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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Well-Known Member
Where in the Quran does it condone this conduct? Obviously, you respect Paul as a prophet of Christ. Because of this is it OK to persecute Christians merely because your prophet did so at some point in his life?

Remember that Muslims don't think Muhammad is God. He was a messenger and a human. Even he dictated that images of himself were forbidden in the interest of fighting the urge to worship him as an idol. I mean, I admit, I am ignorant of a lot of Islamic tradition. I am on here, partly, to learn more about the faith. But, ignorance like yours of the precepts of the faith makes Christians look bad in general. And that, I feel obliged to fight.

Bring on the, "go ahead and be fooled by the media, liberalism, blah blah blah". Christ's message was to try to understand, at least in part. You don't seem to be trying.
Are you real ? I don't persecute anyone. I understand completely, that is irrelevant. I adhere to the Biblical standard. Don't agree, feel free


Well-Known Member
If Muhammad existed, its quite probable he did marry a young girl by our modern standards. That hardly changes that the Bible is little better in this area.
I have asked for proof of your allegations. Oh, he existed, their is plenty of contemporary evidence

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I have asked for proof of your allegations. Oh, he existed, their is plenty of contemporary evidence

What allegations are those? As for there being contemporary evidence for Muhammad: what specifically? The hadiths do not qualify, and neither do people far removed from Arabia who only had word of mouth that Muhammad was real. People like Sophronious of Jerusalem specifically.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Bull****. I have never spoken to any homosexual or youth group about these matters. You sir, madam, or whatever you are, are a blatant liar, I won't respond to you again

You propagate this nonsense. Association in my book. There are LGBT people seriously hurt by what you're condoning.


Veteran Member
Lets be totally clear, I don't "ridicule " islam I accuse and indict it, in general. It has committed more mas murders( sanctioned by the faith) than any other single entity on earth, much more than all the deaths in political oppression and war in the 20th century. Look at India alone, islam invaded and murdered millions upon millions. No non muslim state that borders a muslim state is free of constant harrassment and violence fomented by the muslims. Muslims, with full acceptance of their faith,were the primary movers of the African slave trade, shortly after the establishment of islam, and it continues right to this day. Islam has been at war against western values and culture from its beginning, we forgot, they never did. As has been said, you shouldn't judge a religion by 10 million bad apples (lol). They are supremeists, racists, and evil, all with the total support and approval of their religion. Modern liberal thought refuses to acknowledge this, hence the chaos, gang rapes, and muslim perpetrated violence consuming some nations in Europe. They abuse women, treat them far worse than second class citizens, they don't allow them to be educated, hell, they don't even allow them to drive, all with the support of their faith. I could continue for 6 or 8 paragraphs, but other than that, they are just fine
What percentage of Muslims do you think are involved in these kind of activities?


Veteran Member
If Muhammad existed, its quite probable he did marry a young girl by our modern standards. That hardly changes that the Bible is little better in this area.
Exactly. Its, weird that argument keeps being brought up by other abrahamic adherents. They all have traces of the despicable practice we today call pedophilia.


Veteran Member
Are you real ? I don't persecute anyone. I understand completely, that is irrelevant. I adhere to the Biblical standard. Don't agree, feel free
But, this is a debate/discussion forum. You have to be willing to substantiate the beliefs you profess so confidently.


Veteran Member
Are you real ? I don't persecute anyone. I understand completely, that is irrelevant. I adhere to the Biblical standard. Don't agree, feel free
You don't think that professing a belief that homosexuals and/or atheists are destined for damnation is persecution?! What's the difference between that and the belief that certain races are inferior based on scripture? Or that Jews are "Christ killers"?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Exactly. Its, weird that argument keeps being brought up by other abrahamic adherents. They all have traces of the despicable practice we today call pedophilia.

