This is just avoiding my objection.
I thought I was addressing your objection by demonstrating analogically that sometimes what you see as a detriment to your wellbeing with 20/20 hindsight I might add, is actually a blessing....but only if you trust the creator. For instance, some medicines are poisons until they
are properly processed. After which they become life saving. You should trust your doctor when they tell you when it is same to take the medicine and when it is not safe.
How is that possible? There is no good evidence to believe one over another. It is not my fault that the evidence is lacking.
Oh but there is good evidence. As I've said before Christian scripture promotes rational assistance to your faith. The collected cannon of scripture has been spread over thousands of years. It makes predictions and predictions have been fulfilled. Its historicity has been historically validated time and again. Its witnesses have died for what they've claimed. Over those thousands of years represented in that scripture by multitudes of authors it has demonstrated remarkable cohesion, confirmation, and persistence. Scripture itself states that many false prophets will arise claiming many falsities. How do you know a prophet is Gods? By rationalizing that prophet against all those criteria. Cohesion in their message, confirmation, and its persistence in reality. That's not to say that many wont be fooled but Christ also said that he would rather that one be hot or cold than lukewarm. That is sincerity in your search rather than swaying with the breeze of popular opinion.
So I need man made books to understand the perfect word of god?
I cannot speak to whether or not you "need" man made books to understand. Because of our natures as finite, imperfect creatures any relaying of Gods perfection by us will necessarily be imperfect. However Gods perfection is such that it can use imperfection to relay whatever revelations it wishes in such a way as to fulfill its will.
There are many conduits for God to impart information to humans if the human seeks sincerely. Scripture is not the end all and be all of God but an objective testimony of Gods will given by imperfect creatures. Gods will is also imparted through historical events surrounding that will, and the testimony of human nature. In theory God also imparts personal revelation and objective signs in nature and human achievement.
It is not my fault that the evidence is lacking.
I agree, it is not your fault. Did someone claim is was? What would be your fault is insincerity in your search, pride or hubris which prevents you from acknowledging what you sincerely believe to be true for the sake of winning an argument, or deliberate deception whether it be overtly towards another or introvertly towards yourself.
So I need man made books to understand the perfect word of god?
I believe Christianity teaches that the word of God is innate within all of us. We need only to pay attention with sincerity to "hear" it. Scripture is merely a tool of assistance in your sincere search for Gods truth. We should not - and many do it seems- mistake scripture for God itself, believing that every dot and jot is a perfection of Gods realized will. That idea unfortunately has dissuaded many a person from becoming a Christian unfortunately. It is a collective account of the unfolding of history and its intent. It is a testament not only to what was and what will be but also to what is in the present person who reads it. If you search for imperfection in its syntax you will find it but miss the perfection of its underlying message. If you search for evil in the bible you will find it. If you search for good you will find it. If you attempt to prove good evil and evil good in the bible you will prove it to someone. The bible is a test and testament to who you are and who you wish to be.