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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I disagree....scholarly types are fallible too, & they have far more ammunition with which to entrench their positions. I won't claim to be without bias, but I neither like nor dislike feminism in general, which is far more diverse than is typically recognized.

I get that. I've brought up politicizing science before, too. However, I think it's silly to say people know all they need to know about engineering just because they hung out with a few engineers. And then if engineers say that there's certain things that ought to be improved for engineers in society, and that first person says that engineers already have everything they need because they've seen them and know a few, it's more than presumptuous.

Now couple that with if engineers who say to that first person that there's FAR more to engineering than at first glance, invite them to take a few classes, read up on it, learn more, and that first person says they really don't want to, but then continue to judge the merits of engineering, I'd find that to be willful ignorance. And the political type of willful ignorance is where the real harm occurs. Cultural willful ignorance is just annoying. But where the government steps in is where the real pain happens with institutional prejudice mandated into law.

This is a good analogy. I claim to know little about Xianity, but I do know many Xians, both trained preachers & layity. I prefer to view the religion by what I see in its adherents' beliefs & actions, since it's more relevant to me than scripture. I view feminism similarly. So yes, I am willfully ignorant of the more arcane aspects of religion & feminism, preferring instead to study what I find more interesting or significant. It works for me.

I am lazy, but I don't lay any claim to scholarship.

I get that.

Curious George

Veteran Member
There's thousands of kids snached from school every year and trafficked. And these are middle class kids. There are already investigations going on to find them. So how exactly will feminism stop this?

And about are you going to solve poverty? Some people just don't want to work. You're not going to be able to force them. You'd have to take their kids away. There's lots of people in the ghetto and in the projects, and unfortunately, they have kids, so of course they'll be at risk. If you want to say feminism will solve trafficking, then you'd have to make sure the poor don't have kids, but then you'd still have to worry about the people who actually grab them off the street.

Feminists actively bring awareness to the issue through education and outreach, feminists lobby and advocate for victims, feminists comfort victims, feminists are involved. Just because someone is investigating, just because some else helps does not nor should not prevent or deter others from working toward the same goal. And truth be told, the problem probably will not be solved anytime soon, hell it may never be solved. But if one feminist helps one victim, that is.a pretty damn good reason why feminism is still relevant and needed.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Feminists actively bring awareness to the issue through education and outreach, feminists lobby and advocate for victims, feminists comfort victims, feminists are involved. Just because someone is investigating, just because some else helps does not nor should not prevent or deter others from working toward the same goal. And truth be told, the problem probably will not be solved anytime soon, hell it may never be solved. But if one feminist helps one victim, that is.a pretty damn good reason why feminism is still relevant and needed.

"Feminism" needs to die.

Special associations helping women specifically may be needed, and indeed in some places more than others.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
To be fair most people that call themselves christians here have read precious little of the bible or havent had much thought about the actual doctrine.

But to be fair, is that reasonable to qualify Christianity itself on such measures? I don't think it is. I'd rather converse with those who put in the time to actually study it extensively as scholars. Why else do we see the bitterness within the religion itself who yell and scream at each other saying they're not "real" Christians?

Sorry, I'll reserve judgement if I put more confidence in them compared to the scholars. I'll listen to BOTH, instead, and get a bigger picture.

People who say are part of X ideology ARE speaking for it. Sure, non of em is the whole ideology, but ll of them are indeed part, because it is through people that ideologies exist. Not through the learned people necessarily, but through the most vocal/active/opinionated of them.

Mstly through the most vocal because those who speak through actions will be remembered mostly for their actions, while most than spend that same time speaking instead of doing will be using all that time for propaganda of the ideology itself.

(By the way, notice that as an advertiser, I dont have any negative association towards the word propaganda. Propaganda can be extremely good and is certainly necessary and sometimes vital)

I just find "ism" to be the wrong way to go with this, unless we are calling it "humanism"

Yeah, I know. I've noticed your minor obsession with dictionary definitions and the etymology of words, but mostly from the dictionary and from the perspective of an advertiser. ;)

The brand of feminism you like doesnt put women above men but people in equal standing. In what it focuses is on the women, sure, but that is not a phylosophy, that is a way of working, of acting, of focusing.

They are humanists that focus on getting rid on e injustices towards women.

"Feminism" and "masculinism" are unnecessarily polarising.

And yet, after all this time, after recognizing my position as a feminist not to be one to put women above men, but to fight for gender equality, and other feminists here at RF who don't want women to be have more rights than men, that fight for equality, and yet you still not only refuse to listen to how we "the common feminist" speak for feminism but you won't read feminist literature.

You're still listening to all the ignorance spouted by the critics who know so little about feminism it's embarrassing. Mostly because you don't like how "fem" is in the word.

Are you just as passionate about complaining about Native American rights? Arab-American rights? And African-American rights? They don't include "White people" in their titles, so they're - according to the anti-"fem" argument - just as exclusionary. I haven't seen you bellyache about those names around these parts.


