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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.

Me Myself

Back to my username
What exactly do the feminists on this forum want? I understand the broad aims of feminist movements in my country and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what they have to say but I don't precisely know what they want in places like the US. Women can work, vote, stay at home, whatever. What is there left that they want to do?

That is true on paper, but there is still propaganda to be done so the culture understands this (it will take a good bunch of generations) and there needs to be a part of the movement concerned not on the mentality issues but the actual issues of the infractions in law where you have sex slavery and the sort.

Someone needs to take care of it and the government is not doing enough yet. Feminist movements are doing something about it, and of course other movements are very welcomed to join.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
What exactly do the feminists on this forum want? I understand the broad aims of feminist movements in my country and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what they have to say but I don't precisely know what they want in places like the US. Women can work, vote, stay at home, whatever. What is there left that they want to do?

I gave my answer in my first response to the OP.


What exactly do the feminists on this forum want? I understand the broad aims of feminist movements in my country and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what they have to say but I don't precisely know what they want in places like the US. Women can work, vote, stay at home, whatever. What is there left that they want to do?

Equal political and economic representation, equal pay and unquestionable bodily autonomy (including reproductive choice and serious initiative to combat rape and domestic violence) would be nice.

We're also after equal rights for LGBTQ, serious efforts to eliminate poverty, the elimination of human trafficking, and international respect for women's rights to put a stop to girls in Islamic countries getting shot in the head for going to school and having their clitorises hacked off.


Active Member
Yes. Here's why it's still relevant:

1) Protect reproductive rights
2) Lily Ledbetter Fair Wage Act
3) Combat ignorance portrayed by the likes of Todd Akin and "legitimate rape"
4) Oh, and while on that subject...combat rape culture.
5) Violence Against Women Act
6) Combat ****-shaming
7) And finally, if my 14-year-old daughter says she wants to be President some day, I'd like to be able to look at her in the eyes and say there's a real possibility she could be.

On point #7, given that female politicians like Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton are judged more harshly for how they dress, their hair, their voices, than what they actually stand for makes me wonder just how likely it is that a woman can be voted in as President of the U.S. currently.
What do you mean by reproductive rights?

Ok, I'm going to be honest here so please don't take offence. Apart from #2 which I have no clue what it's about, all of those battles are unwinnable. There will always be violence and rape, and it's not just against women either. If those are the kind of reasons why feminist movements exist then they will be here forever and not only that, but they will NEVER reach their goals. As for #7, Clinton 2016 is a good bet. Although it really makes no difference who is president, they're all the same devious, deceptive, back-stabbing figureheads. I'm actually glad no woman was ever President, I don't think they're evil enough.

Speaking of female leaders, after Margaret Thatcher in the UK, some people to this day say about a female Prime minister "Never again!". LOL

Me Myself

Back to my username
I think that I have pointed out pro life feminists at least twice, now this is twice for you, I do not think patriot cares, or he is just saying that some feminists are pro choice, it is hard to understand which posts are trolling and which are opinion anymore.

Agreed. Thanks for the clarification too. :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
There's also feminists who are against pornography. I part ways with them too, just like I do with pro-life feminists.

I identify myself as a sex-positive feminist. That's probably been the case for the last dozen years or so since I became more aware of writings and works like Susie Bright's.

Indeed, I understand seing feminism itself as against porn as being one of the most common associations about feminist today or is it not? That would be another thing that causes it bad rep IMHO.

What do you think should be the things it should be more focused on right now and which approaches you think would be best?


Active Member
Equal political and economic representation, equal pay and unquestionable bodily autonomy (including reproductive choice and serious initiative to combat rape and domestic violence) would be nice.

We're also after equal rights for LGBTQ, serious efforts to eliminate poverty, the elimination of human trafficking, and international respect for women's rights to put a stop to girls in Islamic countries getting shot in the head for going to school and having their clitorises hacked off.
Equal political representation, what does that even mean? You want the same number of male and female senators or what? That's never going to happen unless there's an enforced quota, which would ironically be discriminatory.

Equal economic representation? I have no idea what you mean here again.

Equal pay I understand, but there are issues that obviously affect a woman's pay packet such as work flexibility and pregnancy, which are just two obstacles to equal pay.

I don't really think combating rape and violence should be considered at all, no amount of campaigning is going to put a complete end to these things. The law is working as well as possible although possibly not in the United States I suppose.

