I am sick parents indoctrinating their children. I was indoctrinated, and now that I am an adult I can say with assurance I would have never chosen Catholicism or even Christianity for that matter. I was raised with the bible, the new american bible, and was fairy familiar with it, in fact I even mesmerized all the books names including the apocrypha. I had never engaged in unguided reading of it though.
The sick sick stuff that was being taught to me by my loved ones makes me wish horrible things on them, until I realize the same thing was done to them. I couldn't even make it past genesis.
I can't say this enough children are not capable of making a decision to live their life according to this book. They are not capable of doing such a thing. They do not know the true nature of their actions or how they effect the world around them. This is a form of rape. I was raped in this way.
I do not believe in a god, nor would I have ever, but now I have the fears and guilt of this Christianity in me. I don't think I might ever get rid of it. I know the Truth now at least though.
If you love your children let them choose.