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Is God a man?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You don't decide what is the point.
We have 'tools' to do that.
MY point. Duh. I'm focusing on what I have made the point of the thread, which is that God is not a man. I'm the OP. *I* get to decide what the point of the thread is

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Just don’t be one of those who sought to destroy the word of God!!!
I don't typically get along with very well or even like humans who resort to threats of violence and physical punishments. For a god to behave in such ways though, surely such a being isn't fit for worship if our brief lives can so greatly offend such a being that he'd punish us forever.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe you have no evidence to back up your belief. Saying the body is a husk is deceptive. The body has a mind and will of its own.
The body without a Spirit is a non-active, ‘dead’ (subject to decay) body.

An active body does not have a ‘spirit’ of its own - that would be a Zombie.

It is an ACTIVE SPIRIT (in humanity) that has A BODY. It’s like saying that a CAR has a Driver - No! It’s the DRIVER who has a CAR!

Without the Driver the CAR is dormant, inert, inactive. BUT even if there is a DRIVER who is not ACTIVE, the DRIVER is still A LIVING Spirit BUT unable to function until it is put into a CAR… then the two become an ACTIVE (from the Driver’s part) Entity able to move, turn, speed, halt, reverse, etc.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I don't typically get along with very well or even like humans who resort to threats of violence and physical punishments. For a god to behave in such ways though, surely such a being isn't fit for worship if our brief lives can so greatly offend such a being that he'd punish us forever.
I think you have a massive misunderstanding and fear of what the only true God has put in place for the image of himself that he created.

A cog in a set of cogs that is malfunctioning is removed and destroyed… (obviously replaced by another cog that will not fail!!!)

Your idea is that the malfunctioning cog should remain in the set of cogs and damage the whole set of cogs and the device itself.

But the only true God ONLY DESTROYS the malfunctioning part AFTER allowing the part MANY OPPORTUNITIES to appeal to a mechanic to MEND IT (never mind the ‘how would of do that?) The one true God DOES NOT ETERNALLY PUNISH ANYONE!!!

It seems you have allowed yourself to be MIS GUIDED by those who choose to spread faiss teaching such that you are frightened to accept the truth when you see it. This is tantamount to woman who has been abused throughout her life and now CANNOT ACCEPT that a new but GODLY husband will not abuse her - she tenses up, flails, flinches, curls up in fright, and acts in defensive ways as he tries to reassure her…

Yes, I’m showing you that THE TRUE GOD (the husband) IS NOT ABUSING YOU but showing you that HIS treatment of you - SHOULD YOU BELIEVE what he is doing and saying to you - WILL LEAD to you having a glorious life.

Stop thinking about the abuse you suffered in your previous belief (husbands).

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think you have a massive misunderstanding and fear of what the only true God has put in place for the image of himself that he created.
I cannot fear what I no longer believe in. I am equally afraid of the Egyptian god Ammit, who devours those judged unworthy.
A cog in a set of cogs that is malfunctioning is removed and destroyed… (obviously replaced by another cog that will not fail!!!)
It is inevitable every cog and every other piece in this machine will eventually fail. It's unavoidable.
Your idea is that the malfunctioning cog should remain in the set of cogs and damage the whole set of cogs and the device itself.
My idea doesn't compare us to inanimate objects with no awareness of themselves or the world around them.
But the only true God ONLY DESTROYS the malfunctioning part AFTER allowing the part MANY OPPORTUNITIES to appeal to a mechanic to MEND IT (never mind the ‘how would of do that?) The one true God DOES NOT ETERNALLY PUNISH ANYONE!!!
This doesn't make any sense. You say "God only destroys" at the beginning but then you say at the end he "does not eternally punish anyone." So which is it?
Yes, I’m showing you that THE TRUE GOD (the husband) IS NOT ABUSING YOU but showing you that HIS treatment of you - SHOULD YOU BELIEVE what he is doing and saying to you - WILL LEAD to you having a glorious life.

