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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No, Japan was not negotiating a surrender, their government made it clear they would never surrender.
Yes, they factually had begun to discuss surrender before the bombs, and it's very doubtful they could have lasted another year because they were so utterly defeated, their military over stretched and exhausted, moral broken, and they're allies had just been defeated. But, not only that, the first bomb was dropped, the Russians violated their treaty with Japan and attacked to make good on a promise to America, and then America dropped the second bomb. By July, Japan was broken and beaten. When they were down, America dealt the biggest blows every dealt. They didn't need to use the bomb, and many people knew it.


Well-Known Member
So long as the application of that belief doesn't cause dehumanizing fallout.
"dehumanizing fallout" a term subject to interpretation. Regardless, I do not create that. Others may, but if they are within their Constitutional rights, so be it


Well-Known Member
Yes, they factually had begun to discuss surrender before the bombs, and it's very doubtful they could have lasted another year because they were so utterly defeated, their military over stretched and exhausted, moral broken, and they're allies had just been defeated. But, not only that, the first bomb was dropped, the Russians violated their treaty with Japan and attacked to make good on a promise to America, and then America dropped the second bomb. By July, Japan was broken and beaten. When they were down, America dealt the biggest blows every dealt. They didn't need to use the bomb, and many people knew it.
Where you got this stuff I have no idea nevertheless.....................................................you are wrong


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
"dehumanizing fallout" a term subject to interpretation. Regardless, I do not create that. Others may, but if they are within their Constitutional rights, so be it
Are you serious or are you being provocative, because I don't believe what I'm reading! Everyone has the constitutional right to say the "N" word, but it's dehumanizing and Christian ethics demand that we not use it.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
A person with a certain physical and genetic makeup is either a male or female, Based upon those physical characteristics, it is clear, what each gender is designed for re the sex act. There is no clear compelling evidence that there is a gene, inherent to homosexuals alone that unerringly compels them to a sex act that is contrary to the physical design of their body. No one is arguing that they do not have every right to do whatever floats their boat. If they choose to have sex with the exhaust pipe of a car, or a broom handle they have every right to do so. Until there is evidence that there is a gene or genetic factor that marks homosexuals different from plain old X and Y genes that can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to make them in every case where present a homosexual, then they are just men and women doing what they choose to do. Now, call me the names, stir yourself into your own fit of righteous anger, blah, blah, blah but until you bring me exactly the kind of evidence I require, I and millions and millions and millions across the globe will believe what we believe

I don't need to invoke a gay or straight gene. That is like killing a fly with a thermonuclear device. BTW, I love it when Christians invoke biologic evidence when they are cornered (as long as it does not involve evolution by natural selection, of course):)

My question to you is very simple: do you think you can choose whether you feel like to spend the night with a man or a woman?

If you do, then you are bisexual. By definition.

If you do not, please explain why not.

Simple question. No biology required. How would you answer?


- viole
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Well-Known Member
Are you serious or are you being provocative, because I don't believe what I'm reading! Everyone has the constitutional right to say the "N" word, but it's dehumanizing and Christian ethics demand that we not use it.
I agree. No,I am not being provocative. Christian ethics require something above and beyond our first amendment rights. However, many do not hold Christian ethics, and do not practice Christian mores in their lives. Those that do not can only be held to the standard of the law. Free speech means free speech, except for conspiracy, direct threats, or incitement, a person can say whatever they choose. I was taught as a child that words could not hurt me, unless I allowed them to. I still believe that. Too many people today are offended by way too many things, and they have a right to be offended, but that right does not cancel out the right of free speech. The culture spent forty years destroying civility and respect, we are reaping the results of that now


Well-Known Member
I don't need to invoke a gay or straight gene. That is like killing a fly with a thermonuclear device.

My question to you is very simple: do you think you can choose whether you feel like to spend the night with a man or a woman?

If you do, then you are bisexual. Period.

If you do not, please explain why not.


