is the canary in the coal mine.
Again, Europe isn't America. Their illegals aren't the same as ours, for instance. The problem with Europe's Muslim migrants is that they are not being vetted properly and are just pouring in, especially from human trafficking in North Africa.

Much of this is fallout from the West's doomed military misadventures in the Middle East over the past few decades. War, social chaos and destabilization tend to cause mass movements of people. It really became a huge problem in Europe after Obama and Hillary destroyed Libya in 2011 and it fell into total chaos, with open air slave markets of black people. They're the equivalent of America's issue with illegal Mexican and Central Americans coming in here and we have no clue who they are (the plight of those people being similarly caused by American military and economic misadventures in Latin America and the failed and cynical War on Drugs).

Of course, each European country has it's own issues with immigration and Muslims, as well. France's issues aren't the same as the UK or Italy, etc. Then there's European countries that are Muslim, such as Albania and Bosnia. So it's not really helpful to generalize.
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Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Sharia law would be a big step backwards for Feminism and all gender bender groups that the Left supports. Men haver all the protections and advantages. Does that mean the Liberals are changing gears and loyalties if that is called Conservatism? They hate the conservatives who now are resisting this. You guys are spinning this the wrong way. Conservative is connected to the conservation of the past, not liberal experiments with the future of a country, that has a long history to conserve.

What makes no sense is many Muslims left their home country for the difficult journey to the West because it was free. The west shows Christian compassion, but then, like a virus, many Muslims now want to alter the host to accommodate the ways of the virus, so they end up in a world similar from which they ran. Going from first to second world is definite liberalism. Is Sharia seen as Muslim DEI? I believe in religious freedom in a free market of choice, and not DEI forced conformity to lunatic fringe virus.
I was thinking conservatism would take us from first world to second world. Maybe both would, as the extremes of both sides are not a common sense approach.


Well-Known Member
In polls it seems to be 1/3 of people who have backward values.
Can you show one of the polls? I would be interested in seeing the questions asked in the poll exposing such a valuation.

The reason i ask, is because i often observe the commandments seeking the rational.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Can you show one of the polls? I would be interested in seeing the questions asked in the poll exposing such a valuation.

The reason i ask, is because i often observe the commandments seeking the rational.
Sadly, I can't remember where I saw them. It was definitely more than just a few times. I will keep looking.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I can't remember where I saw them. It was definitely more than just a few times. I will keep looking.
Thank you. The kind of figures that you mentioned are too large to ignore as it means 1 of 3 roughly are practically uncivilized.
Is there any upside in doing that by using such a dangerous and artificial concept as nations, though?

As with other forms of governance like tribes, empires and city states, there are many problems with the nation state (and also many benefits).

What alternative do you see as being both (hypothetically) plausible and superior though?