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Is God a man?


You sidestepped my questions. I don't really care who wrote it. WHAT DO YOU DO when the NT contradicts your OT? Which one is inspired in such a case?
I realize we have different perspectives and read the scriptures from those perspectives, but I sincerely don’t see any contradictions between the OT and NT. I see one theme throughout.
I remember before I trusted Jesus or knew who Him as my Savior, I read the Bible… or tried and most of the time it seemed disjointed, confusing and I felt detached.

Then immediately after being saved by Jesus it was like my mind was opened to understanding the coherent unity, purpose and message throughout its pages from Genesis to Revelation. I don’t expect you to understand, but it was an amazing, transforming time for me.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I realize we have different perspectives and read the scriptures from those perspectives, but I sincerely don’t see any contradictions between the OT and NT. I see one theme throughout.
There are many contradictions. I have documented the most obvious one of all. The Tanakh teaches that God is not a man. This is the nature of God. The NT claims that God is indeed a man, Jesus. Both cannot be right. Which is the true nature of God? That he is not a man? or that he is Jesus? Because they cannot both be correct. Which is the inspired text? The OT or the NT?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The information is not meant to be a threat but rather, a way of resolving the conflict you find yourself dealing with.
It is a threat if someone says do this or I will do violence to you.
And try again. Evicting the Christian god from my heart and having nothing more to do with him or his son actually made my life better.
You are focussing on false teachings and inflicting pain in your self from demanding that these false teaching are true… but you cannot see that the true teaching gains you eternal life at the end of time.
You are doing nothing more than not understanding what I'm saying. Those being destroyed are punished eternally. That isn't going on what you insist is false teachings. It's your own words, just with it added what is going on.
One reason I am against the death penalty is because it is permanent. Mistakes cannot be unmade as they remain forever dead. It's a punishment that cannot be done and lasts forever as it is entirely irreversible.
Are you willing to hear the truth?
You don't have the truth. You're a human. Like everybody else you have your best guess as to what's going on.


There are many contradictions. I have documented the most obvious one of all. The Tanakh teaches that God is not a man. This is the nature of God. The NT claims that God is indeed a man, Jesus. Both cannot be right. Which is the true nature of God? That he is not a man? or that he is Jesus? Because they cannot both be correct. Which is the inspired text? The OT or the NT?
I believe both are inspired texts and as I said see no contradictions. The true Nature of God is eternal Spirit with attributes of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. I don’t see any reason that God could not indwell human form if He so chose. That is what I believe the scriptures indicate in the Person of Jesus; fully God/fully human, for our redemption.

  1. the LORD (Yahweh) came down" Genesis 11:5
  2. "the LORD (Yahweh) came down". Exodus 19:20
  3. "the LORD (Yahweh) came down". Numbers 11:25
  4. "the LORD (Yahweh) came down". Numbers 12:5

In previous instances the LORD came down, why couldn’t He come in human form if He chose to?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I read the Bible… or tried and most of the time it seemed disjointed, confusing and I felt detached.
Try reading Heidegger's Being in Time, Hegel's Phenomenonology of Spirit, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason or Spinoza's Ethics.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yes, I mean take on human form. If God determined to become human for the redemption of humanity, then I see no reason that He cannot do so. God choosing to dwell in human form does not CHANGE who He is, nor diminish His essential eternal God Character or Attributes. Jesus possessed all the Attributes and Character qualities of God to humanity while He lived on the earth.

I believe the scriptures indicate that Jesus is Almighty YHWH. Jesus in speaking to John in the book of Revelation. Jesus washes us from sin with His own blood. Jesus is going to come with the clouds. Jesus was the One Who was pierced…

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, theBeginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:7-8
So when God becomes a man he isn’t really a man, then.

So all the things that happened to Jesus as a man did not really affect him because he was immortal undying God all along - hd didn’t really suffer, he wasn’t really hurt by the scourging, being spat on, humiliated, in pain and anxiety at the thought that he was about to die…?

And when he did die, he wasn’t really dead… didn’t really take away the sins of Adam, didn’t really sacrifice himself for the salvation of mankind?

Interesting belief you have!!


Veteran Member
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
God I see an idea. Not a man. And that idea varies around and within a common theme. That common theme being the mystery source, sustenance, and purpose of all that is. Including mankind.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
It is a threat if someone says do this or I will do violence to you.
God is not doing violence against anyone. A punishment is not a violence that God permits. I told you that EVERYONE who does wrong is ultimately punished in one way of another (Some greater and some lesser but all are so. Even a child who spills the milk for the umpteen time (deliberately) has some punished inflicted on them… are you saying they don’t???) PUNISHMENT does not have to be CRUEL but it must have such an effect that it makes the perpetrator less likely if not permanently, unwilling to commit the offence again.
And try again. Evicting the Christian god from my heart and having nothing more to do with him or his son actually made my life better.
Satan loves you for such behaviour and thought process… The free who believe in the almighty God, the better for him to control humanity.
You are doing nothing more than not understanding what I'm saying. Those being destroyed are punished eternally. That isn't going on what you insist is false teachings. It's your own words, just with it added what is going on.
I fully understand what you are saying … that’s the problem…. I can see your pain and that you’ve been hurt by what you BELIEVED was a Christian teaching. What I’m saying to you is that the church you’ve been taught from was NOT A TRUE CHURCH and that has caused you to be a disbeliever… I’m asking you now, showing you now, what the TRUE church says which is that THE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HIS ‘CHILD’ which is to say, ‘Do as He commands you because His commands are righteous!’
One reason I am against the death penalty is because it is permanent. Mistakes cannot be unmade as they remain forever dead. It's a punishment that cannot be done and lasts forever as it is entirely irreversible.
The death penalty is a MANMADE LAW… The true God says ‘Do not kill’ unjustly.

