Says a theist too. To show hate, bigotry, disgust, condemnation towards another is an extremely un-spiritual thing. Very juvenile and ignorant. For that matter, the sexual moral code of the Abrahamic religions is very juvenile and immature and ignorant. It is not enlightened, not spiritual, not transcending anything. It is vile, primitive, judgmental and completely out of touch with reality and spirituality both. If you don't understand that much then I have an extremely difficult time believing you are, in any way, as "spiritual" and working towards any "transcendence" as you try to portray yourself to be. You are not any real authority here. You are only proving how much you don't know.
And, again, a theist's as well. That was patronizing, that did show a superior attitude. What it also showed was a lack of understanding as well. The fact that you somehow place Christianity and Abrahamic religions in general as somehow more spiritually advanced than other religions, when it is quite obvious they are quite ignorant in many things, shows a lack of education about other paths. You shouldn't speak about that which you do not know. Stop trying to pass yourself off as some expert and looking down upon atheists and others, you are no expert.