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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
No, the homosexual act was considered separately, and it made no difference if it was lustful or not. The motivation was not relevant, the act was

What was the act based on that made it bad?

The act does not like prayer does nothing without the morals or rules behind it to make it bad or good.

Like somewhere in scripture it says it us "unnatual" to lie with a man as a woman (not the common verse in the NT. Its in another book") meaning male and female are meant to be together for a reason.

Think of adam and eve. God didnt just mate them just because. There was a motivation or intent he had to make what he joined ans created "good in their eyes."

Think of abraham. That wasnt just an action. That was a test of abraham's obedience to god.

And so on throughout the Bible.

Adultery is forbidden for specific "reasons" just as polishing a golden calf and trying to climb by building a lader to the sky to find god.

There are reasons (intentions) god chose things as sins and things as blessings.

Homosexual actions are not excluded.

In scripture, if you notice, the people who did homosexual acts where couple with peolle who rapes (sadoom), people who were permiscuous (ten commandment cant remember the book. Excodus I believe), the gospels mention about male and female union for a reason just as they mention "thou shall not lie with a man as with a woman for a reason."

Like murder. The action isnt isolated from its intention. Think about this. God murders (kills with intention) a Lot in the OT. However, his intention clears him free of contradicting himself as so scripture teaches bad and come from him (Psalm and somewhere in Provers among other verses). It doesnt make god "bad" just in buman eyes, thats what we see and interpret it as.

Same as god's intention with sexual sin. When he sent an angel into Lot's house, I believe, and said something about him sleepig with the women "and" men of the home, who put that together? It wasnt the people. It was the angel of god.

Motivations and intentions count very much all throughout scripture. That is a fact.

How it connects with homosexual acts being a sin is not just the act. If thats the case, I can have good motivations to have sex with Joe Smo and as long as its not lust and in marriage its fine.

It isnt. According to the Bible two people need to be equally yoked. They need to be blessed by god and the culture people where in in scripture, blessed by the parents and so forth.

Homosexual acts according to the bible goes out of the natural order. "That is not how god 'intended' to create them. He made them male and female"

Outsixe that intention, it is sin. Why? Just because? Nope. He had a reason. There is intention behind those actions god does not like. Hence why you see all those verses coupled with other sins and disobediences written in scripture.

This is common sense for any christian who disagrees with homosexual acts. Maybe its because Im not christian and I "get" it, its wrong coming from my mouth?

I dont agree "and" that doesnt change the reasons why god said what he did, why, based on the actions with "intentions" of his people.

Quick note. Its homosexual acts that are sin not homosexuality.

A lot of christians define homosexuality by actions, which is understandable according to their point of view.

The fact is homosexuals are who they are even if they were in straight well intended marriages. They are still homosexual.

Try to be homosexual for a minute behind your computer...or maybe if you dont like vanilla, try vanilla to see if thats your favorite "just because you tasted it". It doesnt work. Its not actions.

We are talking about homosexual actions NOT homosexuality.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Roses are read, violets are blue, donald trump is crazy and so are you

The Bible speaks for Christianity, what others accept or deny is no concern of mine

Anyway. Was supporting the christian side but I guess you agree with others homosexual acts are good if the intent is good. Very unusual take for a christian who uses sola scriptura.

Do not call me crazy.


Well-Known Member
Anyway. Was supporting the christian side but I guess you agree with others homosexual acts are good if the intent is good. Very unusual take for a christian who uses sola scriptura.

Do not call me crazy.
Uh, no. Within the Christian context, homosexual acts, whatever the intent or motivaiton are unacceptable

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Uh, no. Within the Christian context, homosexual acts, whatever the intent or motivaiton are unacceptable

Thats like saying god says no for no reason. Yet all through scripture, people have done things for ill reasons to make god upset, jeleous, whatever.

Homosexual acts are okay To Me.

To God there are reasons he said no. Those reasons where based on the intent of his people. Again, read my post there are many examples that intent is a huge indicator of what is a sin and what isnt.

Small example:

People kill animals for meet every day. That action is alright in scripture.

Now make that same action and make the intention to offer it to, say, Ordin.

God has a problem.

Not with the action but the intent. Its in the bible. It Is the bible. A christian cant miss it. I think you are the only one I met out of what fifty or so christians I met personally in my life time so far that seperates intention from action.

If that be the case, dont light a candle when the storm pops the light bulbs. If a person strikes you and you need to kill to live, dont do the act. Its a sin.

