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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You can ask Paul.

Now I think youre being sarcastic. I am serious. Biblical definition of homosexuality and why its condemned is totally different than today we Know why we are attracted to people the rest of the world thinks is adnormal.

You cant apply two different context under the same word because of the translators.

If anything, thats like saying biblical translators are god.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Yes, and islam promotes pedophilia in it's holy books. Mohammad married a 6 year old girl, but was so kind as to not have sex with her till she was 9. I am utterly amazed at how this evil belief system is given a pass in so many circles

The Bible promotes pedophilia too by your standard. Genesis uses the Hebrew word 'Narah' to describe Rebekkah when she married Isaac. That means small girl prior to marital age. Its really not fair just to go after Islam, and that's not even mentioning that the only source for Muhammad marrying Aisha at 6 is the hadiths. Have you ever read any books on critical scholarship of the hadiths?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Take it or leave it, your choice

Right, so no evidence then. Yet you have no issue teaching a idea that damages people emotionally and even drives them to suicide while having no evidence. Don't expect my respect. Ex-gay conversion therapy hurts people, and telling gay people they are not who they feel hurts them, and the woman they marry and lie to.


Well-Known Member
The Bible promotes pedophilia too by your standard. Genesis uses the Hebrew word 'Narah' to describe Rebekkah when she married Isaac. That means small girl prior to marital age, which is an 'Almah'. Its really not fair just to go after Islam, and that's not even mentioning that the only source for Muhammad marrying Aisha at 6 is the hadiths. Have you ever read any books on critical scholarship of the hadiths?
No, the koran and hadith were enough for me." Not fair", you are joking, right ? I just read of a respected Saudi imam who said he though baby girls should wear little burqua's because they might inflame men. Or the Saudi "scientists" , a group of whom recently advanced that yes, women are mammals, but not fully human. Islam is a corrupt, despicable system, I stomached the koran and hadith, I want no more

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
No, the koran and hadith were enough for me." Not fair", you are joking, right ? I just read of a respected Saudi imam who said he though baby girls should wear little burqua's because they might inflame men. Or the Saudi "scientists" , a group of whom recently advanced that yes, women are mammals, but not fully human. Islam is a corrupt, despicable system, I stomached the koran and hadith, I want no more

A Saudi Imam does not speak for the whole of Islam. He speaks for the state of Saudi Arabia, its agenda, and its version of Islam. Again: where in the Quran does it say Muhammad married Aisha at 6? I am being serious that your criticism of Islam is quite shaky when the Bible contains pedophilia. I am not joking at all.


Veteran Member
A Saudi Imam does not speak for the whole of Islam. He speaks for the state of Saudi Arabia, its agenda, and its version of Islam. Again: where in the Quran does it say Muhammad married Aisha at 6? I am being serious that your criticism of Islam is quite shaky when the Bible contains pedophilia. I am not joking at all.
Just out of honest and respectful interest, what is the most accurate age of the girl in question, in your opinion. Just so we can put this absurd argument to rest.


Well-Known Member
Right, so no evidence then. Yet you have no issue teaching a idea that damages people emotionally and even drives them to suicide while having no evidence. Don't expect my respect. Ex-gay conversion therapy hurts people, and telling gay people they are not who they feel hurts them, and the woman they marry and lie to.
Here we go again, round and round the mayberry bush. I don't teach anything about homo
Right, so no evidence then. Yet you have no issue teaching a idea that damages people emotionally and even drives them to suicide while having no evidence. Don't expect my respect. Ex-gay conversion therapy hurts people, and telling gay people they are not who they feel hurts them, and the woman they marry and lie to.
Here we go again. If you were actually following the thread, you would have seen that I teach nothing about this issue in the classes ~I teach. I have never known it to come up in church, or a church board meeting. I have actually only discussed it at length one time with a fellow church member, about 30 years ago. So spare me your righteous indignation, you don't know what you are talking about


Well-Known Member
Just out of honest and respectful interest, what is the most accurate age of the girl in question, in your opinion. Just so we can put this absurd argument to rest.
The hadith, the life of mohammed and commentary by various people, considered accurate and a "holy" book by most muslims, says he married her at six years of age. Marriage of girl children to adults is common in muslim country's. Open your eyes


Well-Known Member
A Saudi Imam does not speak for the whole of Islam. He speaks for the state of Saudi Arabia, its agenda, and its version of Islam. Again: where in the Quran does it say Muhammad married Aisha at 6? I am being serious that your criticism of Islam is quite shaky when the Bible contains pedophilia. I am not joking at all.
He speaks for wahabbism a virulent sect of islam, it says it in the hadith. My criticism of islam is not shaky, it is based upon comprehensive study of the system after 9/11. :prove the Bible the Bible contains pedophilia, chapter and verse