- viole
Been down this road before, yes I believe it is a choice, a choice which may be based upon environmental or psychological factors, nevertheless a choice. No, I am not a bisexual LOL. If you propose to me a separate type of person, a homosexual, your proposal must come with emphatic genetic proof of this.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Been down this road before, yes I believe it is a choice, a choice which may be based upon environmental or psychological factors, nevertheless a choice. No, I am not a bisexual LOL. If you propose to me a separate type of person, a homosexual, your proposal must come with emphatic genetic proof of this.

Did you choose to become heterosexual, assuming you are heterosexual?

[yes/no/maybe/I don't know]


- viole

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Where you got this stuff I have no idea nevertheless.....................................................you are wrong
If you want to start another thread, because that's off topic, but I can assure you, you are the one who is wrong.
Been down this road before, yes I believe it is a choice, a choice which may be based upon environmental or psychological factors, nevertheless a choice.
Then why do homosexuals say it's not a choice? Why do heterosexuals not have to make a choice?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Been down this road before, yes I believe it is a choice, a choice which may be based upon environmental or psychological factors, nevertheless a choice. No, I am not a bisexual LOL. If you propose to me a separate type of person, a homosexual, your proposal must come with emphatic genetic proof of this.
No, it's really not a choice. You don't choose what/who you're attracted to.


Well-Known Member
Been down this road before, yes I believe it is a choice, a choice which may be based upon environmental or psychological factors, nevertheless a choice. No, I am not a bisexual LOL. If you propose to me a separate type of person, a homosexual, your proposal must come with emphatic genetic proof of this.
Oh, I am a Christian and believe in evolution by natural selection, or by adaption to a particular environment. Most Christians I know believe the same. What we do not accept is macro evolution, the morphing of one species into another. We do not believe dogs can gradually turn into monkey's, or that ant's can morph into toads. There are a lot more problems with macro evolution than you have been taught, Many atheist biologists acknowledge these problems


Well-Known Member
If you want to start another thread, because that's off topic, but I can assure you, you are the one who is wrong.

Then why do homosexuals say it's not a choice? Why do heterosexuals not have to make a choice?
Dear lady, I had a minor in US history, My older brother was part of the air group that dropped the bombs, I have read the definitive biography of Truman. Youare wrong but let it go, s I will. Well, as a heterosexual I do make a choice. I have no interest or inclination to be involved sexually with another man. I could choose otherwise, but I have never and will never . Prisoners of both sexes sometimes choose homosexual acts, but as soon as they are released and as long as they are free, many for the rest of their lives, never make that choice again. You will have to ask a homosexual who believes he doesn't have a choice why he or she says that


Well-Known Member
Did you choose to become heterosexual, assuming you are heterosexual?

[yes/no/maybe/I don't know]


- viole
I never made a choice otherwise. I was born a male, clearly by physical characteristics designed to have sex with a woman, never doubted it

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Prisoners of both sexes sometimes choose homosexual acts, but as soon as they are released and as long as they are free, many for the rest of their lives, never make that choice again.
Prison isn't a normal experience. It may amaze and horrify the things you can get people do to when you expose them to non-normal elements.
You will have to ask a homosexual who believes he doesn't have a choice why he or she says that
They simply don't believe they have a choice. It just happens. I've known plenty of homosexuals. Myself, having attractions wasn't a choice, it just happened.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christian ethics require something above and beyond our first amendment rights. However, many do not hold Christian ethics, and do not practice Christian mores in their lives
Yes, you've mentioned that before. Do you feel that saying whatever happens to fall out of your mouth is OK, because it's "your first amendment right" and that exercising that right is more important than doing the right thing? Jesus certainly didn't think so. Neither did Paul.

Those that do not can only be held to the standard of the law.
No, that's incongruent with what you said before. You said that the bible trumps psychiatric science. IOW, Christians are held to a "higher" standard (the bible). What does the bible say about respecting your neighbor?

Free speech means free speech, except for conspiracy, direct threats, or incitement, a person can say whatever they choose.
Again, that's incongruent with what you have said, for the reasons outlined above.

I was taught as a child that words could not hurt me, unless I allowed them to. I still believe that.
But words hurt on a much larger scale than than individual. They hurt systemically. We don't use the "N" word -- not particularly because it offends individuals, but because it offends our social sensibility. Saying what you say about homosexuality does the very same thing.