Active Member
Ya but how are they involved? Raising awareness and educatin about it are useless because we all already know about it and how bad it is.

What specifically do they do to help the situation? Do they prevent the acts or find the victims? You can have a rape awareness campaigne but it's useless because we all already know about it.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I am not following.

You desire sexy women you dont know simply because they have hot bods? You dont feel that means objectifying or something?

I define sexiness to have much more than just possessing a cookie-cutter body. I get turned on by humor, compassion, intelligence, and most of all - depth. People who are shallow turn me off faster than a cold shower.

Me Myself

Back to my username
But to be fair, is that reasonable to qualify Christianity itself on such measures? I don't think it is. I'd rather converse with those who put in the time to actually study it extensively as scholars. Why else do we see the bitterness within the religion itself who yell and scream at each other saying they're not "real" Christians?

Sorry, I'll reserve judgement if I put more confidence in them compared to the scholars. I'll listen to BOTH, instead, and get a bigger picture.

Yeah, I know. I've noticed your minor obsession with dictionary definitions and the etymology of words, but mostly from the dictionary and from the perspective of an advertiser. ;)

And yet, after all this time, after recognizing my position as a feminist not to be one to put women above men, but to fight for gender equality, and other feminists here at RF who don't want women to be have more rights than men, that fight for equality, and yet you still not only refuse to listen to how we "the common feminist" speak for feminism but you won't read feminist literature.

You're still listening to all the ignorance spouted by the critics who know so little about feminism it's embarrassing. Mostly because you don't like how "fem" is in the word.

Are you just as passionate about complaining about Native American rights? Arab-American rights? And African-American rights? They don't include "White people" in their titles, so they're - according to the anti-"fem" argument - just as exclusionary. I haven't seen you bellyache about those names around these parts.

Not only do I rcpgnise you speak for feminism, but I can quote you a part in that very same post you just read where it says such.

I am sure you will catch it with a superficial re-reading, but if you prefer I
can re quote it for you.

You could also just trust me.

Or believe I didnt without checking.

You tell me how you prefer it :)

About native american rights or black people's rights, etc, I am all for "black powet" or "red power" . Now if someone says "redism" or "racism" or something similar, I am going to get suspicious.

Isms talk about worldviews, about postures. "Feminism" is extremely suspicious as meaning "equality". Sure, you can decide it means that if you want and I know many do, but the very word says otherwise.

Its a problem.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
That is a whole different issue and thread, my question to you is do you understand why the feminist movement is still both necessary and valuable. And while you might say that with God it would not be.necessary, but that is not what I want to know. In the state in which the u.s. Is in now, do you see the reasoning behind the movement. I hope I gave enough videos that people from everywhere could find a feminist issue important to them, so as to at least acknowledge some current value of feminism. But if I failed I will gladly post more videos of yet more issues of which feminism confronts.

BTW, I wanted to repost this. Hope this is okay with you CG. :)

I noticed nobody has addressed any of the videos you provided. That's telling.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I define sexiness to have much more than just possessing a cookie-cutter body. I get turned on by humor, compassion, intelligence, and most of all - depth. People who are shallow turn me off faster than a cold shower.

When you say shallow people you mean judging them by their sexual tastes alone or shallow in general?

Mst heterosexual people and homosexual people will be immidiately turned off by the "wrong" organ on a person even if they like everhing else. That would be a "shallow" attitude, yet saying that makes them shallow as persons sounds to me as a very shallow(or call it superficial) judgement.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am marking the obvious, but by ethymology, "feminism" doesnt speak about equality.

Your subconscious catches this without the need for the extra thought of the conscious mind, but for those who miss it :

Word List: Isms


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Not only do I rcpgnise you speak for feminism, but I can quote you a part in that very same post you just read where it says such.

I am sure you will catch it with a superficial re-reading, but if you prefer I
can re quote it for you.

You could also just trust me.

Or believe I didnt without checking.

You tell me how you prefer it :)

About native american rights or black people's rights, etc, I am all for "black powet" or "red power" . Now if someone says "redism" or "racism" or something similar, I am going to get suspicious.

Isms talk about worldviews, about postures. "Feminism" is extremely suspicious as meaning "equality". Sure, you can decide it means that if you want and I know many do, but the very word says otherwise.

Its a problem.

No, its isn't. Feminism helps people to see how the world is viewed through the lens of a woman. It's helpful to those who don't know, or who prefer to view the world through the male gaze, to get a balanced view gender-wise from a woman's POV.

If you're that susiscious about "isms", are you hating much of the graphic arts movements? You know, like impressionism, naturalism, and surrealism. Because gosh golly, those are just so exclusionary and so anti-not-artistic-isms.

Hey, you said you would read some of the free online excerpt of Wollstonecraft. You earlier said you don't read feminist works because you can't afford it. A free reading was linked to you. Have you read any of it?