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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Fine, why don't you show the relevant Hebrew passage.with the translation....with a link to the concordance or whatever the source?

LOL! You are quite capable of looking it up; - especially as you don't believe what I post.

You can even use a Christian site. Just don't use their translation.

Look at each word individually, - and the order they are in, - and then look at the words THEY HAVE ADDED to make it fit their prejudice.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
LOL! You are quite capable of looking it up; - especially as you don't believe what I post.

You can even use a Christian site. Just don't use their translation.

Look at each word individually, - and the order they are in, - and then look at the words THEY HAVE ADDED to make it fit their prejudice.

Do I detect obfuscation due to the fact you are trying to deceive me? Now if you can't prove what you say....your credibility is fast diminishing..


Until you provide the link to the Hebrew translation of the relevant passages...your rhetoric means squat!


I suggest you read back through the posts.

I have provided both Hebrew and Greek words, - and their Strong's numbers, - so you folks can look them up.

Other people have also provided the Hebrew or Greek text, and commentary.

As I said - you need to read through this whole very interesting thread.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

I suggest you read back through the posts.

I have provided both Hebrew and Greek words, - and their Strong's numbers, - so you folks can look them up.

Other people have also provided the Hebrew or Greek text, and commentary.

As I said - you need to read through this whole very interesting thread.

I said the translation of the relevant Hebrew passage.....link please or you are trying to deceive?


Veteran Member
I believe that the Bible, the Holy Bible that I use is the Word of God that He wants us to have. I only use a "VERSION" of the Bible, i.e., the KJV, ESV, ASV, ISV, I will not use a Bible that is called "TRANSLATION", like the NWT, DNT, NET. A "TRANSLATION" of the Bible is often a person/s translating it to say what they want it to say, like the NWT of the Watchtower. They have written and re-written their Bible to suit their needs.

I believe that God wants us to know Him and His Son Jesus, why, would He then not allow an accurate account of history to be told so we can know them? I look at it this way, if I walk as the Bible says God wants me to walk and it's not true, (which I believe in my whole being that it is) when I die I have lost nothing. If death is the end of it all, I have lost nothing. But, if it is true, the people that claim it's not and deny God and our Savior, they have lost everything! If it is true, if there is a God, if there is an eternal hell, I have still lost nothing. But what about unbelievers? They have make a terrible judgment call and will pay for eternity!
Pascal's wager is garbage.

What if Islam is the correct religion and you've been following the wrong religion all this time? If it is the correct religion, then you're going to be in the same boat as atheists when you die. Uh oh!

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Pascal's wager is garbage.

What if Islam is the correct religion and you've been following the wrong religion all this time? If it is the correct religion, then you're going to be in the same boat as atheists when you die. Uh oh!
The word Allah refers to the same God as Jesus spoke of, and Abraham....:rolleyes:


I see English is not your first language.....you see where I said..."I do not steal"...what directly follows about the ten commandments refers to that....

Sure it does!

Spiny Norman said:
Nonsense, it's the monotheistic religions that have the main problem, this seems at least partly due to the authors living in a homophobic and patriarchal culture.
In any case in a religious context it's pure hypocrisy to preach peace and brotherly love and then discriminate based on sexuality, gender, whatever. Shame on any religion that promotes or condones discrimination and bigotry.

You sound like you're proud of your bigotry. Appalling. Shame on you and your shallow ideas of spirituality.

Your answer -

ben d said:
Pride has no part in it.....nor does bigotry... I do not steal.....it derives from guidance of the ten commandments.....I am not proud of being honest...not do I consider it bigotry because I feel honesty should be the proper and natural way of human behavior...

You are now trying to tell us your answer went off the deep end, - and switched from the topic, - and the post you were answering, - which obviously was about bigotry based on sexuality and gender?

Sure, we believe that. - not!


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Sure it does!

Your answer -

You are now trying to tell us your answer went off the deep end, - and switched from the topic, - and the post you were answering, - which obviously was about bigotry based on sexuality and gender?

Sure, we believe that. - not!

So you did not deny English is not your first language....

