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Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way?


Veteran Member
I like watching psychology programs and I watch one program about how some male babies in the womb get too little testosterone and females babies who get too much testosterone. This tells me that at least some gay people are born that way. But I can't make a judgment on who was born that way and who wasn't, so I don't make any at all. I believe in a God that will take those things into consideration. My God has mercy. My God is Love. I don't want to believe in a God who will reject people for something that they are born with and could be considered natural for them.
But, isn't that a double standard? If your born gay God sees it as Ok but if you're not he sees it as sin? I don't get it. :shrug:


Premium Member
But, isn't that a double standard? If your born gay God sees it as Ok but if you're not he sees it as sin? I don't get it. :shrug:

I have no idea what God sees as a sin, that is for each individual to find out for themselves. It doesn't even matter if I were to see it as a sin (and as I said in another thread, I am not decided on this issue, and I see no resolution to it)-- I could be mistaken. I am not always right about things. I pray to God to give me guidance. Since I have found no resolution in this particular case, I have to assume that it is none of my business since I was born a heterosexual. Each action, whether it is sin or not sin, is up to each individual.

But one thing I do know, gays have always been mistreated so I don't think anyone would choose this lifestyle unless they born that way, so I think that that if someone is gay, that were born that way. I don't see a lot of evidence to prove they were not born that way.


Well-Known Member
Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way?

That is like asking "is being a alcoholic or living the Alcoholic lifestyle ok because your genetically born with those tendencies and attractions in your mind." You could also insert many things in the same question like Is being a Sexual predator or a murderer ok because one is born with psychological disorders in his mind. Answer: NO!


Well-Known Member
To the OP question...

(by the term "being gay" I assume you mean unrepentently living in a homosexual relationship/lifestyle)


"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. " - Lev 20:13

It seems to me that the bible is talking only about sex with another man(not women).

It says nothing about a dress code, living together, holding hands in public, kissing another man, ect. Only sex.

It also says they should be killed for such a act.(I guess some parts are overlooked)


Veteran Member
Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way?

That is like asking "is being a alcoholic or living the Alcoholic lifestyle ok because your genetically born with those tendencies and attractions in your mind." You could also insert many things in the same question like Is being a Sexual predator or a murderer ok because one is born with psychological disorders in his mind. Answer: NO!
Perhaps you aren't understanding my question and I need to clarify. If scientifically it is discovered that one's sexual attractions are genetically designed much like eye color, hair color, skin color, etc. how could that be wrong?

No one has answered my question of.....Does God make mistakes?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you aren't understanding my question and I need to clarify. If scientifically it is discovered that one's sexual attractions are genetically designed much like eye color, hair color, skin color, etc. how could that be wrong?

No one has answered my question of.....Does God make mistakes?

It would seem that you could use a parallel argument in saying that some are designed with love and attraction of alcohol(just task the Alcoholic) and some to murder and molestation of children, just ask the predators. There minds were designed that way genetically with those attractions! Does that make it ok for them to perform those things or lead their lifestyle choice proudly? After all it is in their genetics to have these attractions. The answer of coarse is no. It wouldn't really matter if it was nature or nuture the churches would still see it as unnatural and wrong to live the lifestyle. God simply created this person with his own crosses to bear. God does not make mistakes. But the topic was not about that anyway the topic was about being ok to live a gay lifestyle if genetics proved the attraction. So not to sound like a repeat but :Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way? That is like asking "is being a alcoholic or living the Alcoholic lifestyle ok because your genetically born with those tendencies and attractions in your mind." You could also insert many things in the same question like Is being a Sexual predator or a murderer ok because one is born with psychological disorders in his mind. Answer: NO!


Well-Known Member
No one has answered my question of.....Does God make mistakes?

