Methodologically, leave your current theology aside. That means leave your particular religion aside. Dont be a Muslim, Christian, no Bible, no Quran, no prophets, no manifestations. How do you find God? I dont know if this is gonna help because we carry our bags on our backs and its very difficult to let go, muslim, bahai, christian or atheist.
God is found in natural theology. Muslim and Christian scholars and philosophers since time immemorial have engaged in it. Maybe even before Jesus on record. This is a metaphysical, logical method. You just observe nature, with a logical mind and infer things based on it.
E.g. Wajidul Wujud which is just an arabic word for "Necessary being". Its a philosophical argument for the existence of a necessary being which by definition means "something that cannot be any other manner as it is". In opposition to a contingent being which means it can exist in other ways. Every contingent being logically has to be contingent upon something necessary. That means your laptop was manufactured by someone, the raw materials come from somewhere, where it is taken from maybe soil or trees, both of them come from something because they just cannot come into existence by their own volition, so this is called "regression". Logically this cannot go on forever, which is "Infinite regression". Thus it has to stop at some point in history upon a necessary being. Thats a logical expression of how a necessary being exists.
Now this necessary being does not have any of your theological beliefs. It is only an establishment as a principle.
This is natural theology.
I just tried to put it in a few words since you are interested.