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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


ALL in all
Premium Member
Haha,,,,the irony....reread my post....where did I mention the ancient Greek religion.....I spoke of only the Christian and Islam religions... Your reading comprehension is abysmal...

Please in future quote my precise words with which you disagree....and that way you can avoid rambling on about irrelevant stuff....

god, or love, is not a respecter of person. so the church of babylon, promotes idolatry to the respect of a person, practices the abomination; which causes desolation.

1 Peter 5:13
The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.

Revelation 17:5
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I'm pretty sure @SkepticThinker has a keyboard shaped bruise upon her head by now. Little button imprints above her eyebrows.

Okay, @djhwoodwerks and @ben d try this: So, there actually happens to be a god. Now this god gave certain people some knowledge and wisdom to go out and spread amongst others. This was done by word of mouth, by writings, and so on. Now, imagine, for just one moment, that that information was NOT presented in the Bible, but in the Vedas. So, all the while someone is thinking that they should believe in the Bible because it is the "word of god" and if they don't then they will be punished, but if they are wrong then they are safe. Now this person may, in fact, not be "safe" at all. May not just die and cease to exist. If the "true" "word of god" is found in the Vedas then they should have been practicing Hinduism all along. Now, Hinduism involves reincarnation. What you do now affects your next life. Let's say that, due to your belief in the Bible, you condemned and discriminated against people the Bible said you should. You condescended to them, harassed them, denied them certain human rights. That may have been all well and good if the Bible was right, but if it wasn't and it was the Vedas...you could be in for a world of hurt...discrimination, harassment, condemnation and so on in the next life.

The point being that one doesn't know for sure, that's why it is called a "belief". However, believing in the Bible because it is a way of hedging your bets is no reason to believe at all because, truth is, your bet could be WAY off. This is the whole point about Pascal's Wager.
There is of course religious belief, but that will not bring about spiritual transcendence....only serious and prolonged religious practice will do that.. All the main religious teachings will do the job...no one religion has a monopoly on spiritual evolution...but the religious institutions are mostly corrupt and apostate..

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
And what if people receive evidence of deity that differs from your own; specifically, of a god who is not necessarily the Abrahamic god?
All religions are true....I am not speaking of human religious institutions...these are mostly systemically corrupt and apostate.. Evidence of deity usually only comes from serious religious practice...there is only one God so it does not matter which path souls take, they all converge at the one.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
god, or love, is not a respecter of person. so the church of babylon, promotes idolatry to the respect of a person, practices the abomination; which causes desolation.

1 Peter 5:13
The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.

Revelation 17:5
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.
I agree that the Christian church is apostate...and so are most human religious institutions...the serious aspirant though who seeks with all their heart, soul, and mind, will be guided to the goal... I am not too sure though why you addressed your post to me?


ALL in all
Premium Member
I agree that the Christian church is apostate...and so are most human religious institutions...the serious aspirant though who seeks with all their heart, soul, and mind, will be guided to the goal... I am not too sure though why you addressed your post to me?

the clothes do not make the man. a tree is not know by it's appearance but by it's fruit. wolves sometimes come in sheep's clothing.

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

thank you!!!

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
All religions are true....

Even the ones that openly contradict one another? Even the ones that believe in and worship more than one god?

Evidence of deity usually only comes from serious religious practice...

And what if that evidence gained by someone contradicts your belief that there is only One? E.g. what if the person calls out and receives an answer from a god that differs from your interpretation of deity; such as a god that existed in a polytheistic tradition? Or what if they call out to more than one god and receive an answer from more than one god?

there is only one God so it does not matter which path souls take, they all converge at the one.

Doubt it. If you're going to claim objective truth then let's see objective evidence.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Just to leave no doubt, since I somehow failed to post in this thread previosly:

No, being homosexual - or anything else in the LGBTQI.. spectrum - is by no means a sin in my religion. Either of them.

They would not be my religions if they had such a glaring flaw.


ALL in all
Premium Member
Just to leave no doubt, since I somehow failed to post in this thread previosly:

No, being homosexual - or anything else in the LGBTQI.. spectrum - is by no means a sin in my religion. Either of them.

They would not be my religions if they had such a glaring flaw.
there is no sin in love. to love covers a multitude of sin.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Even the ones that openly contradict one another? Even the ones that believe in and worship more than one god?

And what if that evidence gained by someone contradicts your belief that there is only One? E.g. what if the person calls out and receives an answer from a god that differs from your interpretation of deity; such as a god that existed in a polytheistic tradition? Or what if they call out to more than one god and receive an answer from more than one god?

Doubt it. If you're going to claim objective truth then let's see objective evidence.
As I explained, evidence of deity only comes from serious religious practice....the aspirant is not concerned with what other aspirant's practices.....no soul can progress without divine guidance.

Religious practice is not a belief so contradictions about hypotheticals are not relevant...

And finally your ignorance is out there for ll to see....spiritual transcendence is the goal of religion....no one can see spirit so you can not have objective evidence...but by their fruits you shall know those who are not serious spiritual aspirants....the luke warmers, unfaithful, atheists, agnostics, etc..