Equal rights for all those letters is going to be one hell of a task. Equal rights is not really what some of them want, they want special rights. Like that little boy with a penis who was allowed to enter girls toilets because he felt like he was a girl. That's a special right, that's not an equal right.

Girls don't get shot in Islamic countries for going to school. That only happens in war-torn countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. Perhaps you should also be campaigning against US drones killing girls, because I can assure you, more girls die due to US military attacks than for going to school in Islamic countries.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Equal political representation, what does that even mean? You want the same number of male and female senators or what? That's never going to happen unless there's an enforced quota, which would ironically be discriminatory.

Equal economic representation? I have no idea what you mean here again.

Equal pay I understand, but there are issues that obviously affect a woman's pay packet such as work flexibility and pregnancy, which are just two obstacles to equal pay.

I don't really think combating rape and violence should be considered at all, no amount of campaigning is going to put a complete end to these things. The law is working as well as possible although possibly not in the United States I suppose.

Equal rights for all those letters is going to be one hell of a task. Equal rights is not really what some of them want, they want special rights. Like that little boy with a penis who was allowed to enter girls toilets because he felt like he was a girl. That's a special right, that's not an equal right.

Girls don't get shot in Islamic countries for going to school. That only happens in war-torn countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. Perhaps you should also be campaigning against US drones killing girls, because I can assure you, more girls die due to US military attacks than for going to school in Islamic countries.

Any reduction to rape and violence is welcomed and if the government cant do it all, then thanks God more people want to do what they can.

Each single violence act that is prevented has a name a last name and a story, and many times when the violent act is committed, they hide all this in shame and guilt and self hate and silence.

Whichever organization does anything to prevent this evil is doing good in this, even if you dont agree with whatever other things they might do or promote.

That said, I agree forcing a quota is discriminatory. We need more women actually running. People will choose them if they like what they offer. If you have a black president, I am sure you can have more women in congress.

Curious George

Veteran Member
What do you mean by reproductive rights?

Ok, I'm going to be honest here so please don't take offence. Apart from #2 which I have no clue what it's about, all of those battles are unwinnable. There will always be violence and rape, and it's not just against women either. If those are the kind of reasons why feminist movements exist then they will be here forever and not only that, but they will NEVER reach their goals. As for #7, Clinton 2016 is a good bet. Although it really makes no difference who is president, they're all the same devious, deceptive, back-stabbing figureheads. I'm actually glad no woman was ever President, I don't think they're evil enough.

Speaking of female leaders, after Margaret Thatcher in the UK, some people to this day say about a female Prime minister "Never again!". LOL
With regards to fighting an "unwinnable" fight: the starfish story.


Wow, that would be incredibly uneffective.

Why on Earth would you waste one of the most prominent sources of propaganda when you want to enlist people to your cause? o_O

Name needs to be changed. Feminism shouldnt be a worldview or a view of society. Egualitarianism and humanism should be.

Having movements that do not subscribe to such a polarising and ever less popular ( with good reason) term can only do good.

Ignoring the brand name is just plain stupid.

1.) No, I think people do things in real life are much more effective, then people simply stating stuff on the internet all the time. This method has proven extremely effective for feminism.

2.) Propaganda is bad and shouldn't be used to persuade people to issues which need to be addressed rationally.

3.) Nope, the name doesn't need to be changed. Whether you think it should be the case or not is rather irrelevant, since feminism, in many ways, has views on society.

4.) Who said feminism was an unpopular term?

According to the survey, just 20 percent of Americans -- including 23 percent of women and 16 percent of men -- consider themselves feminists. Another 8 percent consider themselves anti-feminists, while 63 percent said they are neither.

Poll: Few Identify As Feminists, But Most Believe In Equality Of Sexes

A newly released voter poll finds that feminists, not just women in general, were key to the 2012 election results. Fully 55 percent of women voters self-identified as feminists–an increase of 9 percent since the last presidential election in 2008. And if those polled were given a follow-up question that included a definition of feminism, the percentage of those declaring themselves feminists or strong feminists rose to a total of 68 percent!

The Feminist Factor: More than Half of 2012 Women Voters Identify As Feminists

5.) Feminism isn't a brand name. It's an umbrella term for decades upon decades of philosophical work.


Active Member
With regards to fighting an "unwinnable" fight: the starfish story.
That's BS. It doesn't really apply here. The type of guys who beat up woman will never be put off by a few slogans and a few posters here and there. Do you really think potential rapists will be deterred by anything a feminist movements does? That's just a lack of understanding psychologically.