I was accused of pride and bigotry due to my upholding scriptural teaching on homosexuality...
So I denied it and pointed put that I was also not proud or bigoted due to my upholding scriptural teaching on honesty...

Iow..is it fair to say I am bigoted for upholding any scriptural teaching?
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I said the translation of the relevant Hebrew passage.....link please or you are trying to deceive?

LOL! Let me repeat!

Ingledsva said:

I suggest you read back through the posts.

I have provided both Hebrew and Greek words, - and their Strong's numbers, - so you folks can look them up.

Other people have also provided the Hebrew or Greek text, and commentary.

As I said - you need to read through this whole very interesting thread.

As I said read the whole thread. I'm not digging back through more than a thousand posts.

However, I used the Hebrew in the last few pages. That should make it easier for you.

And by the way - your request is ridiculous - as I am challenging - the translation - based on the original text. LOL!


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

See post 1085.

You are obfuscating...post 1035 does not indicate where the translation of the relevant Hebrew passage can be found... No link or reference to, not single Hebrew words, but the relevant passage means there isn't one.....why else would you not provide one?

On edit..change post no 1085 to 1035
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
LOL! Let me repeat!

As I said read the whole thread. I'm not digging back through more than a thousand posts.

However, I used the Hebrew in the last few pages. That should make it easier for you.

And by the way - your request is ridiculous - as I am challenging - the translation - based on the original text. LOL!

What translation....you haven't provided me with any reference?


What translation....you haven't provided me with any reference?

LOL! You have been reading the last few pages.

I have noted the translation YOU provided, - given MY translation, - and provided for instance , the Hebrew words, and the Strong's numbers.. See for instance 1023 and 1035, etc., and many other pages. As I said - read the whole thread.

And as stated, the translation YOU gave is in question! It has words that are NOT in the text. So why do you keep asking for a translation?

Obviously we have already provided - " show the relevant Hebrew passage.with the translation....with a link to the concordance."

YOU provided the incorrectly translated text. I provide Hebrew words and Strong's concordance numbers to show it is not correct.



You are obfuscating...post 1085 does not indicate where the translation of the relevant Hebrew passage can be found... No link or reference to, not single Hebrew words, but the relevant passage means there isn't one.....why else would you not provide one?

LOL! Meant 1035, also see 1023.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
LOL! You have been reading the last few pages.

I have noted the translation YOU provided, - given MY translation, - and provided for instance , the Hebrew words, and the Strong's numbers.. See for instance 1023 and 1035, etc., and many other pages. As I said - read the whole thread.

And as stated, the translation YOU gave is in question! It has words that are NOT in the text. So why do you keep asking for a translation?

Obviously we have already provided - " show the relevant Hebrew passage.with the translation....with a link to the concordance."

YOU provided the incorrectly translated text. I provide Hebrew words and Strong's concordance numbers to show it is not correct.

Ahem....if you are not knowledgable wrt the grammar of ancient Hebrew, you will not get a proper translation....taking the words one at a time will not give you an English sentence that makes sense.. I have provided you the translation of the relevant passage done by both Hebrew and Christian scholars.. If there is an alternative translation, please provide the reference...without it you are just another hand waving rainbow warrior of no accounts..

Stan Hallett

Premium Member
The word Allah refers to the same God as Jesus spoke of, and Abraham....:rolleyes:

Let's get one thing straight, someone named Allah may be who you worship, be he is not the God of the Bible. Just because someone decided to write in Abraham and Jesus into the Quran does not give the Quran credibility. The Bible and the Quran are at opposite ends of the pole.


Ahem....if you are not knowledgable wrt the grammar of ancient Hebrew, you will not get a proper translation....taking the words one at a time will not give you an English sentence that makes sense.. I have provided you the translation of the relevant passage done by both Hebrew and Christian scholars.. If there is an alternative translation, please provide the reference...without it you are just another hand waving rainbow warrior of no accounts..


Let us turn this around -

You provide evidence of the NON existent words - (as with a ) woman, in the original text.

You can't do it, - as they are not there, - thus PROVING - YOU and those translations - are wrong.
