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Is God a man?


Well-Known Member
Just asking… What does DIVINE mean to you.

I’ve asked others like Brian2 who uses the term in a toss-a-way manner but can’t actually say what it means.
You asked me this before and quibbled with the answers, so you can go find that exchange.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
This idea that God is not a man, I wonder if that was a reaction to the beliefs of other religions that worshiped human leaders as being divine? If so that's not saying that a divine Son of God cannot take on the form of one of his own created beings for a time?
Yes, it is saying exactly that. Those who make Jesus into a god are absolutely no different than those that made Caesar into a god.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
That’s correct and I think it’s important to realize that the scriptures reveal God as an eternal Personal Spiritual Being. Does that mean that God cannot enter into human flesh if it serves His purpose and plan for the redemption of His human creation?
You mean: Become a man??

God is not a man nor a Son of Man ….!!!

I thought a definition of ‘God’ is that He never changes… is IMMUTABLE!!!

Yet Jesus changes many times…!!!!
Oh, yes… The Father NEVER changes nor comes into the created world, unlike ‘Jesus’ and ‘The holy Spirit’.

Who then is ALMIGHTY ‘YHWH’ - ‘I am he who always was, is, and always will be’!???


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is saying exactly that. Those who make Jesus into a god are absolutely no different than those that made Caesar into a god.
Thats your opinion with a mind seared by the idolatrous belief that God wrote the scripture books. Ceaser wasn't the Son of God who incarnate. Thats a very big difference, nevertheless Jesus never deserved what the Jewish religious authorities did to him!


Yes, it absolutely means that, because if God ever incarnated as a man, it would making the four verses I quoted into lies.
Why? I don’t think it would make the previous four verses lies at all. It’s not as if Who God is, His essential God-Attributes or Character changes or disappears.

I think the statements that God is not a man are contrasting one aspect of God’s Nature with a corresponding part human nature. I don’t believe saying, “God is not a man,” is in reference to whether or not God can ever exist human form if He so chooses. I don’t think the OT references to God not being a man apply to Jesus’ particular type of humanity. Rather, they are saying that God is not a man as we think of men. Human nature is finite, God is infinite. I see those verses as a contrast, not a restriction.


You mean: Become a man??

God is not a man nor a Son of Man ….!!!

I thought a definition of ‘God’ is that He never changes… is IMMUTABLE!!!

Yet Jesus changes many times…!!!!
Oh, yes… The Father NEVER changes nor comes into the created world, unlike ‘Jesus’ and ‘The holy Spirit’.

Who then is ALMIGHTY ‘YHWH’ - ‘I am he who always was, is, and always will be’!???
Yes, I mean take on human form. If God determined to become human for the redemption of humanity, then I see no reason that He cannot do so. God choosing to dwell in human form does not CHANGE who He is, nor diminish His essential eternal God Character or Attributes. Jesus possessed all the Attributes and Character qualities of God to humanity while He lived on the earth.

I believe the scriptures indicate that Jesus is Almighty YHWH. Jesus in speaking to John in the book of Revelation. Jesus washes us from sin with His own blood. Jesus is going to come with the clouds. Jesus was the One Who was pierced…

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, theBeginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:7-8


Veteran Member
I don’t think the OT references to God not being a man apply to Jesus’ particular type of humanity. Rather, they are saying that God is not a man as we think of men. Human nature is finite, God is infinite. I see those verses as a contrast, not a restriction.
From what I've observed, many Christians do not take the OT as authoritative,
saying that the NT is a new covenant etc.


Veteran Member
Yes, I mean take on human form. If God determined to become human for the redemption of humanity, then I see no reason that He cannot do so. God choosing to dwell in human form does not CHANGE who He is..
That makes no sense .. because G-d CREATED mankind .. therefore G-d created "Himself", as a man.
Illogical, for me.

