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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So then it doesn't exist and you are dishonest....
Whose being dishonest? The one who read the articles provided and knows what is in them, or they one claiming to have read them and is claiming that what is there isn't?
You are really showing your own dishonesty by trying to do this.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Whose being dishonest? The one who read the articles provided and knows what is in them, or they one claiming to have read them and is claiming that what is there isn't?
You are really showing your own dishonesty by trying to do this.
Your continued bellicosity and hand waving will not obfuscate your deceit...now post the NT Chapter and Verse or slink away.....:rolleyes:

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Nonsense. You're just trying to justify your prejudice and it's not convincing.

Judgemental attitudes like yours are never appealing.
It is scripture that condemns....it's simply complying with to the OP thread question to bring it to your attention...so please stop being sooky and blaming me...


Well-Known Member
And I responded in a logical manner....but you ignored it and went back to repeat to your homosexual thematic perspective on homosexuality as it applies to scripture...hence the reminder that you are not thirsty for truth.... If you are...respond to the post below without an obfuscation....a simple yes or no is all that is required...
My homosexual thematic perspective on homosexuality...what is that supposed to mean? That I have some kind of self perpetuating hatred of this faith because I am Bisexual? If it does mean that, shame on you for thinking that sexual orientation somehow influences my studies of theology. And why do I need to be 'thirsty for truth" anyway. Whose truth? What truth? Yours? No thank you. And then you want a yes or no answer to this post, I am assuming, non?

If you think that it was an obfuscation on my part..... then I am happy to go through it with you step by step......Firstly do we can agree that the thread title is..."Is being gay a sin according to your religion?" So do you agree that it is logical and correct.....if I am perfectly honest.....to post precisely those passages that are relevant to answering the thread title question.....those being ...Genesis 19 .... Leviticus 18:22 ... Leviticus 20:13 ... Romans 1:26-27 .. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ... 1 Timothy 1:10 ......yes?

Yes, I agree that the title of this thread is as you stated. But as for the rest, reread that title....Is being gay a sin according to your understanding". Note the word your in there. IOW, not your faith necessarily, but I look at this from MY religion, and your proverbial one word answer would be no. I am supposed to agree with you because of words from a book written by men? No. A big emphatic NO.


Well-Known Member
I hear what you're saying Spiny, however, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I do agree with one thing and that is lying being a choice, because Jehovah gave us free will to make the decisions that we want to, whether it's good or bad, but not homosexuality. People say that they were born that way, but if the Almighty is against homosexuality, then why would he make it where as soon as you're out of the womb you're gay...it doesn't make any sense. As for the black/female thing, you can't compare the three together, because Jehovah's words stated in the Bible that homosexuality would NOT inherit the Kingdom, as well as the ones practicing homosexual acts (1 Corinthians 6:9). And that includes lesbians, as well; they don't get a free pass in the eyes of Jehovah, only in the eyes of the world. No where in the Bible did it say that if you're black or a female, then you will not inherit God's Kingdom, so it might not be a "moral code", but it's the spiritual code.
Ma'am, I am legally blind. I have to wear 2 pairs of glasses just to see the screen and be able to read the posts. When you add to that a font color so light, I cannot begin to read it, its beyond frustrating. Would you consider changing this please>?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
My homosexual thematic perspective on homosexuality...what is that supposed to mean? That I have some kind of self perpetuating hatred of this faith because I am Bisexual? If it does mean that, shame on you for thinking that sexual orientation somehow influences my studies of theology. And why do I need to be 'thirsty for truth" anyway. Whose truth? What truth? Yours? No thank you. And then you want a yes or no answer to this post, I am assuming, non?

Yes, I agree that the title of this thread is as you stated. But as for the rest, reread that title....Is being gay a sin according to your understanding". Note the word your in there. IOW, not your faith necessarily, but I look at this from MY religion, and your proverbial one word answer would be no. I am supposed to agree with you because of words from a book written by men? No. A big emphatic NO.
You are mistaken...there is no 'your understanding' in the thread title question....it states 'your religion'... You can and do look at it from your religion...and I from mine... I don't ask that you agree with the scripture of my religion, but I do ask that you do not attack me for simply quoting it as per the thread title question....


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to pull Shadow Wolf....where is the bible passage showing Jesus consorted with homosexuals?
Here are some from the link that shadow provided which were easily accessible if one has patience and is not biased from the beginning.
“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)
I just choose this one, there are tons more you can look up.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Here are some from the link that shadow provided which were easily accessible if one has patience and is not biased from the beginning.
“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)
I just choose this one, there are tons more you can look up.
Haha...what is this nonsense....the question was to provide scripture that shows Jesus hung out with homosexuals.....there is absolutely nothing in that passage that remotely implies that....

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
It is scripture that condemns...

The Bible condemns many things, you are just cherry-picking stuff that coincides with your own prejudices.