Stop thinking about the abuse you suffered in your previous belief (husbands).
Sounds more like you're trying to prosyletize and preach.
This is tantamount to woman who has been abused throughout her life and now CANNOT ACCEPT that a new but GODLY husband will not abuse her - she tenses up, flails, flinches, curls up in fright, and acts in defensive ways as he tries to reassure her…
There are two problems here.
One someone who has been abused will often be sealed up, hesistant, constantly in a state of hypervigilance and has been programed that people are trouble. Friends and lovers must be patient and accept what happens. You cannot rightly blame the individual as you appear to be doing here.
Two, god fearing people are consistently those who treat me the worst. A Christian husband would be more likely to beat me than an atheist or Satanist. He'd be more likely to demean and belittle me, more likely to expect I change, and far less loving and accepting of me for who I am.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I cannot fear what I no longer believe in. I am equally afraid of the Egyptian god Ammit, who devours those judged unworthy.

It is inevitable every cog and every other piece in this machine will eventually fail. It's unavoidable.

My idea doesn't compare us to inanimate objects with no awareness of themselves or the world around them.

This doesn't make any sense. You say "God only destroys" at the beginning but then you say at the end he "does not eternally punish anyone." So which is it?

Sounds more like you're trying to prosyletize and preach.

There are two problems here.
One someone who has been abused will often be sealed up, hesistant, constantly in a state of hypervigilance and has been programed that people are trouble. Friends and lovers must be patient and accept what happens. You cannot rightly blame the individual as you appear to be doing here.
Two, god fearing people are consistently those who treat me the worst. A Christian husband would be more likely to beat me than an atheist or Satanist. He'd be more likely to demean and belittle me, more likely to expect I change, and far less loving and accepting of me for who I am.
This doesn't make any sense. You say "God only destroys" at the beginning but then you say at the end he "does not eternally punish anyone." So which is it?
DESTRUCTION is the END of the line. Every Spirit that PROVES ITSELF UNWORTHY will be DESTROYED…

What is wrong with that. If you try, try, and try again to mend the cog, and the cog keeps breaking, it is eventually DESTROYED.

Why do you think that is WICKED? Even human law, love it or hate it, CONDEMNS criminal who cannot be reformed… the chair, the noise, the pill, the Guillotine! This, even though God says we must not kill [unjustly, unrighteously, unfairly].

Eternal punishment is what FALSE TEACHERS OF FAITH teach.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
DESTRUCTION is the END of the line. Every Spirit that PROVES ITSELF UNWORTHY will be DESTROYED…

What is wrong with that. If you try, try, and try again to mend the cog, and the cog keeps breaking, it is eventually DESTROYED.

Why do you think that is WICKED? Even human law, love it or hate it, CONDEMNS criminal who cannot be reformed… the chair, the noise, the pill, the Guillotine! This, even though God says we must not kill [unjustly, unrighteously, unfairly].

Eternal punishment is what FALSE TEACHERS OF FAITH teach.
That is illogical. Those destroyed are punished to eternal darkness.
And I view that as cruel, inhumane, wicked and evil that this eternal being could possibly be offended by what we do in so short of life that he'd do that. We're humans. We're not even very good at taking in the world around us, remembering yesterday and all the best any of us can do is do our best to try to make since of and make thr best of Existence and Life. This isn't done with a god of a people so ancient and underdeveloped morally that apostates were killed along with women who didn't bleed on her wedding night. It's done with people coming together as people and lifting eachother up rather than judging and tearing others down. Life is hard enough as it is without some god who's so controlling, micromanaging and unreasonable it's his law to punish those who mix goat meat with the milk of its mother and kill those who work a certain day of the week threatening usbwith damnation amd destruction.


Veteran Member
Life is hard enough as it is without some god who's so controlling, micromanaging and unreasonable it's his law to punish those who mix goat meat with the milk of its mother and kill those who work a certain day of the week threatening usbwith damnation amd destruction.
..but you don't believe it?
..so there IS no problem?

I think what you mean, is that you can't believe 'a god' would be so petty.
Nor can I !