Think of it. We put down suicide. Jesus let himself be beatened for others. If not for his intent to save christians, what would his death mean in and of itself?


Well-Known Member
That's weird. If sola scriptura were reliable, there wouldn't be any "denominations." There would be only one way to interpret scripture and everybody would be on the same page.
The concept of the priesthood of all believers was born in the Reformation, just as sola scriptura was. So, Pentacostals view the anointing of the Spirit differently than many Evangelicals. The Seventh Day Adventists believe Christians are to keep the Jewish sabbath, Lutherans believe in sprinkling for baptisms rather than immersion. They are free to interpret the Bible as they choose. Churches are free to accept homosexuals if they choose. In my mind, and that of most Christians this is not Biblically appropriate, but what they do is between they and God. What I and the overwhelming majority of Christians really strongly object to is the blatantly false effort to deny what the Bible has said for thousands of years. To attempt to re translate words based upon spurious notions and poor translation. Notions that accuse thousands of scholars and translators of being in error, based upon some ideas of a tiny group, who have a political agenda


Well-Known Member
Thats like saying god says no for no reason. Yet all through scripture, people have done things for ill reasons to make god upset, jeleous, whatever.

Homosexual acts are okay To Me.

To God there are reasons he said no. Those reasons where based on the intent of his people. Again, read my post there are many examples that intent is a huge indicator of what is a sin and what isnt.

Small example:

People kill animals for meet every day. That action is alright in scripture.

Now make that same action and make the intention to offer it to, say, Ordin.

God has a problem.

Not with the action but the intent. Its in the bible. It Is the bible. A christian cant miss it. I think you are the only one I met out of what fifty or so christians I met personally in my life time so far that seperates intention from action.

If that be the case, dont light a candle when the storm pops the light bulbs. If a person strikes you and you need to kill to live, dont do the act. Its a sin.

Think of it. We put down suicide. Jesus let himself be beatened for others. If not for his intent to save christians, what would his death mean in and of itself?
There can be no acceptable intent for murder. There can be no acceptable intent for pedophilia. There can be no acceptable intent for worshiping a golden calf. There are quite a number of things where intent is irrelevant to the act


Veteran Member
The merits of same sex marriage are of no importance to me. People do it, I couldn't care less. What is important to me is what the Bible clearly states as a Christians relationship to homosexuality in the church, and all that implies. I won't even try to refute your arguments, I am sure they are spot on for non Christians. They cannot be for Christians, at least the ones who accept the authority of Gods word.
I am a Christian. So it seems you must be mistaken. There is no mention of same sex, committed, monogamous marriage in scripture. Sure there is mention of homosexual activities outside of marriage, but isn't all sexual activity outside marriage "sinfull"? Yep. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that, since the type of relationship in question is not mentioned in scripture, it should be judged on its own merits.

So, do you even have any evidence to back up your position that, judged on its own merits, same sex marriage is harmful to society? I am putting you on the spot, but it is important that we question all beliefs to make sure they aren't merely disguised prejudice. And, I agree, US citizens should be free to be prejudiced. But, at the same time, they must be honest about it so that folks can ridicule them at will, as to show future generations how morally unacceptable their prejudiced and unsubstantiated beliefs are.

But, again, if you can provide reasoning for judging same sex marriage as illigitimate, please provide it. But don't stoop so low as to ignorantly recite bible passages that are irrelevant to the subject at hand (committed, monogamous, same-sex, life-long marriage).


Well-Known Member
What was the act based on that made it bad?

The act does not like prayer does nothing without the morals or rules behind it to make it bad or good.

Like somewhere in scripture it says it us "unnatual" to lie with a man as a woman (not the common verse in the NT. Its in another book") meaning male and female are meant to be together for a reason.

Think of adam and eve. God didnt just mate them just because. There was a motivation or intent he had to make what he joined ans created "good in their eyes."

Think of abraham. That wasnt just an action. That was a test of abraham's obedience to god.

And so on throughout the Bible.

Adultery is forbidden for specific "reasons" just as polishing a golden calf and trying to climb by building a lader to the sky to find god.

There are reasons (intentions) god chose things as sins and things as blessings.

Homosexual actions are not excluded.

In scripture, if you notice, the people who did homosexual acts where couple with peolle who rapes (sadoom), people who were permiscuous (ten commandment cant remember the book. Excodus I believe), the gospels mention about male and female union for a reason just as they mention "thou shall not lie with a man as with a woman for a reason."

