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Is Donald Trump racist?

Is Donald Trump racist?

  • Yes. Donald Trump is racist.

    Votes: 31 75.6%
  • No. Donald Trump is not racist.

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • Unsure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sure, if you ignore the fact that Obama was treated way worse than even Clinton, who had vastly more scandals. Or that I wasn't referring to the issue of illegal aliens, but the way they were talked about by Trump during the campaign.

But your take on black lives matter is just silly. As whites are the majority in this country, by a wide margin, and control the vast majority of the countries wealth and power, a similar situation for whites cannot exist. Blacks are treated differently by many police. If you don't believe that then you need to educate yourself. I've been pulled over dozens of times in my time as a professional driver. Never had a major issue and I was always very casual with the police. The one time we were pulled over when my black friend was driving blew my mind. My friend was more polite than I have ever been with police and treated much worse.

That kind of ignorance is to be expected from someone who calls democrats libtards.

1) Clinton was a better president, he did a better job.

2) Thanks for demonstrating my point about lib double standards vis a vis racism. BLM is acceptable racism because blacks are a 'minority'? That that even factors into your reasoning speaks volumes.

Always about race with you guys, which makes the constant wolf calls of 'racism' humourously ironic.


Well-Known Member
1) Clinton was a better president, he did a better job.

By what metric? How did he do a better job? Both had major recoveries. Both were for free trade. Clinton failed at health care, Obama succeeded, albeit with a limited program. I see no evidence that Clinton was better by any reasonable measure.

2) Thanks for demonstrating my point about lib double standards vis a vis racism. BLM is acceptable racism because blacks are a 'minority'? That that even factors into your reasoning speaks volumes.

No double standard exist.

BLM is not racist, they are fighting racism. I would have thought that was obvious. They are not saying only black lives matter, but that black lives obviously don't matter to some and should. You know, cops who shoot unarmed black men for one example.

Always about race with you guys, which makes the constant wolf calls of 'racism' humourously ironic.

No, sometimes it is about ignorance as you so aptly have demonstrated.
By what metric? How did he do a better job? Both had major recoveries. Both were for free trade. Clinton failed at health care, Obama succeeded, albeit with a limited program. I see no evidence that Clinton was better by any reasonable measure
I could argue for it, but it's ultimately irrelevant what I think. The question is why Obama received more flak than Clinton, which could be as simple as Clinton was just more likable. Unlike Obama, he had personality. Assuming it's because of racism is just typical lefty virtue signaling, and is backed up by nothing. Yet another example of trying to wedge your precious race card wherever it can be crammed in, without due cause.

BLM is not racist, they are fighting racism. I would have thought that was obvious. They are not saying only black lives matter, but that black lives obviously don't matter to some and should. You know, cops who shoot unarmed black men for one example.

LOL. People are still using that old canard? BLM is patently and purely about racism. Unarmed blacks statistically get shot less than other races, and the vast, vast majority of people shooting unarmed black men are....other black men. But no, we are expected to believe in some form of institional racism that melts under any amount of scrutiny to justify more racism, this time against every libbies favourite Boogeyman, the white male.

No, sometimes it is about ignorance as you so aptly have demonstrated.
Indeed I have. Just now.


Well-Known Member
I could argue for it, but it's ultimately irrelevant what I think. The question is why Obama received more flak than Clinton, which could be as simple as Clinton was just more likable. Unlike Obama, he had personality. Assuming it's because of racism is just typical lefty virtue signaling, and is backed up by nothing. Yet another example of trying to wedge your precious race card wherever it can be crammed in, without due cause.

I don't assume anything. The fact that Klan membership went through the roof is all the proof I need. The rest is just evidence of a more widespread problem.

LOL. People are still using that old canard? BLM is patently and purely about racism. Unarmed blacks statistically get shot less than other races, and the vast, vast majority of people shooting unarmed black men are....other black men. But no, we are expected to believe in some form of institional racism that melts under any amount of scrutiny to justify more racism, this time against every libbies favourite Boogeyman, the white male.

Real or imagined, and it is real, what they are fighting for is not racism. That is just nonsense.

Indeed I have. Just now.

I appreciate your honesty on the subject.
I don't assume anything. The fact that Klan membership went through the roof is all the proof I need.
Oh, you're privy to their membership numbers are you? Or did you just make that up?

Real or imagined, and it is real, what they are fighting for is not racism. That is just nonsense.
"Nuh uh" isn't an argument. Do you dispute the facts I have presented?

I appreciate your honesty on the subject.