And yes, you are absolutely right. Capital punishment that is administered UNJUSTLY will itself be punished so there is a thing called “ULTIMATE JUSTICE” in which Jesus (by means of the power of God) administers the fully correct judgement on those who do wrong.

But capital punishment WAS NEVER ADVOCATED by God. So cross that off your list of negativities against righteous judgement.

You don't have the truth. You're a human. Like everybody else you have your best guess as to what's going on.
‘What is truth’?

When you hear if you should know it - but even hearing it and refusing to believe it, means that YOU are in detrimental error. This is not a threat - it’s a WARNING which means you can change your mind and accept the truth before the end comes.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Try reading Heidegger's Being in Time, Hegel's Phenomenonology of Spirit, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason or Spinoza's Ethics.
Why did you take inChrist's post and edit it to make it seem as though he said something different? Here is the complete sentence he wrote: I remember before I trusted Jesus or knew who Him as my Savior, I read the Bible… or tried and most of the time it seemed disjointed, confusing and I felt detached (with my emphasis). Clearly he is describing his "before" state.


So when God becomes a man he isn’t really a man, then.

So all the things that happened to Jesus as a man did not really affect him because he was immortal undying God all along - hd didn’t really suffer, he wasn’t really hurt by the scourging, being spat on, humiliated, in pain and anxiety at the thought that he was about to die…?

And when he did die, he wasn’t really dead… didn’t really take away the sins of Adam, didn’t really sacrifice himself for the salvation of mankind?

Interesting belief you have!!
That’s not what I’m saying or believe, nor believe the scriptures teach. Jesus was/is fully God/fully human. The only such Being in existence, the Only Mediator between God and man. So in His humanity He knew the full human experience, suffering, and death. Yet, because He was God, He Alone had the capability to bear the sins of the world and rise again in victory over death and sin.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why did you take inChrist's post and edit it to make it seem as though he said something different? Here is the complete sentence he wrote:
I did no such thing. Accuse me of editing it? Shame on you.
All I did was offer a selection of books that are considered legit difficult books to read. Then it will become clear the Bible just isn't that hard to understand.


Veteran Member
Jesus was/is fully God/fully human. The only such Being in existence..
..or the only such suggested being in existence.

There are so many problems with this.
For example, if G-d is Eternal, He never dies .. so Jesus could not have "died" on the cross.
Of course, whatever I say, you will have an answer .. because your faith does not rely on logic.
It relies on a "recipe", that I'm told does not have to make sense. :)

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
The eternal God is not man/a created being. I don’t think that prohibits Him, as an All powerful God, from inhabiting human form if He chooses to for His purpose or will. There are examples in the OT of God appearing in human form to Abraham, Jacob, and others.
I like this answer. I view the Jewish (and also used by some others) argument being presented in this thread as placing limits on God. A deity can do whatever they please, including be born into a human body, especially an infinite and all-powerful God.


Veteran Member
A deity can do whatever they please, including be born into a human body..
..but that doesn't really make sense..
If you say that a person is G-d, what parts or attributes are you referring to?

Does that mean that Jesus was an infinite being, and was aware of every leaf that has fallen, and will fall? o_O


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The eternal God is not man/a created being. I don’t think that prohibits Him, as an All powerful God, from inhabiting human form if He chooses to for
You just contradicted yourself. If you can't manage the simple logic of "someone cannot simultaneously be x and not x" then I'm going to move on to other conversations where people make more sense.


You just contradicted yourself. If you can't manage the simple logic of "someone cannot simultaneously be x and not x" then I'm going to move on to other conversations where people make more sense.
I’m not saying…someone can simultaneously be x and x. I am saying that
God can do what He wills to do whether I, as a finite creature, fully understand it. I don’t necessarily expect to fully be able comprehend an Infinite Being.
Maybe it’s better that we agree to disagree. I’ve appreciated the conversation with you, though.


..or the only such suggested being in existence.

There are so many problems with this.
For example, if G-d is Eternal, He never dies .. so Jesus could not have "died" on the cross.
Of course, whatever I say, you will have an answer .. because your faith does not rely on logic.
It relies on a "recipe", that I'm told does not have to make sense. :)
Unless, it makes sense from God’s infinite perspective… :)

If, as I believe the scriptures reveal, Jesus was fully human, then He could humanly die, which He did on the cross. Yet, as fully God, then He could rise again in victory over death and sin. Thereby, being the only Mediator between God and man offering eternal life.