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
And finally your ignorance is out there for ll to see....spiritual transcendence is the goal of religion....no one can see spirit so you can not have objective evidence...but by their fruits you shall know those who are not serious spiritual aspirants....the luke warmers, unfaithful, atheists, agnostics, etc..
You do not have a good grasp of those matters, else you would not say such foolishness.


Wonder Woman
There is of course religious belief, but that will not bring about spiritual transcendence....only serious and prolonged religious practice will do that.. All the main religious teachings will do the job...no one religion has a monopoly on spiritual evolution...but the religious institutions are mostly corrupt and apostate..
So, you are claiming that any "prolonged spiritual practice" will do? Will achieve the same results? That whatever this deity is it doesn't care at all what someone does or believes as long as they are devout about it?

All religions are true....I am not speaking of human religious institutions...these are mostly systemically corrupt and apostate.. Evidence of deity usually only comes from serious religious practice...there is only one God so it does not matter which path souls take, they all converge at the one.
A religion is a set of beliefs regarding our very spiritual existence, often including some form of deity and ritualistic practices of some kind. Now, there are many many religions in the world, both past and present. Many of which contradict each other on what one should believe, what one should do, and repercussions of not doing one or both. All religions cannot be true. It is, frankly, impossible. Now, all religions may hold a bit of truth within them, but they are certainly not all "true". And just because it may well be that all spirits end up the same place it still does not mean that all paths speak "truth", just that the "truth" is that religion, belief, deity...none of it matters anyway.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You do not have a good grasp of those matters, else you would not say such foolishness.
So sayeth a humble atheist whose pretensions to divine knowledge extends to claiming he knows more about spiritual transcendence than the serious spiritual aspirant...


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
So sayeth a humble atheist whose pretensions to divine knowledge extends to claiming he knows more about spiritual transcendence than the serious spiritual aspirant...
How dare you call me humble! You have no idea of what you are talking about.

And I am quite serious about religion, too. It just turns out that I have no time for theism.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
So, you are claiming that any "prolonged spiritual practice" will do? Will achieve the same results? That whatever this deity is it doesn't care at all what someone does or believes as long as they are devout about it?

A religion is a set of beliefs regarding our very spiritual existence, often including some form of deity and ritualistic practices of some kind. Now, there are many many religions in the world, both past and present. Many of which contradict each other on what one should believe, what one should do, and repercussions of not doing one or both. All religions cannot be true. It is, frankly, impossible. Now, all religions may hold a bit of truth within them, but they are certainly not all "true". And just because it may well be that all spirits end up the same place it still does not mean that all paths speak "truth", just that the "truth" is that religion, belief, deity...none of it matters anyway.
Yes...it's all about actual spiritual worthiness...not about spiritual beliefs and words...

No, religious institutions are about beliefs....many of them apostate....the word religion means to reunite...union...to reconnect...and religious practice is about transcending the carnal existence... There is only one transcendent underlying spiritual unity to existence..serious religious practice of all the religions will bring about the worthiness for divine guidance essential for transcendence... All roads up the mountain must converge at the apex...
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
How dare you call me humble! You have no idea of what you are talking about.

And I am quite serious about religion, too. It just turns out that I have no time for theism.
Well you see I wish you well as I do the theist.....if you are seriously religious, what purpose does it serve your religious goal to be contemptuous of other serious religious practitioners? You seem to spend most of your life on RF sniping at theist religious folk who share their sincerity concerning their religious devotion....you would be closer to your goal if you spent that time on your own religious practice... by their fruits you shall know them...

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You are the one who exudes contempt.
It seems my words are like a bright mirror that reflects the dusty mind that obscures the light of your own inner being.... I say to you that devoting your atheistic life to putting down theists is no different to theists devoting their life to putting down atheists...if the blind tries to lead the blind....all fall into the gutter...

I like very much the Buddhist mirror metaphor, as it reflects the same truth as the the teaching of Jesus....remove the dust out of your own eye first, in order you can see clearly the dust in your brothers'....

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
It seems my words are like a bright mirror that reflects the dusty mind that obscures the light of your own inner being.... I say to you that devoting your atheistic life to putting down theists is no different to theists devoting their life to putting down atheists...if the blind tries to lead the blind....all fall into the gutter...

"Atheistic life"? o_O

I'm not the one who continually preaches here.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
"Atheistic life"? o_O

I'm not the one who continually preaches here.
You have never denied you are an atheist....and while you may not consider your self admitted preaching as continuous....others may disagree... Peace between all religious adherents I say...and all who love peace....:)
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
You have never denied you are an atheist....and while you may not consider your self admitted preaching as continuous....others may disagree... Peace between all religious adherents I say...and all who love peace....:)

"Self-admitted preaching?" Lordy, you really are a twister, anything to score cheap points.

In any case, likening other contributors to pigs and expressing homophobic views in your sermons will only further reduce your credibility. People just aren't interested in buying your snake-oil.