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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.

Curious George

Veteran Member
Ya but how are they involved? Raising awareness and educatin about it are useless because we all already know about it and how bad it is.

What specifically do they do to help the situation? Do they prevent the acts or find the victims? You can have a rape awareness campaigne but it's useless because we all already know about it.

My friend, if you know about these issues how pervasive they are and the effects that result, that does not mean everyone knows or does not need reminding. Feminists start organizations such as rape clinics or lobby groups. Do not kid yourself into thinking that just because someone else is working on a problem that there is nothing to do. There is plenty to do and with spent people ignorant of not only problems and conflicts in the world but also in their own backyard, we need advocates, education and outreach, leaders, helpers, fighters, and nurturers.

Me Myself

Back to my username
No, its isn't. Feminism helps people to see how the world is viewed through the lens of a woman. It's helpful to those who don't know, or who prefer to view the world through the male gaze, to get a balanced view gender-wise from a woman's POV.

If you're that susiscious about "isms", are you hating much of the graphic arts movements? You know, like impressionism, naturalism, and surrealism. Because gosh golly, those are just so exclusionary and so anti-not-artistic-isms.

Hey, you said you would read some of the free online excerpt of Wollstonecraft. You earlier said you don't read feminist works because you can't afford it. A free reading was linked to you. Have you read any of it?

Where is the link?

It doesnt say "equalism" or anything similar, it says "feminism" this means as you very well say a point of view of a woman, but we shouldnt have just the point of view of the woman.

If someone says s/he is a feminist but wouldnt say is a "masculist" then you are already having a central bias in your perspective of equality.

If your first thought on equality is "how are the women treated" then there is obviously a bias. First thought on equality should be "what are the differences in treatment?" .

The word generates a behaviour and a thought pattern. "Female power" or "womans rights" or othher similar names are not polarising. Feminism is.

Theism is about god, atheism about god not existing, maltheism is about god being evil and feminism is about....?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
No but really, what about all the unnatractive girls with good hearts?

That's why I slapped you and told you to do 50 pushups.

Good hearts = openness, compassion, sense of humor, intelligence = sexy and attractive....that's what people who are not shallow think.


If attractiveness means = just a body that looks a certain way.....that's shallow. And I'm not shallow.
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We used to read the Bible in schools. The statue of liberty is holding the 10 commandments, we have a picture of Moses on our Supreme Court building.

Whether they agree or not doesn't matter because it's the truth.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God indivisible, for liberty and justice for all".

No it isn't. The State of Liberty is holding a tablet with the date of the Declaration of Independence on it. :rolleyes: Why no one knows this is beyond me.

And we do have a picture of Moses of the Supreme Court... also has Hammurabi, Confucius, Lycurgus, Menes, etc.

Me Myself

Back to my username
That's why I slapped you and told you to do 50 pushups.

Good hearts = openness, compassion, sense of humor, intelligence = sexy and attractive....that's what people who are not shallow think.


If attractiveness means = just a body that looks a certain way.....that's shallow. And I'm not shallow.

Are mist heterosexuals and homosexuals shallow? If not, why not?

(Remembering that most will be turned off by a wrong trait (penis, vagine, depending on case))


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Where is the link?

Sadly, I thought you'd say you would do one thing and then forget about it. It was given to you by crossfire, witnessed by me, you, Alceste, Rev, and dust1n, you stated you would read it, and it looks like you completely dismissed it and forgot about it.

Worse yet, you want me to find it for you again. I said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm not doing your homework for you. You can find it - and it's really insulting to crossfire since she linked it to you because you said you couldn't find any free sources anywhere, and you've completely dismissed it.

It doesnt say "equalism" or anything similar, it says "feminism" this means as you very well say a point of view of a woman, but we shouldnt have just the point of view of the woman.

LOL we don't. Patriarchy gives ample perspective to society all by itself on how the world is and how it should be according to a few males in power.

A few males. Just in case you think I'm just some man-hater or something.

If someone says s/he is a feminist but wouldnt say is a "masculist" then you are already having a central bias in your perspective of equality.

************. I fight patriarchy. Not men. And I don't dismiss the welfare of men around me...who are also hurt by patriarchy itself too.

If your first thought on equality is "how are the women treated" then there is obviously a bias. First thought on equality should be "what are the differences in treatment?" .

My first thought on equality is recognizing where there is injustice and discrimination, how it evolved that way, and what to do to combat it. Not "how are the women treated?"

But hey, look, if a lot of women are talking about mistreatment happening to them, and if people who study the numbers about frequency of these mistreatments, there is then corroborating structures of people with experiential awareness as well as statistical analysis....and if these occurrances just happen to women, well then you've got a movement that fights gender inequality such as that.

Oh look! Feminism!

