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Is God a man?


Veteran Member
I don’t know what you mean when talking about …

G-d is responsible for an apparently inexhaustible supply of souls, to say a person can be G-d
implies that this person consists of an infinite number of souls.”
That is because rather than thinking about the questions I asked, you merely made assertions of your own.
It seems we have to take it step by step.


That is because rather than thinking about the questions I asked, you merely made assertions of your own.
It seems we have to take it step by step.
I don’t know what the soul is made of, other than it is the immaterial part of our humanity that makes us feel emotions, whereas our spirit is our deeper connection with God. I believe our soul and spirit come from God. I’m sure we’ll understand more details one we are in the eternal state.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Certainly I realize that you believe the account of Moses in the wilderness is a myth.
That is not the case. You are misrpresenting me once more.
I just wonder why someone cites from a book that they think is based on myths. What parts might you say are not mythical?
Again, when you can acknowledge that I do believe th Torah, just in a different way from you, then we can resume our talks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That is not the case. You are misrpresenting me once more.

Again, when you can acknowledge that I do believe th Torah, just in a different way from you, then we can resume our talks.
I'm sorry, from what I recall in your comments, seems you do not believe that a man called Moses existed as said. But I could be wrong about that, perhaps you really do believe he led the Israelites through the Red Sea and stayed in the wilderness for 40 years. And went to the mountain and got the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That is not the case. You are misrpresenting me once more.

Again, when you can acknowledge that I do believe th Torah, just in a different way from you, then we can resume our talks.
It might be helpful for you to delineate the "different way" from what I believe. But if you prefer not to, I understand.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I'm sorry, from what I recall in your comments, seems you do not believe that a man called Moses existed as said. But I could be wrong about that, perhaps you really do believe he led the Israelites through the Red Sea and stayed in the wilderness for 40 years. And went to the mountain and got the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets.
I'm not talking to you about this further. When you can admit that there are other forms of belief besides your literalism, then we can talk.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It might be helpful for you to delineate the "different way" from what I believe. But if you prefer not to, I understand.
I have gone into detail on any number of occasions. I'm not going to repeat myself further. Go back and read the posts I have previously sent you, and this time, try to make the effort to understand what I'm saying, instead of being so dog gone defensive that you can't hear me.


Exactly .. so if billions of people's souls "come from G-d", then how can G-d be a person,
which is finite.
Why not? God is God and can do as He chooses, can’t He? If God decides to orchestrate, create and indwell a certain individual for His plan to Save humanity, His creation, why can’t He? I see the scriptures teaching that Jesus was born specifically to be the Savior, born of a human mother, but brought into being by the power of God. So the One unique Being-fully human/fully God and capable of being the Mediator to bring reconciliation between God and humans.

“Gabriel’s reply indicates the miraculous nature of the conception: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). The angel points not to any human act but to the Holy Spirit and the power of God as the agency of Jesus’ birth. Jesus would properly be called the Son of God.”

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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
THE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HIS ‘CHILD’ which is to say, ‘Do as He commands you because His commands are righteous!’
That's not good enough for me. Follow his commandments because he's righteous? He can kiss my ***.
But capital punishment WAS NEVER ADVOCATED by God.
That is blatantly false, especially in the Old Testament where many, many things are punishable by death.
When you hear if you should know it - but even hearing it and refusing to believe it, means that YOU are in detrimental error. This is not a threat - it’s a WARNING which means you can change your mind and accept the truth before the end comes.
You have nothing more than ramblings and a book to say I'm in error. Try harder.
Satan loves you for such behaviour and thought process… The free who believe in the almighty God, the better for him to control humanity.
Satan set me free. He brought relief and potential and life and wiped away my tears. I could never return to your god.
What I’m saying to you is that the church you’ve been taught from was NOT A TRUE CHURCH
They would say the same exact thing about you.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Open your bible to Exodus, and read. Keep reading the rest of the Torah. Then come back and we'll talk.
Yes, you are right … but that’s not what the conversation with the other poster was about that led to this.

I was talking about Capital punishment meted out by MAN at MAN’s own judgement.

The reason God did not sanction this is because Man cannot judge in surety of the crime that the perpetrator is accused of carrying out. I point to the woman caught in adultery… she was actually set up to be caught to test Jesus’ righteousness.

The poster was claiming that God gave this into the hands of mankind (to judge for themselves) when to carry out capital punishment - But the Bible adamantly states that : ‘You must not kill’.

To offset the obvious question of what to do with those who are wickedly bad, God says there is ULTIMATE JUSTICE… in which GOD will judge THE HEART of the perpetrator and condemn them on that basis… righteous basis…. Man is deficient in judging in full righteousness and therefore could condemn an unrighteous man.

And you can see from that, that a person killed unrighteoysly cannot be made alive again BY MAN. But God can resurrect such a man if God deemed he was WORTHY to be resurrected… OR FORGIVEN for his sin::: David (King David) committed a good man to death so he could marry the man’s wife… God did not inflict capital punishment in him but forgave him for his other great works (effectively, resurrected David’s life after David sufferers severely in near death with his first child dying.)