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That is illogical. Those destroyed are punished to eternal darkness.
And I view that as cruel, inhumane, wicked and evil that this eternal being could possibly be offended by what we do in so short of life that he'd do that. We're humans. We're not even very good at taking in the world around us, remembering yesterday and all the best any of us can do is do our best to try to make since of and make thr best of Existence and Life. This isn't done with a god of a people so ancient and underdeveloped morally that apostates were killed along with women who didn't bleed on her wedding night. It's done with people coming together as people and lifting eachother up rather than judging and tearing others down. Life is hard enough as it is without some god who's so controlling, micromanaging and unreasonable it's his law to punish those who mix goat meat with the milk of its mother and kill those who work a certain day of the week threatening usbwith damnation amd destruction.
This has nothing to do with the New Covenant, purchased with Jesus' blood.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
That is illogical. Those destroyed are punished to eternal darkness.
And I view that as cruel, inhumane, wicked and evil that this eternal being could possibly be offended by what we do in so short of life that he'd do that. We're humans. We're not even very good at taking in the world around us, remembering yesterday and all the best any of us can do is do our best to try to make since of and make thr best of Existence and Life. This isn't done with a god of a people so ancient and underdeveloped morally that apostates were killed along with women who didn't bleed on her wedding night. It's done with people coming together as people and lifting eachother up rather than judging and tearing others down. Life is hard enough as it is without some god who's so controlling, micromanaging and unreasonable it's his law to punish those who mix goat meat with the milk of its mother and kill those who work a certain day of the week threatening usbwith damnation amd destruction.
And so, after many attempts to show the truth, the spirit went up from the stubborn, self-believing pupil…

I will, however, show you one more time:
The God of the Jews, the Israelites, the first Christian’s, and the true believers, ONLY PUNISHES THE WICKED… the continually willful breaking cogs…

After the punishment, and if the ‘cog’ gets mended, this God rewards it by putting it back into the great cogged system as a working element, and the cog glorifies that it is being used so.

But if it turns bad again, if it damages again, it puts the whole system at risk… it must be removed as a punishment and attempts made to mend it…. But if the fix is too great, or if there are seventy times seventy times seventy attempts to mend it but it is futile, the cog is deemed unworthy and will be destroyed: ‘I will not eternally contend with [those of wicked] mankind’.

The Bible scriptures says that there will come a day of judgement in which Jesus Christ will judge all who are in the world - both the dead and the living - and THOSE DEEMED WICKED will be destroyed.

It is right that you should FEAR being destroyed and that ‘fear’ is what is ONE OF the driving forces for being and doing good: The secondary driving force. THE PRIMARY DRIVING FORCE is that YOU LOVE GOD, your maker, and that you BELIEVE AND DO HIS COMMANDS. This makes for a perfect working system in which all cogs ‘click’ in time as they are commanded.

A healthy fear of doing wrong should be pervasive. What kind of world would you seek to live in if no one had a fear of doing wrong…?? Your world???

Punishment… GOD has taken himself AWAY from the world today. The Old Testament showed God in a hands on situation in which the Jews were doing really bad things….

By the way, GOD HIMSELF DOES NOT PUNISH HIS PEOPLE… HE ALLOWS THEM TO BE SUBJECT TO BAD THINGS AS A PUNISHMENT INSTEAD OF PROTECTING THEM… a big difference that has the same result. Think about it, if you have an errant child who keeps doing wrong; stealing, fighting with knives of guns, criminal damaging property… would you not ALLOW them to be PUNISHED BY THE LAW in the hope it will make them fearful of doing those things again???

So, do you now understand. God desires you to love him; and if you love him you will do as he commands. But if you refuse, and continually refuse, to do His Will (and not your own - your cog clicking out of time with the system!!) then expect bad things to happen and eventual destruction to be your end.


Did you ever see those paintings of depictions of people being eternally punished by Satan in awful wicked ways… Guess where those visions came from…? CERTAINLY NOT FROM THE THOSE OF JEWISH/CHRISTIAN BELIEF.

They came from PAGAN beliefs, the Greeks believed in Tartarus, HELL, The Romans believed similarly (they stole many belief from the Greeks!!) which was an eternal punishment belief. THIS IS NOT CHRISTIAN… although it was preached by many FALSE churches TO FRIGHTEN the congregation into believing the LIES they preached and keep the congregation from understanding the truth - WICKED CHURCHES - not the true churches.

If you live your life believing this WICKED churches then it us not surprising that you believe what you do now….

BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOD and your life will change for the better.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOD and your life will change for the better.
It got better after I stopped believing in him.
But if it turns bad again, if it damages again, it puts the whole system at risk… it must be removed as a punishment and attempts made to mend it…. But if the fix is too great, or if there are seventy times seventy times seventy attempts to mend it but it is futile, the cog is deemed unworthy and will be destroyed: ‘I will not eternally contend with [those of wicked] mankind’.
That makes you god seem incredibly weak if we mere humans can put his whole system at risk.
Did you ever see those paintings of depictions of people being eternally punished by Satan in awful wicked ways… Guess where those visions came from…? CERTAINLY NOT FROM THE THOSE OF JEWISH/CHRISTIAN BELIEF.
They're there because the Bible is very inconsistent about it.
So, do you now understand. God desires you to love him; and if you love him you will do as he commands. But if you refuse, and continually refuse, to do His Will (and not your own - your cog clicking out of time with the system!!) then expect bad things to happen and eventual destruction to be your end.
Those threats do not scare me. Nor can I love something that makes them.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
It got better after I stopped believing in him.

That makes you god seem incredibly weak if we mere humans can put his whole system at risk.

They're there because the Bible is very inconsistent about it.

Those threats do not scare me. Nor can I love something that makes them.
The information is not meant to be a threat but rather, a way of resolving the conflict you find yourself dealing with.

You are focussing on false teachings and inflicting pain in your self from demanding that these false teaching are true… but you cannot see that the true teaching gains you eternal life at the end of time.

Put away those false teachings and embrace the truth. You say life got better for you when you stopped believing … that certainly cannot bd true except if you meant you stopped believing the false teachings… But you replaced the false teachings with full on skepticism - which is equally as bad as false teachings.

Hear the truth today…

Are you willing to hear the truth?


Well-Known Member
MY point. Duh. I'm focusing on what I have made the point of the thread, which is that God is not a man. I'm the OP. *I* get to decide what the point of the thread is
This idea that God is not a man, I wonder if that was a reaction to the beliefs of other religions that worshiped human leaders as being divine? If so that's not saying that a divine Son of God cannot take on the form of one of his own created beings for a time?


Veteran Member
..that's not saying that a divine Son of God cannot take on the form of one of his own created beings for a time?
No .. G-d can masquerade as a human being, but what would that mean in practice?
For example, could that "Son" be capable of omniscience?
i.e. knowledge of every atom's existence at any given point in time

I can't think of how that could be .. and why that "Son" would need to worship a "Father".


Well-Known Member
No .. G-d can masquerade as a human being, but what would that mean in practice?
For example, could that "Son" be capable of omniscience?
i.e. knowledge of every atom's existence at any given point in time

I can't think of how that could be .. and why that "Son" would need to worship a "Father".
Worship is voluntary and sincere.

Omniscience does not imply the knowing of the unknowable, but God is never subject to surprise.


Veteran Member
Omniscience does not imply the knowing of the unknowable..
..but what is unknowable?
That which is responsible for all we see, knows everything about it.
..and that includes what we call the past and the future, in every detail.


Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
That’s correct and I think it’s important to realize that the scriptures reveal God as an eternal Personal Spiritual Being. Does that mean that God cannot enter into human flesh if it serves His purpose and plan for the redemption of His human creation?


Well-Known Member
..but what is unknowable?
That which is responsible for all we see, knows everything about it.
..and that includes what we call the past and the future, in every detail.
Every detail of the free will acts of his children.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
This idea that God is not a man, I wonder if that was a reaction to the beliefs of other religions that worshiped human leaders as being divine? If so that's not saying that a divine Son of God cannot take on the form of one of his own created beings for a time?
Just asking… What does DIVINE mean to you.

I’ve asked others like Brian2 who uses the term in a toss-a-way manner but can’t actually say what it means.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That’s correct and I think it’s important to realize that the scriptures reveal God as an eternal Personal Spiritual Being. Does that mean that God cannot enter into human flesh if it serves His purpose and plan for the redemption of His human creation?
Yes, it absolutely means that, because if God ever incarnated as a man, it would making the four verses I quoted into lies.