Like murder. The action isnt isolated from its intention. Think about this. God murders (kills with intention) a Lot in the OT. However, his intention clears him free of contradicting himself as so scripture teaches bad and come from him (Psalm and somewhere in Provers among other verses). It doesnt make god "bad" just in buman eyes, thats what we see and interpret it as.

Same as god's intention with sexual sin. When he sent an angel into Lot's house, I believe, and said something about him sleepig with the women "and" men of the home, who put that together? It wasnt the people. It was the angel of god.

Motivations and intentions count very much all throughout scripture. That is a fact.

How it connects with homosexual acts being a sin is not just the act. If thats the case, I can have good motivations to have sex with Joe Smo and as long as its not lust and in marriage its fine.

It isnt. According to the Bible two people need to be equally yoked. They need to be blessed by god and the culture people where in in scripture, blessed by the parents and so forth.

Homosexual acts according to the bible goes out of the natural order. "That is not how god 'intended' to create them. He made them male and female"

Outsixe that intention, it is sin. Why? Just because? Nope. He had a reason. There is intention behind those actions god does not like. Hence why you see all those verses coupled with other sins and disobediences written in scripture.

This is common sense for any christian who disagrees with homosexual acts. Maybe its because Im not christian and I "get" it, its wrong coming from my mouth?

I dont agree "and" that doesnt change the reasons why god said what he did, why, based on the actions with "intentions" of his people.

Quick note. Its homosexual acts that are sin not homosexuality.

A lot of christians define homosexuality by actions, which is understandable according to their point of view.

The fact is homosexuals are who they are even if they were in straight well intended marriages. They are still homosexual.

Try to be homosexual for a minute behind your computer...or maybe if you dont like vanilla, try vanilla to see if thats your favorite "just because you tasted it". It doesnt work. Its not actions.

We are talking about homosexual actions NOT homosexuality.
A homosexual could remain celibate, not commit the act, and meet the Biblical standard, agreed. I have known fine Christians like this. I believe God can change people, and make them ex homosexuals, I have seen it


Veteran Member
Still being a devils advocate. I understand where you come from. Many christians find context to be evidence that it can be judged by god. They see this because any marriage outside male and female is something worth their time to speak against. Its more "X not there. God says Y. X is wrong since Y is correct." They figure it cant be both because god doesnt mention X only Y.

Thats why its wrong according to scripture. Its by context and culture.

Anyway, it just seems so simple. Of course I disagree, but I understand biblical perspective of it. Its logical and wrong.
It isn't logical. Tons of acceptable things aren't mentioned in the bible. So, why do they focus so hard on same sex marriage? And, plural marriage is certainly mentioned in the bible and is accepted by God. So how can that be so conveniently ignored.


Veteran Member
If homosexuality is condemned, how warped do you have to be to believe no mention of homosexual marriage means it is acceptable ? That is the most illogical, bizarre, mental concoction I have ever come across. You can't possibly be serious, are you ? I knew things down the rabbit hole were strange, but this defies credulity
Is heterosexual sex outside of marriage condemned?

Homosexual acts are prehibited in the Bible

Same-sex marriage is not.

Homosexual acts are wrong in the bible because it is based on lust.

Same-sex marriage is wrong "according to the bible" based on context:

1. The Bible does not mention it
2. It says marriage is between male and female.

Homosexuality is Not about actions nor lust. It is not mentioned by This definition in the bible. The bible has a totally different definition...

And my assumption is its based on translation bias. Id have to ask a native hebrew speaker whether homosexuality is the right word for promiscuous sex which has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Dont understand why many christians cant tell the difference between what the bible says and means and what the homosexual says it means.

Im sure they would know more about themselves than the translators and native speakers themselves assuming they are all straight.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
There can be no acceptable intent for murder. T

That would mean god is in the wrong too and so is abraham for sacrificing his son and the isrealites for obeying gods command to kill people for their promise land.

There can be no acceptable intent for pedophilia.

The intent does not need to be acceptable. The point is it is there and god does not like that "too".

There can be no acceptable intent for worshiping a golden calf

Worshiping is more than an action. You are placing trust and giving your life or adapting your life to what you put at high honor. I can worship without doing anything but prayer.

Thats like saying because I created a clay craft, made it gold, and set it in my living room I did something bad. Instead of actually siting it on an altar and "by purpose" worshiping it "instead of" worshiping god.

Intent and actions go hand in hand.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
A homosexual could remain celibate, not commit the act, and meet the Biblical standard, agreed. I have known fine Christians like this. I believe God can change people, and make them ex homosexuals, I have seen it

How can you make someone ex-homosexual. My ex has two beautiful children to a male and she is lesbian. Someone I met once is gay and is married/has a wife with children.