If you read what the poster is saying … that NO ONE should EVER be punished for ANYTHING and I tried to point out that PUNISHMENT is not a bad thing IF IT IS ADMINISTERED RIGHTEOUSLY… but I was not speaking of CAPITAL PUNISHMENT to be meted out by MANKIND (human judges).

As a defence, you can see how in modern times such a law has almost been abolished by right-thinking God-fearing countries.

I admit that it’s a huge problem with what to do with un-reformable and unrepentant criminals - most likely having an undiagnosed mental disorder originally called ‘having a demon’ which Jesus says, ‘Can only be removed by prayer’.


Veteran Member
Why not? God is God and can do as He chooses, can’t He?
..so does Jesus consist of an indeterminable amount of souls, or one soul?

You have agreed with me that our souls "come from G-d" .. as I see it, Jesus' soul is no different
in that respect .. he only has one.

If God decides to orchestrate, create and indwell a certain individual for His plan to Save humanity, His creation, why can’t He?
Of course He can .. but that has nothing to do with a person being G-d.

I see the scriptures teaching that Jesus was born specifically to be the Savior, born of a human mother, but brought into being by the power of God.
So do I..

So the One unique Being-fully human/fully God and capable of being the Mediator to bring reconciliation between God and humans..
No .. the belief of fully human/fully God was established by a human council, centuries after Jesus ascended to heaven. They had a vote. :)

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).
Yes 'Son of God' is not to be taken literally, as in G-d gave birth..
In the OT, It is a term denoting a special relationship with G-d, as in saint or prophet etc.
It is only because of Hellenist roots and politics, that the term became taken more literally in
official Christianity.

..under Constantine's rule Christianity expanded throughout the Empire, launching the era of Christian Church's dominance under the Constantinian dynasty.
However, if Constantine himself sincerely converted to Christian religion or remained loyal to Paganism is still a matter of debate between scholars (see also Constantine's Religious policy). His formal conversion to Christianity in 312 is almost universally acknowledged among historians, despite that he was baptized only on his deathbed by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia (337);
but in 391, under Theodosius I, Nicene Christianity became the official State church of the Roman Empire to the exclusion of all other Christian churches and Hellenistic religions, including Roman religion itself. Pleas for religious tolerance from traditionalists such as the senator Symmachus (d. 402) were rejected, and
Christian monotheism became a feature of Imperial domination. Heretics as well as non-Christians were subject to exclusion from public life or persecution
>>> Culture_of_ancient_Rome - Wikipedia <<<

..so we can see that Christianity, as we know it today, was influenced by Roman politics, and
one needs further study, to understand how it evolved over centuries after Jesus' ascension.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
..so does Jesus consist of an indeterminable amount of souls, or one soul?

You have agreed with me that our souls "come from G-d" .. as I see it, Jesus' soul is no different
in that respect .. he only has one.

Of course He can .. but that has nothing to do with a person being G-d.

So do I..

No .. the belief of fully human/fully God was established by a human council, centuries after Jesus ascended to heaven. They had a vote. :)

Yes 'Son of God' is not to be taken literally, as in G-d gave birth..
In the OT, It is a term denoting a special relationship with G-d, as in saint or prophet etc.
It is only because of Hellenist roots and politics, that the term became taken more literally in
official Christianity.

..under Constantine's rule Christianity expanded throughout the Empire, launching the era of Christian Church's dominance under the Constantinian dynasty.
However, if Constantine himself sincerely converted to Christian religion or remained loyal to Paganism is still a matter of debate between scholars (see also Constantine's Religious policy). His formal conversion to Christianity in 312 is almost universally acknowledged among historians, despite that he was baptized only on his deathbed by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia (337);
but in 391, under Theodosius I, Nicene Christianity became the official State church of the Roman Empire to the exclusion of all other Christian churches and Hellenistic religions, including Roman religion itself. Pleas for religious tolerance from traditionalists such as the senator Symmachus (d. 402) were rejected, and
Christian monotheism became a feature of Imperial domination. Heretics as well as non-Christians were subject to exclusion from public life or persecution
>>> Culture_of_ancient_Rome - Wikipedia <<<

..so we can see that Christianity, as we know it today, was influenced by Roman politics, and
one needs further study, to understand how it evolved over centuries after Jesus' ascension.

I see the scriptures teaching that Jesus was born specifically to be the Savior, born of a human mother, but brought into being by the power of God.
You: So do​

Absolutely correct.

Yes, ‘The Spirit of God will overshadow you, and the child to be born shall be called Holy - the Son of God.’

The FIRST holy one was Adam…
But he (the first) sinned, and so another was brought up to replace him:
  • Seth replaced Cain
  • Isaac replaced Ishmael
  • Jacob replaced Esau (First Son born in son)
  • Judah replaced Rueben (First Son sinned)
  • David replaced Saul (First King sinned)
  • Solomon replaced Ammon / Absolom / Adonijah (All three brothers sinned)
  • Jesus replaced Adam (First man born sinless by the Spirit of God, sinned)
“He sets aside the first to establish the second.” (Hebrews 10:9)
Jesus Christ is our Lord… not our God.
Yahweh is our God… not our Lord.

“Grace and peace to you from YHWH God, our Father, and from Jesus Christ , our Lord.” (Romans 1:7)
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