There is certainly nothing "spiritual" about your judgemental attitudes.

And talking of the Bible, perhaps you should reflect on this passage:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
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Jesus in me
Wow, talk in circles much? "Is not a perversion because it is love but because it is a perversion"...hold on, I'm dizzy. I'm pretty sure you haven't a clue what you're saying and are just spitting jumbled words to have some sort of response when you have nothing real to say. Love is love. It is an emotion. The love one has for another to the point of wanting to share their lives together...that is the same whether you are a man or a woman and it doesn't matter whom you feel it for. It is the same feeling. If the love that homosexuals feel for each other is a perversion then the love that heterosexuals feel for each other is a perversion as well. Same Love.

What surgery has to do with your obsession with other people's sex lives I have no idea. And secondly, you said judging people is "God's right". Not yours. If the right belongs to your god then perhaps you should leave it to him.

I see what is presented to me. Present bigotry and hatred to me, it is what I am going to see.

You just said before that the right to judge belongs to him. In fact, I do believe your own scripture tells you not to judge. Unless you feel that you need to do your god's job for him because he is incapable of taking care of things he disapproves of himself? Concern yourself with yourself. Not with the love others share. Live and let live, be happy and be happy for others happiness. the world will be a better place if we could all do that much.

I believe I know what I am saying even if it appears jumbled...

I believe again you have failed to see that same sex love is a perversion and heterosexual love is not.

I believe this is fallacious reasoning .It is like saying that an apple and an orange are both fruit so apples must be oranges.

I believe I have no such obsession. My position on this is not about sex; it is about sin. I point it out because the wages of sin is death and I do not wish to see people die.

I believe God is in me speaking when I debate on this site so even though the voice is mine the words are God's and His judgement.

This morning watching the timer tick down on the microwave it seemed to tick more slowly than usual. My wife said time does not change and she is right but our perception of it does change. You see things that are not there because you have a perverted perception of what I say.

I believe that is a false interpretation taken out of context.

I do not believe any good can come of evil. In order to have a better world I must promote goodness.


Jesus in me
The Bible condemns many things, you are just cherry-picking stuff that coincides with your own prejudices.

There is certainly nothing "spiritual" about your judgemental attitudes.

And talking of the Bible, perhaps you should reflect on this passage:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I believe this scripture is relevant according to the Holy Spirit and that He is not cherry picking.

I believe I do often. For me it is reasonable since Jesus has removed my sin and cleansed my thinking to judge others because they will find nothing to judge in me.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
My position on this is not about sex; it is about sin.

I still don't see what's sinful about being gay. Being gay isn't a choice, so it doesn't make sense to include it in a moral code. And it's not in the 10 commandments.

I don't see what's spiritual about discriminating against people based on things they can't change, gender, race and sexual orientation for example. I don't see what's spiritual about being judgemental.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

"Do to others as you would have them do to you."
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I believe this scripture is relevant according to the Holy Spirit and that He is not cherry picking.

You obviously missed all the discussion about shellfish.

And the gay shellfish puns I winkled out. ;)
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Jesus in me
I still don't see what's sinful about being gay. Being gay isn't a choice, so it doesn't make sense to include it in a moral code. And it's not in the 10 commandments.

I don't see what's spiritual about discriminating against people based on things they can't change, gender, race and sexual orientation for example. I don't see what's spiritual about being judgemental.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

"Do to others as you would have them do to you."

I believe it is a sin because God says it is.

I believe it is a choice or God would not be able to command people not to do it.

I believe you conclusion is wrong because your premises are wrong.

I believe in affect this can be included in the commandment of "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

I believe you have the first part right that you can't see. God has a right to discriminate and does so often. God commands things to be changed so that means they must be changeable.

I am spiritual because the Holy Spirit is in me not because of what is said. However what is said is spiritual because it comes from the Holy Spirit. Again


Veteran Member
Neither am I....it is the bible that explains it...
And you agree with it, correct? So yes, you are asserting that homosexuality is an abomination.

And the self admiration you claim for yourself for being the kindest person to everyone all your life is called narcissism.....self love...


I'm telling you I don't need lectures about how to treat people from someone asserting that a sexual orientation that is beyond a person's choice is an abomination.

I try very hard to treat people with kindness, respect and dignity. That's how I was raised. Never said I was the kindest person. And not admiring myself - just stating how I aim to treat other human beings in the world, though I don't always live up to it.
Nice try though. :rolleyes:


Jesus in me
Do you abstain from eating food polluted by idols and meat strangled from animals?

And when you quote Leviticus to condemn homosexual acts, are you only speaking to Jews then?

I believe The Holy Spirit helps us decide what is relevant and what is not. It serves much better than a law written for an ancient people with an ancient culture. This is the difference between Christianity and Islam or Judaism. Christianity is presently relevant whereas the others are stuck in antiquated ways that are not as relevant today.