The word generates a behaviour and a thought pattern. "Female power" or "womans rights" or othher similar names are not polarising. Feminism is.

Theism is about god, atheism about god not existing, maltheism is about god being evil and feminism is about....?

You have to ask?

Read a book.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Are mist heterosexuals and homosexuals shallow? If not, why not?

(Remembering that most will be turned off by a wrong trait (penis, vagine, depending on case))

You know, this is a shallow perspective on orientation itself too.

I'm so happy none of my kids think this way.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Ya I'd be pretty turned off by an unnatractive body... But at least I admit it.

Most people would. Most men and women I have talked to would. A friend of mine (a she) was complaining to me how she doesnt find a cool *** buddy. Se tolde she found someone that was big and muscular and said he was turned on by her because he said "you do know some men do like them chubby... Like me" but she didnt take him because he found his face really unatractive. She said it would have worked prerfectly otherwise. I joked to her about telling him she is into kinky stuff and she would like to have sex with masks. We had a laugh :D


BTW, I wanted to repost this. Hope this is okay with you CG. :)

I noticed nobody has addressed any of the videos you provided. That's telling.

My friend, if you know about these issues how pervasive they are and the effects that result, that does not mean everyone knows or does not need reminding. Feminists start organizations such as rape clinics or lobby groups. Do not kid yourself into thinking that just because someone else is working on a problem that there is nothing to do. There is plenty to do and with spent people ignorant of not only problems and conflicts in the world but also in their own backyard, we need advocates, education and outreach, leaders, helpers, fighters, and nurturers.

You know what? I'm sick of these threads. I really want to get into the issues and ideas raised in the videos and talk about them with people like yourselves who are informed and give a ****.

I don't want to have to sift through pages upon pages of inane crap about fapping and boobs and whether or not this or that kind of woman is sexually attractive, and I can't be bothered to read thousands of retarded, irrelevant comments about how feminism is all anger and man-hating.

It's boring. Am I right? Pearls before swine.

Should we have a feminism DIR? I'd be happy to respond to respectful questions about feminism, and I'm keen to talk about it with other feminists, but I'm sick to death of endlessly arguing about what it is with people who STILL haven't got a clue.

Me Myself

Back to my username
You know, this is a shallow perspective on orientation itself too.

I'm so happy none of my kids think this way.

Thats a very shallow response :shrug:

Any heterosexual I know would freak out if they found out their woman had a penis or their man had a vagina. I assume some bicurious or pansexuals wouldnt, but blarg, most people would.

Everyone has physical standards, even if flexible. Sime may have extremely flexible standards and that's cool too.

Its just sex. Judging a complete person as superficial because of how they are sexually attracted to others is an extremely superficial judgement.


Active Member
Most people would. Most men and women I have talked to would. A friend of mine (a she) was complaining to me how she doesnt find a cool *** buddy. Se tolde she found someone that was big and muscular and said he was turned on by her because he said "you do know some men do like them chubby... Like me" but she didnt take him because he found his face really unatractive. She said it would have worked prerfectly otherwise. I joked to her about telling him she is into kinky stuff and she would like to have sex with masks. We had a laugh :D

Hahaha :p. Also one thing... This is gonna sound bad but... I hate hearing chubby girls complain that there's no good guys out there.


Well-Known Member
You know, this is a shallow perspective on orientation itself too.

I'm so happy none of my kids think this way.

If I even talked about a woman my mom would punish me. I am glad you let your kid's be in the "real world". I am also glad I made it through my childhood alive. peace.

Me Myself

Back to my username
You know what? I'm sick of these threads. I really want to get into the issues and ideas raised in the videos and talk about them with people like yourselves who are informed and give a ****.

I don't want to have to sift through pages upon pages of inane crap about fapping and boobs and whether or not this or that kind of woman is sexually attractive, and I can't be bothered to read thousands of retarded, irrelevant comments about how feminism is all anger and man-hating.

It's boring. Am I right? Pearls before swine.

Should we have a feminism DIR? I'd be happy to respond to respectful questions about feminism, and I'm keen to talk about it with other feminists, but I'm sick to death of endlessly arguing about what it is with people who STILL haven't got a clue.
As ironic as it is, i find a feminist dir would be appropiate helpful and well recieved.

You should go for it :D :p


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Ya I'd be pretty turned off by an unnatractive body... But at least I admit it.

Well then, best of luck trying to find a partner who only cares about looking good for you and little else. Not many people fit that bill. And certainly not many that would maintain such a position of appealing to your physical attractions long term in the hopes of being intimate with you.

But, if that's you, then enjoy life.


Active Member
If my wife pulled down her pants and I saw a penis, I'm out of there xD.

I hate the "but if you love her, you would be ok with it" argument. No.... That's just gross.