I believe that the Bible, the Holy Bible that I use is the Word of God that He wants us to have. I only use a "VERSION" of the Bible, i.e., the KJV, ESV, ASV, ISV, I will not use a Bible that is called "TRANSLATION", like the NWT, DNT, NET. A "TRANSLATION" of the Bible is often a person/s translating it to say what they want it to say, like the NWT of the Watchtower. They have written and re-written their Bible to suit their needs.
I believe that God wants us to know Him and His Son Jesus, why, would He then not allow an accurate account of history to be told so we can know them? I look at it this way, if I walk as the Bible says God wants me to walk and it's not true, (which I believe in my whole being that it is) when I die I have lost nothing. If death is the end of it all, I have lost nothing. But, if it is true, the people that claim it's not and deny God and our Savior, they have lost everything! If it is true, if there is a God, if there is an eternal hell, I have still lost nothing. But what about unbelievers? They have make a terrible judgment call and will pay for eternity!