Jesus possessed all the Attributes and Character qualities of God to humanity while He lived on the earth..
That is another issue. John the Baptist (another son of G-d) was ALSO of unblemished character .. but he got killed by Herod, and his head put on a plate at his wife's bequest. :expressionless:

It is entirely possible, to love G-d and Jesus (and other prophets), believing that G-d is not a man.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Why? I don’t think it would make the previous four verses lies at all.
The four referenced verses all make a statement about teh NATURE of God--that he is not a man. If you make any man into God, then you are outright contradicting these verses. You know, this is not rocket science. If the text says, "Bananas are not a fungus" and you say "Bananas became a fungus," you would be contradicting the text.


From what I've observed, many Christians do not take the OT as authoritative,
saying that the NT is a new covenant etc.
I take the OT as God’s revealed Word and authoritative. Yet, I think, as most Christians likely do, the NT provides more information and sheds further insight and understanding upon the OT.



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I take the OT as God’s revealed Word and authoritative. Yet, I think, as most Christians likely do, the NT provides more information and sheds further insight and understanding upon the OT.

And what do you do when the OT contradicts teh NT? Does the OT then suddenly get un-inspired?

And what happens when more recent texts such as the Book of Mormon contradict the NT? Does the NT then suddenly get uninspired?


And what do you do when the OT contradicts teh NT? Does the OT then suddenly get un-inspired?

And what happens when more recent texts such as the Book of Mormon contradict the NT? Does the NT then suddenly get uninspired?
The OT is always inspired, but not necessarily applicable. You don’t practice animal sacrifice do you or probably a lot of the details of the Law?

The Book of Mormon is clearly false teaching, another gospel, as Paul states. I say this as a former Mormon. Besides, I believe the biblical cannon concerning all that is necessary for anyone to know about salvation and eternal life has been completed, especially since the revelation and finished work of Jesus Christ.

…Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude 1:3


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The OT is always inspired, but not necessarily applicable.
That doesn't fly. If the OT outright contradicts the NT, one can be God's word, or the other can be God's word, but they cannot both be God's word, since they say opposing thing.
The Book of Mormon is clearly false teaching, another gospel, as Paul states.
The LDS adding a new text to Christian canon is NO DIFFERENT than when Christians added the NT to Jewish canon. If you don't like it, perhaps you should not do it either.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
Yes, but do you believe the Tanakh?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That doesn't fly. If the OT outright contradicts the NT, one can be God's word, or the other can be God's word, but they cannot both be God's word, since they say opposing thing.

The LDS adding a new text to Christian canon is NO DIFFERENT than when Christians added the NT to Jewish canon. If you don't like it, perhaps you should not do it either.
In this world, you will not have all questions answered. Take it as you will...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
How many times must I answer the same question? Why should I keep repeating myself when you clearly don't read what I say?
ok. I guess what I don't understand is that you quote from the scriptures but don't believe them as written for the most part. Oh well. Thanks for sharing.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That doesn't fly. If the OT outright contradicts the NT, one can be God's word, or the other can be God's word, but they cannot both be God's word, since they say opposing thing.

The LDS adding a new text to Christian canon is NO DIFFERENT than when Christians added the NT to Jewish canon. If you don't like it, perhaps you should not do it either.
How about when some decide the written account about Moses, Adam, Abraham, Sarah, etc. is mythical. Don't mean to bother you but I'd like to know if you feel there is a difference between Moses saying something in the scriptures or Mohammad or Joseph Smith?


That doesn't fly. If the OT outright contradicts the NT, one can be God's word, or the other can be God's word, but they cannot both be God's word, since they say opposing thing.

The LDS adding a new text to Christian canon is NO DIFFERENT than when Christians added the NT to Jewish canon. If you don't like it, perhaps you should not do it either.
Most of the NT was written by Jews, inspired by God; my perspective.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
ok. I guess what I don't understand is that you quote from the scriptures but don't believe them as written for the most part. Oh well. Thanks for sharing.
You see, that is just not true--you are misrepresenting me. But although I keep explaining this to you, you just don't listen.

By your standards, you don't believe in the Good Samaritan, so I guess that means you think Jesus was a liar. No, I don't actually believe that about you. I'm simply subjecting you to your own nonsensical reasoning. If its good for me, then it's good for you as well.
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