They are still homosexual. They both chose to live heterosexual lives even though they are homosexual.

To me, thats just so wrong. Trying to change yourself for others. Biologically, you cant change homosexual attraction. Thats, um, silly. Ex homosexuals Choose tonlive straight lives. As for the spiritual connection between people they are natually attracted to, I dont know how they supress something they were given at birth.

Boggles my mind

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
It isn't logical. Tons of acceptable things aren't mentioned in the bible. So, why do they focus so hard on same sex marriage? And, plural marriage is certainly mentioned in the bible and is accepted by God. So how can that be so conveniently ignored.

I think because god says marriage is between male and female. If scripture left out sexuality and marriage all together, theyd have nothing to base their debates on other than personal bias.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Is heterosexual sex outside of marriage condemned?

Im sure it is only based off of scripture emphasing sex shouls take place within marriage. Why would a christian consider sex outside of marriage just because that particular statement is not literally in the bible?

Kinda like saying. God says "thou shall not kill" he didnt say "thou shall kill" so lets go murder people.

Think context is in play here.


Well-Known Member
I am a Christian. So it seems you must be mistaken. There is no mention of same sex, committed, monogamous marriage in scripture. Sure there is mention of homosexual activities outside of marriage, but isn't all sexual activity outside marriage "sinfull"? Yep. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that, since the type of relationship in question is not mentioned in scripture, it should be judged on its own merits.

So, do you even have any evidence to back up your position that, judged on its own merits, same sex marriage is harmful to society? I am putting you on the spot, but it is important that we question all beliefs to make sure they aren't merely disguised prejudice. And, I agree, US citizens should be free to be prejudiced. But, at the same time, they must be honest about it so that folks can ridicule them at will, as to show future generations how morally unacceptable their prejudiced and unsubstantiated beliefs are.

But, again, if you can provide reasoning for judging same sex marriage as illigitimate, please provide it. But don't stoop so low as to ignorantly recite bible passages that are irrelevant to the subject at hand (committed, monogamous, same-sex, life-long marriage).
You simple are wrong in your reasoning and what the Bible says. I have no social commentary on same sex marriage outside of the church, I simply don't care about it one way or another. It is not you or I that judges, God does that. Historically as well as scripturally homosexual activity of any kind is condemned. Deep down you know this, but to maintain a certain balance in your life, you make foolish arguments to reassure yourself. You say you are a Christian, it is not mine to judge. However, Christ said " by their fruits you shall know them" (no pun intended) That includes Godly fruit, as well as un Godly fruit. I assure you, there will come a time when you will know if your manufacture of a permitted excuse for homosexual activity, from nothing, is acceptable to God. To us both I say may God have mercy on our souls


Well-Known Member
Sex outside of marriage is considered 'sinful' ...so that encompasses heterosexual and homosexual sex. But, most Christians don't address the heterosexual part, and seem to think that homosexual sin is graver or separate and away from other 'sins.' My own personal opinion is that ....it's none of my business what other people are doing in their bedrooms, if it's between consenting adults.


Well-Known Member
How can you make someone ex-homosexual. My ex has two beautiful children to a male and she is lesbian. Someone I met once is gay and is married/has a wife with children.

They are still homosexual. They both chose to live heterosexual lives even though they are homosexual.

To me, thats just so wrong. Trying to change yourself for others. Biologically, you cant change homosexual attraction. Thats, um, silly. Ex homosexuals Choose tonlive straight lives. As for the spiritual connection between people they are natually attracted to, I dont know how they supress something they were given at birth.

Boggles my mind
No, they change for God, not others, and they change by God. You deny that God can do what he said he could do, I do not


Well-Known Member
Sex outside of marriage is considered 'sinful' ...so that encompasses heterosexual and homosexual sex. But, most Christians don't address the heterosexual part, and seem to think that homosexual sin is graver or separate and away from other 'sins.' My own personal opinion is that ....it's none of my business what other people are doing in their bedrooms, if it's between consenting adults.
You are correct, sin is sin, one is no better nor worse than another

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
No, they change for God, not others, and they change by God. You deny that God can do what he said he could do, I do not

There is nothing to change. Homosexuality is not an action.

Ha. If god changed me, Id be looking up, "hey whatcha do that for?"

"Because its a sin to be homosexual"

"Really what have I done?"

"Oh. Nothing. Figure you got a defect and decided to change that now"
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