Although, to emphasize my earlier point- it is true that we can only know he married a 6 year old based on the hadiths alone. A Koranist could easily argue there is no basis for it. As you saw in my following posts- I doubt the man existed myself. I have a similar skepticism to Jesus, but I also don't think their literal existence is what should matter. They inspire many people.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Lets be totally clear, I don't "ridicule " islam I accuse and indict it, in general. It has committed more mas murders( sanctioned by the faith) than any other single entity on earth, much more than all the deaths in political oppression and war in the 20th century.
Actually, Hitler - who was a Christian - has everybody "beat." But, like many Christians, you'll excuse that as "no true Christian," as if it's your place to judge who is and who isn't a Christian. You'll excuse the Crusades - a Holy war sanctified by the Church with the promise of Salvation for anyone who dies fighting for it - as not Christian, as you will the Spanish Inquisition, or the Lords Resistance Army, Eastern Lighting, and so on. Like it or not, your religion is responsible for much blood shed due to passages such as Exodus 22:18, Duetoronomy 17:2-5, Matthew 10:34 or Luke 19:27.
I have asked for proof of your allegations. Oh, he existed, their is plenty of contemporary evidence
You talk about Muhammad's marriage to Aisha (a name you have been unable to even provide - which suggests a lack of knowledge of Islam), but what of Lot's drunken incest with his daughters? And no dodging with "I don't read to OT." You religion is based on the OT, and the entire concept and premises of your Messiah rests upon prophecies laid out in the OT. Saying that the OT doesn't count is like saying America never had slaves, the Nazis never ascended to power in Germany, or that the Chinese oppression of Tibet doesn't matter.


Veteran Member
Although, to emphasize my earlier point- it is true that we can only know he married a 6 year old based on the hadiths alone. A Koranist could easily argue there is no basis for it. As you saw in my following posts- I doubt the man existed myself. I have a similar skepticism to Jesus, but I also don't think their literal existence is what should matter. They inspire many people.
Sound fair enough to me.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Hitler - who was a Christian - has everybody "beat." But, like many Christians, you'll excuse that as "no true Christian," as if it's your place to judge who is and who isn't a Christian. You'll excuse the Crusades - a Holy war sanctified by the Church with the promise of Salvation for anyone who dies fighting for it - as not Christian, as you will the Spanish Inquisition, or the Lords Resistance Army, Eastern Lighting, and so on. Like it or not, your religion is responsible for much blood shed due to passages such as Exodus 22:18, Duetoronomy 17:2-5, Matthew 10:34 or Luke 19:27.

You talk about Muhammad's marriage to Aisha (a name you have been unable to even provide - which suggests a lack of knowledge of Islam), but what of Lot's drunken incest with his daughters? And no dodging with "I don't read to OT." You religion is based on the OT, and the entire concept and premises of your Messiah rests upon prophecies laid out in the OT. Saying that the OT doesn't count is like saying America never had slaves, the Nazis never ascended to power in Germany, or that the Chinese oppression of Tibet doesn't matter.
Hitler was raised a Roman Catholic, he became an occultist, and according to others in the bunker, he died an atheist. No, the Bible judges a true Christian. The Crusades were in response to muslim atrocities and violence. They were in tiny scale compared to islam, whose primary countries were originally Christian, and taken by force and genocide. Not my religion, my religion condemns those activities. I didn't name aisha , so, in your wisdom and arrogance, you decide I have a lack of knowledge about islam. What an amazing seer you are. I would be truly impressed, if you were even close to right. Who said the OT doesn't count ? You are talking to, and listening to yourself, again. What about Lot's incest ? Do you think incest is supported by the Jewish or Christian faith, as pedophilia is supported and practiced in islam ?


Well-Known Member
You don't think that professing a belief that homosexuals and/or atheists are destined for damnation is persecution?! What's the difference between that and the belief that certain races are inferior based on scripture? Or that Jews are "Christ killers"?
You are truly disturbing,and your mind processes information in an unfathomable way. I have never said anyone is destined to damnation. You flat out made that up, you are a liar


Well-Known Member
What percentage of Muslims do you think are involved in these kind of activities?
In a poll of muslim countries by Gallup , 80% percent agreed that the death of an apostate was right and acceptable. Over 60% agreed that a woman( only the woman) be executed for adultery, approaching 90% of them said muslim countries had every right to discriminate against, and keep out non muslims there were more questions, but those are the ones I remember. I believe the percentage is high in any muslim population, but the tacit approval and support of the rest of the community is 99%. The sunni countries have high support of isis


Veteran Member
You are truly disturbing,and your mind processes information in an unfathomable way. I have never said anyone is destined to damnation. You flat out made that up, you are a liar
First of all, it was a question. Second, was talking about the scripture that you have professed to be valid and says these things.


Veteran Member
In a poll of muslim countries by Gallup , 80% percent agreed that the death of an apostate was right and acceptable. Over 60% agreed that a woman( only the woman) be executed for adultery, approaching 90% of them said muslim countries had every right to discriminate against, and keep out non muslims there were more questions, but those are the ones I remember. I believe the percentage is high in any muslim population, but the tacit approval and support of the rest of the community is 99%. The sunni countries have high support of isis
I didn't ask about "Muslim countries". I asked about Muslims in general. Do you have any statistics relevant to that?