The question is unanswerable, Buttercup. If He is not omnipotent and omniscient, yes, he could make mistakes but these arguments are redundant if GOD does not participate in Creation in an active and ongoing way (ie. Deism is true). If he does participate in an active and ongoing way in Creation, directing and organizing everything as some say He does, then we have to face up to the fact that there are no such things as "mistakes" except in our erroneous perception, for where you and I might see "chance" or "misfortune" another more enlightened person might only see providence. ;)


Well-Known Member
It would seem that you could use a parallel argument in saying that some are designed with love and attraction of alcohol(just task the Alcoholic) and some to murder and molestation of children, just ask the predators. There minds were designed that way genetically with those attractions! Does that make it ok for them to perform those things or lead their lifestyle choice proudly? After all it is in their genetics to have these attractions. The answer of coarse is no. It wouldn't really matter if it was nature or nuture the churches would still see it as unnatural and wrong to live the lifestyle. God simply created this person with his own crosses to bear. God does not make mistakes. But the topic was not about that anyway the topic was about being ok to live a gay lifestyle if genetics proved the attraction. So not to sound like a repeat but :Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way? That is like asking "is being a alcoholic or living the Alcoholic lifestyle ok because your genetically born with those tendencies and attractions in your mind." You could also insert many things in the same question like Is being a Sexual predator or a murderer ok because one is born with psychological disorders in his mind. Answer: NO!

Anger/hate is a vice.


Whether you are born with it or not is irrelevant to those who see it unnatural/immoral for two of the same sex to committ sexual acts with each other. There is more then a few good standing homosexuals in Christianity not actively living in such a manner.


Veteran Member
It would seem that you could use a parallel argument in saying that some are designed with love and attraction of alcohol(just task the Alcoholic) and some to murder and molestation of children, just ask the predators. There minds were designed that way genetically with those attractions! Does that make it ok for them to perform those things or lead their lifestyle choice proudly? After all it is in their genetics to have these attractions. The answer of coarse is no. It wouldn't really matter if it was nature or nuture the churches would still see it as unnatural and wrong to live the lifestyle. God simply created this person with his own crosses to bear. God does not make mistakes. But the topic was not about that anyway the topic was about being ok to live a gay lifestyle if genetics proved the attraction. So not to sound like a repeat but :Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way? That is like asking "is being a alcoholic or living the Alcoholic lifestyle ok because your genetically born with those tendencies and attractions in your mind." You could also insert many things in the same question like Is being a Sexual predator or a murderer ok because one is born with psychological disorders in his mind. Answer: NO!
I don't see being attracted to the same sex as a parallel comparison to a murderer, pedophile, sexual predator or alcoholic. Those actions hurt others. Being attracted to the same sex, especially if it's genetically determined like your eye color tells me you are designed that way.

Tell me something. In biblical days it was customary to stone a woman for having sex before marriage in some cases. Why isn't that still performed today?


I don't see being attracted to the same sex as a parallel comparison to a murderer, pedophile, sexual predator or alcoholic. Those actions hurt others. Being attracted to the same sex, especially if it's genetically determined like your eye color tells me you are designed that way.

Tell me something. In biblical days it was customary to stone a woman for having sex before marriage in some cases. Why isn't that still performed today?

"Hurt" is a subjective judgement call. I hope you can see that.


Well-Known Member
Anger/hate is a vice.

I have no anger or hate towards my brothers with same sex attraction. I pray that they will be strong in Christ and I hope to see them in heaven. I have many gay friends. I love and accept them for who they are. But that doesn't mean that I should accept the lifestyle they choose to lead when I believe it is contrary to natural law and divine law. and it also does not make it right or acceptable as a lifestyle just because it can be found genetically as I have shown in both my earlier post(# 43 and 46) which clearly shows the folly of this false idea.

Peace be with you always and God bless you

In Jesus through Mary,



Well-Known Member
I don't see being attracted to the same sex as a parallel comparison to a murderer, pedophile, sexual predator or alcoholic. Those actions hurt others. Being attracted to the same sex, especially if it's genetically determined like your eye color tells me you are designed that way.

My point is simple. Christians believe that acting on homosexual drives can be dangerous and hurtful to that person and others at least spiritually and sometimes physically. the point was that just because something is found to be genetic(like Alcholism or homosexual attraction), doesn't mean that it is ok to promote or lead a lifestyle that is based off of those genetic tendancies. And for that reason as I have already shown in my post # 43 and 46, the understanding of this will not ever be accepted by the Christians churches even if it is proved to be genetic based.


Premium Member
I don't think you can compare being attracted to the same sex with murder, Child molestation, or whatever. The latter of those hurts other people while being attracted to another person hurts no one.

Sex isn't really the issue, after all, having sex outside of marriage is always considered wrong in the Judeo and Christian faiths.