No problem. Keep displaying and I'll keep making note.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I don't assume anything. The fact that Klan membership went through the roof is all the proof I need. The rest is just evidence of a more widespread problem.
And it's not just Klan membership that did this but also some other right-wing groups as well. Much of this "buildup" started when Obama became president, and I think we both know why that happened, and it has continued in relatively rapid fashion since Trump was elected. The stats are sickening, as well as their teachings and actions.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
People are still using that old canard? BLM is patently and purely about racism. Unarmed blacks statistically get shot less than other races, and the vast, vast majority of people shooting unarmed black men are....other black men. But no, we are expected to believe in some form of institional racism that melts under any amount of scrutiny to justify more racism, this time against every libbies favourite Boogeyman, the white male.
This is absolutely false and on multiple counts. To state or imply that anti-black racism isn't real is sticking one's head in the sand. See: Study: Blacks more likely to be wrongfully convicted - CNNPolitics or Opinion | Unequal Sentences for Blacks and Whites or Statistics of incarcerated African-American males - Wikipedia

BLM was a response to blacks being far more likely to be arrested, prosecuted, and given longer sentences versus whites by percent. It's "racist" only in that it deals mostly with the black experience, but it is not a violent-oriented group like the Black Panthers were.
This is absolutely false and on multiple counts. To state or imply that anti-black racism isn't real is sticking one's head in the sand. See: Study: Blacks more likely to be wrongfully convicted - CNNPolitics or Opinion | Unequal Sentences for Blacks and Whites or Statistics of incarcerated African-American males - Wikipedia

BLM was a response to blacks being far more likely to be arrested, prosecuted, and given longer sentences versus whites by percent. It's "racist" only in that it deals mostly with the black experience, but it is not a violent-oriented group like the Black Panthers were.
I don't know if going to statistics is the best route for the case you are trying to make, as those same statistics say blacks commit...by far..more violent and gun crimes than anyone else. It stands to reason there would be more wrongful convictions too, even if that were a constant value across all racial demographics. More crimes, more trials, more clerical errors. I doubt if you looked at per capitalism numbers your 'more wrongful convictions' number would hold water.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if going to statistics is the best route for the case you are trying to make, as those same statistics say blacks commit...by far..more violent and gun crimes than anyone else. It stands to reason there would be more wrongful convictions too, even if that were a constant value across all racial demographics. More crimes, more trials, more clerical errors. I doubt if you looked at per capitalism numbers your 'more wrongful convictions' number would hold water.

It's not just more convictions. It's a higher conviction rate. They also tend to be given longer sentences on average.


Premium Member
I'm the undecided vote, I think mainly Trump just phrases things crappy for the most part but there is definitely some bigotry.


Veteran Member
Yes, and there are a host of other problems beyond that.

I don't blame it all on cops. I don't even agree with everything the BLM people do. But to equate them with the Nazi's is absurd.
why not seems that those of the non-conservative thought process seem to want to equate anyone that disagrees with them are called Nazis, racist, and other demeaning terms.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't know if going to statistics is the best route for the case you are trying to make, as those same statistics say blacks commit...by far..more violent and gun crimes than anyone else. It stands to reason there would be more wrongful convictions too, even if that were a constant value across all racial demographics. More crimes, more trials, more clerical errors. I doubt if you looked at per capitalism numbers your 'more wrongful convictions' number would hold water.
One thing we've established is that racism afflicts both white & black folk.


Well-Known Member
why not seems that those of the non-conservative thought process seem to want to equate anyone that disagrees with them are called Nazis, racist, and other demeaning terms.

Not in my case. Not in anyone I knows case. But if you are marching with Nazi's you don't get to claim your on the right side.


Veteran Member
Would you consider the NRA Nazis? Seems that some do. Just saw this morning in the local paper a political cartoon that had Swastikas with various identities, like the KKK. They also had one with a figure wearing a ball cap with NRA on it. I have since written to the newspaper condemning them.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Would you consider the NRA Nazis? Seems that some do. Just saw this morning in the local paper a political cartoon that had Swastikas with various identities, like the KKK. They also had one with a figure wearing a ball cap with NRA on it. I have since written to the newspaper condemning them.
With identity politics, the important thing is to put someone in a little box.
Once that's done, people are conveniently reduced to labels. Then, name
calling can replace thoughtful discussion of issues. If Trump is a "racist",
then everything he does, everyone who supports him, everyone who voted
for him becomes "racist". And all things become proof of their racism.

But because Democrats are "progressive" & "liberal" they're incapable of
racism. Try to accuse them of it, & out come the cries of "False equivalency!".
So it's the demonization of the other side, & the sanitization of one's own.
It's why we see so much about what's wrong with Trump, but much less
about what's wrong with his policies.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I don't know if going to statistics is the best route for the case you are trying to make, as those same statistics say blacks commit...by far..more violent and gun crimes than anyone else. It stands to reason there would be more wrongful convictions too, even if that were a constant value across all racial demographics. More crimes, more trials, more clerical errors. I doubt if you looked at per capitalism numbers your 'more wrongful convictions' number would hold water.
It's pretty obvious that you didn't spend the time to actually do the reading from those sites. Nor did you link us to any site that contradicts what I posted, so it's pretty obvious that you prefer your opinions over what the research may indicate.

I really couldn't care less what you're opinions may be, but I do care about facts. If you're not interested in providing the research, I'm done discussing this with you.


Well-Known Member
Would you consider the NRA Nazis? Seems that some do. Just saw this morning in the local paper a political cartoon that had Swastikas with various identities, like the KKK. They also had one with a figure wearing a ball cap with NRA on it. I have since written to the newspaper condemning them.

Um no. I'm not a fan, but they aren't nazi's. On the other hand, it's easy to see the confusion. While not all NRA members are white supremacist, I would bet virtually all white supremacist are in the NRA.