Veteran Member
The hadith, the life of mohammed and commentary by various people, considered accurate and a "holy" book by most muslims, says he married her at six years of age. Marriage of girl children to adults is common in muslim country's. Open your eyes
I'm not going to judge Islam by the behavior of a minority of its adherents. I would feel far more reasonable in judging the entire Catholic Community for the actions of pedophile priests, repeatedly protected by the Vatican and pretty much every Church Official along the way. But, as with the minority of Muslims who marry children, I don't judge Catholicism, or as your logic would demand, all of Christianity, for the actions of relatively few of its adherents and/or even its' officials.


Veteran Member
The hadith, the life of mohammed and commentary by various people, considered accurate and a "holy" book by most muslims, says he married her at six years of age. Marriage of girl children to adults is common in muslim country's. Open your eyes
Further, if you are pointing to actions of a prophet of Islam as reason to ridicule Islam in general, you are conveniently forgetting that the Bible honors a man who was willing to murder his innocent child on the whim of a jealous God. So your case doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to judge Islam by the behavior of a minority of its adherents. I would feel far more reasonable in judging the entire Catholic Community for the actions of pedophile priests, repeatedly protected by the Vatican and pretty much every Church Official along the way. But, as with the minority of Muslims who marry children, I don't judge Catholicism, or as your logic would demand, all of Christianity, for the actions of relatively few of its adherents and/or even its' officials.
The difference is, Alleged Christians do it contrary to the dictates of their faith. muslims do it with the full support of their faith


Veteran Member
Nope, made in the image of what is revealed, in the Bible.
I think you owe it to us to explain why, historically and evidentially, you grant validity to what is claimed in the Bible. Thus far, you have used quite a bit of circular, flawed reasoning, attempting to use passages in scripture to support your argument that the same scripture is valid and authentic. Can you get beyond that logical fallacy?


Veteran Member
The difference is, Alleged Christians do it contrary to the dictates of their faith. muslims do it with the full support of their faith
Where in the Quran does it condone this conduct? Obviously, you respect Paul as a prophet of Christ. Because of this is it OK to persecute Christians merely because your prophet did so at some point in his life?

Remember that Muslims don't think Muhammad is God. He was a messenger and a human. Even he dictated that images of himself were forbidden in the interest of fighting the urge to worship him as an idol. I mean, I admit, I am ignorant of a lot of Islamic tradition. I am on here, partly, to learn more about the faith. But, ignorance like yours of the precepts of the faith makes Christians look bad in general. And that, I feel obliged to fight.

Bring on the, "go ahead and be fooled by the media, liberalism, blah blah blah". Christ's message was to try to understand, at least in part. You don't seem to be trying.


Well-Known Member
Further, if you are pointing to actions of a prophet of Islam as reason to ridicule Islam in general, you are conveniently forgetting that the Bible honors a man who was willing to murder his innocent child on the whim of a jealous God. So your case doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.
Lets be totally clear, I don't "ridicule " islam I accuse and indict it, in general. It has committed more mas murders( sanctioned by the faith) than any other single entity on earth, much more than all the deaths in political oppression and war in the 20th century. Look at India alone, islam invaded and murdered millions upon millions. No non muslim state that borders a muslim state is free of constant harrassment and violence fomented by the muslims. Muslims, with full acceptance of their faith,were the primary movers of the African slave trade, shortly after the establishment of islam, and it continues right to this day. Islam has been at war against western values and culture from its beginning, we forgot, they never did. As has been said, you shouldn't judge a religion by 10 million bad apples (lol). They are supremeists, racists, and evil, all with the total support and approval of their religion. Modern liberal thought refuses to acknowledge this, hence the chaos, gang rapes, and muslim perpetrated violence consuming some nations in Europe. They abuse women, treat them far worse than second class citizens, they don't allow them to be educated, hell, they don't even allow them to drive, all with the support of their faith. I could continue for 6 or 8 paragraphs, but other than that, they are just fine


Well-Known Member
I think you owe it to us to explain why, historically and evidentially, you grant validity to what is claimed in the Bible. Thus far, you have used quite a bit of circular, flawed reasoning, attempting to use passages in scripture to support your argument that the same scripture is valid and authentic. Can you get beyond that logical fallacy?
I don't "owe" you anything

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Just out of honest and respectful interest, what is the most accurate age of the girl in question, in your opinion. Just so we can put this absurd argument to rest.

If Muhammad existed, its quite probable he did marry a young girl by our modern standards. That hardly changes that the Bible is little better in this area.