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Is Being Gay Ok If You're Born That Way?


Veteran Member
My point is simple. Christians believe that acting on homosexual drives can be dangerous and hurtful to that person and others at least spiritually and sometimes physically. the point was that just because something is found to be genetic(like Alcholism or homosexual attraction), doesn't mean that it is ok to promote or lead a lifestyle that is based off of those genetic tendancies. And for that reason as I have already shown in my post # 43 and 46, the understanding of this will not ever be accepted by the Christians churches even if it is proved to be genetic based.
I'm not gay so I don't want you to think I started this thread to battle for myself. But, answers like yours are one of the reasons I left Christianity. Many Christians won't listen to science and I find that fact deplorable and ignorant.

If science discovers that being gay is much the same as having blue eyes.... in other words, you have no choice in the matter, I will never understand how a religious person can still call it sin. It's simply ludicrous and ignorant.


I'm not gay so I don't want you to think I started this thread to battle for myself. But, answers like yours are one of the reasons I left Christianity. Many Christians won't listen to science and I find that fact deplorable and ignorant.

If science discovers that being gay is much the same as having blue eyes.... in other words, you have no choice in the matter, I will never understand how a religious person can still call it sin. It's simply ludicrous and ignorant.
It hasn't yet that I am aware of. Either way, it wouldn't make a difference. Plenty of homosexuals are able to abstain from sexual acts (by choice mind you). So why would it be relevant?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can compare being attracted to the same sex with murder, Child molestation, or whatever. The latter of those hurts other people while being attracted to another person hurts no one.

Sex isn't really the issue, after all, having sex outside of marriage is always considered wrong in the Judeo and Christian faiths.

Having the attraction isn't whats hurts people. That is true for alcoholics, predators, and those with same sex attractions. Its acting on those attractions and leading the lifestyle that can be hurtful. You are correct having sex outside of marriage is wrong so acting on wrongful heterosexual attractions outside of marriage can also be mortally sinful and not acceptable as a lifestyle in the church too.


Veteran Member
Having the attraction isn't whats hurts people. That is true for alcoholics, predators, and those with same sex attractions. Its acting on those attractions and leading the lifestyle that can be hurtful. You are correct having sex outside of marriage is wrong so acting on wrongful heterosexual attractions outside of marriage can also be mortally sinful and not acceptable as a lifestyle in the church too.
What color are your eyes?


Well-Known Member
Do you hate child molesters?

You equivalent Gays to them.


Does God make child molesters?

I mean if what you are saying it true than God creates people who want to molest children.

Why whould God create child molesters?


I do not hate child molesters, I pray for them, they have their own cross to bear like I have mine. I already have told you in my other post that I do not hate or judge you either. God created everyone and we all were given crosses to bear and Jesus said we must take up our cross or we cannot be his followers.
I do not equivocate homosexuals with child molesters, although I do believe that both of them act out of a disordered psychological desire(so do heterosexuals many times in theology we call this conqupenses).The whole point of my comparison is to show that just because something may be found to be genetic doesn't mean that it should become acceptable as a lifestyle by the Christian churches. I proved my point in Post 43 and 46. That is all. seems like your the one who is angry my brother. Peace to you

May almighty God bless you In Jesus through Mary,



Well-Known Member
Having the attraction isn't whats hurts people. That is true for alcoholics, predators, and those with same sex attractions. Its acting on those attractions and leading the lifestyle that can be hurtful. .

Please provide a definitive source on how homosexuality is hurtful, or you point is moot.


Premium Member
I'm sure some people enjoy tearing others down but I want nothing to do with that.

I am under the opinion that certain people do that sort of thing because they have very low self-esteem. They feel better about themselves by attacking others. It is wrong but, unfortunately, people will still do the wrong things. I am glad you wouldn't do that.


Please provide a definitive source on how homosexuality is hurtful, or you point is moot.
Definitive source? If you can find a definitive source on anything regarding morality let me know. That's the point I was trying to make with Buttercup.


Well-Known Member
That make no sense. Please provide a definitive source on how homosexuality is hurtful, or you point in moot.

As already mentioned spiritually it is harmful and considered a mortal sin in the catholic church to engage in these activities. So your eternal soul is on line here and that is one way how it can be harmful,just as harmful as being a alcoholic. That should be enough to settle the question for Catholics at least. But ask any doctor, I have, and they will tell you that the anus is not meant or constructed physically to be penetrated by a penis. It can cause a host of problems down the road for both persons. So many doctors(including the doctor from loveline on MTV) argue that type of behavior that can be hurtful to a guy or gal.



Read that article.

And if you ask ANY gay person they will confirm they did not choose to be gay.

Why would someone choose to be born into discrimination? its sad, I've fought many personal demons struggling out of the closet, then someone to say to me that I chose to be gay is just a slap to the face.


You said....."Hurt" is a subjective judgement call. I hope you can see that. I was just hoping you'd explain how gays hurt anyone.
I stopped there because I don't think the answer would impress you. That, and as I said "hurt" is subjective in that is fully dependant upon a person's morals/ethical system.