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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Wonder Woman
No. If you are gay by choice then its your fault. If you are gay by pressure then I have to deal with him.
Others have already asked for some clarification upon this post that I am interested in as well, though I have one more question. What do you mean by "fault"? Usually when someone refers to something being someone's "fault" it is referring to the cause of something bad. Be it mistake or on purpose, you only say something is another's "fault" when the end result is undesirable, wrong, or just bad. So, just to be clear, you find being gay to be wrong?

And of course, what others have already questioned, please address the "have to deal with him" thing as it doesn't make sense without context.


Jesus in me
I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart.
There's a chance we could make it now, we'll be rockin' til the sun goes down
I believe in a sing called looooove! Ooohhh.

Had to. :D

I believe you believe in Eros which is an emotional kind of love. I believe in Agape which is the love of God.


Wonder Woman
I believe that is an illogical assessment. I know how to have fun with a song but I am not obliged to do so when I can prove a point instead.
You haven't proven any point by making absurd declarations in response to song lyrics posted in jest. If you want to try to make some point then why not address the other posts referring to the flaw being in those who call love perversion and show bigotry towards it. Truth is, one's mind must be twisted in the first place, dirty, perverted, in order to find sexual perversion in a loving relationship merely by judging what kind of sex that couple is having. That is evidence of a mind in the gutter with sexual hang-ups and issues. The issue is with the one who actually has problems with a relationship they aren't even a part of, not with those within the relationship.


Well-Known Member
So sayeth a humble atheist whose pretensions to divine knowledge extends to claiming he knows more about spiritual transcendence than the serious spiritual aspirant...
A true spiritual aspirant would be the first to say and understand that he or she does not know anything save for the lessons learned from others. Humility is the first precept, IMO, of any serious spiritual aspirant. That you dismiss Luis so completely tells me you are not very spiritually astute at all. Atheists have taught me much in my life and I continue to learn from them. Frankly speaking, it is too bad you don't see the beauty of what they bring to the table.


Well-Known Member
It seems my words are like a bright mirror that reflects the dusty mind that obscures the light of your own inner being.... I say to you that devoting your atheistic life to putting down theists is no different to theists devoting their life to putting down atheists...if the blind tries to lead the blind....all fall into the gutter...

I like very much the Buddhist mirror metaphor, as it reflects the same truth as the the teaching of Jesus....remove the dust out of your own eye first, in order you can see clearly the dust in your brothers'....
One would think that you would see the oxymoron in these remarks above. I try to learn from everyone. And to know that my own knowledge cannot be increased without those others. That bright mirror you so eloquently reference is also the one that you need to look within yourself.


Well-Known Member
I believe the flaw is in the eyes of those who can't detect perversion.
Perversion by whose definition? You will forgive me if the definition you are gleaning is from your Bible as that book, while having some meaning, is certainly not one that I hold as the best out there. What if you were to learn that it was your views on this that are perverted?


Well-Known Member
It is a metaphor silly, not literal, and refers to the characteristics of, not the actual....ask yourself why do you incessantly snipe at theists who post divine wisdom, sacred even....and why on this thread did you start on me?

Matthew 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
By whose definition is your wisdom 'divine'? Seems a bit like self aggrandizing to me. And quoting the Bible may have meaning for you but those who hold the position that it is nothing more than any of the other sacred texts, it has little to no meaning.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
A true spiritual aspirant would be the first to say and understand that he or she does not know anything save for the lessons learned from others. Humility is the first precept, IMO, of any serious spiritual aspirant. That you dismiss Luis so completely tells me you are not very spiritually astute at all. Atheists have taught me much in my life and I continue to learn from them. Frankly speaking, it is too bad you don't see the beauty of what they bring to the table.
So nice to hear from you again Jo... :)

I too have learnt from atheists....about things of this world....but never from the other.. How could atheists teach me about spirituality when they believe it doesn't exist....now that would be be oxymoronic? I take note that you agree with Luis that the religious goal of transcendence is foolish...and ask why you believe it is so?
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
One would think that you would see the oxymoron in these remarks above. I try to learn from everyone. And to know that my own knowledge cannot be increased without those others. That bright mirror you so eloquently reference is also the one that you need to look within yourself.
No oxymoron dear Jo....the mirror is a metaphor....the mirror (spiritual reality) is not dualistic...those who look into it are dualistic... Are you suggesting spiritual aspirants should listen to atheists for divine guidance? Haha....
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
By whose definition is your wisdom 'divine'? Seems a bit like self aggrandizing to me. And quoting the Bible may have meaning for you but those who hold the position that it is nothing more than any of the other sacred texts, it has little to no meaning.
The meaning I give to 'divine' in the context I used it is...'devotional to spiritual truth'... then there is wisdom of the world...if you think attempting to share divine wisdom is self aggrandisement, I sincerely feel sorry for you, I was not aware how similar your rhetoric is to the atheistic position...

If you have read my posts over the eight years I've been a member here....I quote from all the religions....Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Taoism, Hinduism, etc... So logically, if my bible quote to you has little or no meaning, because it is nothing more than other sacred texts, then it follows that any quote from any religion has little or no meaning because it would it in turn would be nothing more than the other sacred texts.. That implies you have disdain for all sacred texts....sounds like an atheist position to me? Proverb...."If you lay down with dogs, you will get fleas."...
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Well-Known Member
So nice to hear from you again Jo... :)

I too have learnt from atheists....about things of this world....but never from the other.. How could atheists teach me about spirituality when they believe it doesn't exist....now that would be be oxymoronic? I take note that you agree with Luis that the religious goal of transcendence is foolish...and ask why you believe it is so?
Being an atheist does not mean one cannot be spiritual. Spirituality is a big term that can and does include people of faith and of no faith. I don';t agree that the goal of transcendence is foolishness, I just don't dismiss things that Luis has to say simply because he is an atheist. On this forum, its like someone says they are an atheist and that means they are not to be approached. Being an atheist is just one small aspect of who someone is. Just as being an Christian or Hindu or whatever else. I try to embrace the entire person for who they are and get to know them because, honestly, they might be the one person to teach me the most important lesson in my life.


Well-Known Member
No oxymoron dear Jo....the mirror is a metaphor....the mirror (spiritual reality) is not dualistic...those who look into it are dualistic... Are you suggesting spiritual aspirants should listen to atheists for divine guidance? Haha....
Yes actually, I am. Not just them, btw, but others of all faiths and of none. And you might think you are dualistic but I am of the opinion that I am not. Its back to that Yin Yang concept. Dualism is something that plagues the Abrahamic faiths which I am not a part of.


Well-Known Member
The meaning I give to 'divine' in the context I used it is...'devotional to spiritual truth'... then there is wisdom of the world...if you think attempting to share divine wisdom is self aggrandisement, I sincerely feel sorry for you, I was not aware how similar your rhetoric is to the atheistic position...

If you have read my posts over the eight years I've been a member here....I quote from all the religions....Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Taoism, Hinduism, etc... So logically, if my bible quote to you has little or no meaning, because it is nothing more than other sacred texts, then it follows that any quote from any religion has little or no meaning because it would it in turn would be nothing more than the other sacred texts.. That implies you have disdain for all sacred texts....sounds like an atheist position to me? Proverb...."If you lay down with dogs, you will get fleas."...
My word, have you never read some of the great philosophers??? For example, one of the worlds most famous atheists...Nietzsche..said that if you look long into the abyss, the abyss looks back into you. That is one of the most profound spiritual truths I have ever read. The rest of your remarks are simply you attacking me out of fear. You already know I am a student of all faiths. All sacred texts have great meaning to me. I do hope you find peace. Namaste.